Flyingdebris' rant on the stupidity of Otherkin Furries and Otakukin

Jul 23, 2003
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Okay, i'm not sure when society reached this point but it seems that telling someone that they are full of shit and/or completely batshit insane, is no longer carried out as much as it should be. This issue has been making me angry every time i think about it, and blowing off steam uselessly onto the internet seems to be the best way i can relax. Reason I'm pissed is because i can't stand wonton stupidity.

Here's my issue

Otherkin, Otakukin, Furries and all the stupid bullshit that they tell themselves and everyone else.

Lets start with the Otherkin. They believe they are the reincarnated souls of mythical creatures. i.e. unicorns, fairies, dragons, etc. Now when i say "believe" i really mean it. These are people that are so confused in their lives or so socially ackward that they somehow get it into their heads that they were a goddamn dragon or something in their past life. Normally i have nothing against reincarnation, i consider it just as valid a possibility as heaven or hell, but come on, a dragon? I call bullshit. When i see an otherkin, I see someone who considers him/herselves not special in real life so they end up having to invent something fanciful in their heads to try and make themselves seem special. Here is the cold hard truth, if nobody likes you or you are really ackward or weird, its not because you were some mythical creature in your past life. Its because you are a really weird human with issues. You are no more special than anyone else. Worst of all are the otherkin who start combining different creatures D&D style, like Dragon/Vampire/ Fairies. Thats just going even farther off the deep end. Of course it wouldn't be so bad if there weren't thousands of these bastards all over the internet going on and on about how special they are and how much they think they used to be a unicorn. Arrrggghhhh. ANGRY

Moving on to Otakukin. Same argument as above, only these people think they are the reincarnations of anime characters. I shit you not. Okay, not only is it HIGHLY unlikely that you are a reincarnation of a unicorn, it is INFINITELY more unlikely that you are a reincarnation of some character that some teenagers in a sweatshop somewhere in S.E. Asia draw for pennies on the hour. I mean jesus, wtf. How anyone could believe they were a reincarnation of Kaneda or Vash the Stampede is just beyond my comprehension. A cartoon is a combination of a voice actor, a writer, and some moving art. Not only is it not even alive, its not real either. AHHH!

Furries, godamn furries. Furries are people that like cartoon animals...too much and in that way, some of them will even wear large fursuits and have sex in them, draw and/or look a furry porn, have sex with plush toys, or all of the above. A lot of the time there is overlap between otaku/otherkin and furries. And with good reason, because not only are most furries also crazy, furries in general also behave like a huge Katamari Damancy ball moving across the internet. They will pick up and combine as many sick and twisted fetishes or trends and combine them into a horrid ball of repulsiveness and nasty stuff. Then they will try and convince you that this is totally normal or try and pin the blame on the more sick and twisted among them. Then they complain about how people misunderstand them or are intolerant of them. Earth to Furries, you are not misunderstood, the only people that hate you are the ones that acknowledge that you exist and know what you do, the reason people don't like you is because a lot of you guys are really gross or are just plain crazy. Stop being gross and creepy and maybe people will like you.

Ahh i feel better already, i was about to overload my aggression inhibitors.

I agree with you...I had to go to school with a few of those weird shits.

Some girl thought she was Sailor Moon. Though I didn't mind, she looked HOT in the outfits.
First 2 = insane.

Last one = weird.
I don't think we have these people in Britain, thank god.

Someday Mechagodzilla should post the entire ravings of his arch-nemesis Dragon Valor Core or, as we like to call him, CFG (crazy furry guy).

CFG said:
Sad, very sad, you people SICKEN ME. What is wrong with you? What has happened to good hearted people like ME. I Go by the name of Avenger. I'm the leader of the world wide organization for dragon valing. Valor, for the "special" people here means "to fight for a cause". So I fight for the dragons, defending them from people like you guys.
Darkling (multiple personality) said:
Ssso. You no doubt had help from sssomeone elssse. Why
do they not email me? are they assss ssspinlessss asss
you? why do you not asssk them to fight with you,
unlessss you have none that are ssstrong enough to
fight back, or sssstand with you. They are all
ssssisssiessss to, yessss?
CFG said:
I am a unstoppable current of annoyance and persistence.
Be lucky you don't have them in Britain. Over here in the ole US of A not only do we have CHAVs like you do, but we have the crazies i already mentioned plus others which i neglected to mention. Goths that actually believe they are vampires for instance. And if you ever go to the Portal of Evil website (a website dedicated to highlighting the stupidest sights on the net) you'll find even stranger people who have lost all grips on reality.
It'd be nice if people had to take a test to see if they are crazy batshit insane every couple of years. So if Bob thinks he's really Lord Azazel of the Night he gets his ass shipped over to some 3rd world country or preferably antarctica.

Whats the matter Nancy, your spirit animal is a transexal skunk? TO SOMALIA WITH YOU!!!

What's that Patrick, you are a reincarnation of one of the gundam wing boys? Thats great, HOPE YOU LIKE SUDAN!
No no no, we need to make them work and pay their penance to society by putting them in forced labor, interment, and phychiatric treatment camps.
pshh, Just because i'm pinning the blame for all of life's problems on a specific group of people doesn't make me...oh wait
Australia only has racist bigots. And goths. But we have cool goths.
Jintor said:
Australia only has racist bigots. And goths. But we have cool goths.

...Goth and cool should never been in the same sentence.
Every goth I know here sucks :/ Except for one, she actually had an idea about what Goth is.
jesus. I googled images of furry just out of curiosity. Looks like an animal Kamasutra for insecure people with small genitals
Awww, leave them alone. Sure they're wierd, but its not doing anyone any harm.

Although I will admit that the idea of a malnourished 17 year old with acne and rickets convincing himself that he is a MIGHTY DRAGON OF THE UNDERWORLD!!! is kinda funny.
but don't you see? they ARE causing harm.

think of it this way. Every Otakukin, Otherkin, or Furry is (as much as it pains me to say it) going to be in contact with some normal people at least at some point. And of course through prolonged contact with norms their craziness can spread and there is one less norm. This of course increases exponentially as the more wackos you have, the more people are converted, the more people are converted the more culturally acceptable it becomes, and the easier it is for them to convert. The cycle goes on and on.

Would you want to wake up one day to find out you are the last sane person trapped in a world run by people who think they are the reincarnated souls of Zelda or dracula or some other crap and your own kid is using the word fur as a prefix for everything?

No, probably not

Which is why i will fight them tooth and nail. To create a future where nobody knows what furries are, and people who think they are reincarnated anime characters are jettisoned into the vaccum of space.

but how do you fight a war such as this?

Easy, information and ridicule. For every person who finds out what these stupid subcultures really are all about is one more person who can likewise convince others not to join. And the ridicule just keeps them in check. Otherwise they will get more brazen and lose their fear of humans.

this is my manifesto
I will join thee in thy glorious battle, oh master Flyingdebris!! *salutes*

But how to get rid of those infectious bastards without a true glorious weapon? Isn't there some spray of lotion or KungFu grip we can master?

edit: oh I don't think I'm a cat btw
RoyaleWithCheese said:
I will join thee in thy glorious battle, oh master Flyingdebris!! *salutes*

But how to get rid of those infectious bastards without a true glorious weapon? Isn't there some spray of lotion or KungFu grip we can master?

edit: oh I don't think I'm a cat btw
Deodorant often works well.
thank you, thoust will be my 52 star generals.

and yeah deoderant does work really well. Nerds of the caliber we are fighting usually smell really bad. Deoderant cuts through them like a hot knife through retard.

However usually the best offensive measure is anti furry propaganda. Well maybe not the best, but its the most fun to do.
To each his own,'s still disturbing/stupid. :p
ya sorta, but it's not something I give much thought to :)
cuz they're freaky ..and stern is scared of freaky but intrigued at the same time ..kinda like in the Friday the 13th movies where you know Jason is in the closet and the guy who's about to open the door knows he's in there but STILL opens the door to find out anyways cuz his curiosity got the better of him usually ends with a cleaver stuck in his forehead ..but meh, what ya gonna do?
CptStern said:
meh, to each his own ..I dont care what they do

but these "guys" are the most disturbing

I reckon Stern is like one of those repressed homosexuals who tries to hide it by bashing gays.

Really, he wants to dress up as Sailor Moon and have tea parties with characters from Akira.
what? I hope that's a joke because I'm the last person to bash gays
gick said:
I reckon Stern is like one of those repressed homosexuals who tries to hide it by bashing gays.

Really, he wants to dress up as Sailor Moon and have tea parties with characters from Akira.

I was likening your discomfort with people who dress up as anime characters as a repressed desire to become one of them.

I was just kidding.
heh, you always need someone to criticize. I don't like them either.
you know, considering how some of the more extreme cases of super nerd no longer consider themselves human as much as they are their totem animal/anime character/mythical beast. Would it be pausible to extend this to legal areas? So that if someone no longer considers themselves human, no one else has to either. Then you can open up hunting season on them once or twice a year and keep their numbers in check.

"Blimey, look at the size of this one. Looks like we bagged ourselves at least a 300 pounder. Look at the teeth on him! Ferocious! No Nigel don't touch it they still can bite after they're dead."
But......I want to have sex with unicorns!

Wait, wouldn't that impale you? What you want is the Penicorn- the mystical horse with a cock on its forehead. :naughty:

Unless you plan on pitching...
Danimal said:
Every goth I know here sucks :/ Except for one, she actually had an idea about what Goth is.
Haha I haven't seen a 'goth' since Junior High.

I guess that clothing/social clique trend was replaced by emo.