Freedom of Speech, Censorship, and Lolicon: The First Amendment and You

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Irony is so delicious.

I'm clearly letting him speak his mind, if that's what you're talking about. I'm just pointing out how his position is contradictory to his own belief that you should be able to do anything in your own home if it doesn't harm people, and the fact that he wouldn't be arguing it's okay for it to be illegal and such, if he supported it. It's not about whether it's right or wrong, it's about whether or not he's into it or even open to understand why others might be into it, that's judging his position on it imo.
I'm clearly letting him speak his mind, if that's what you're talking about. I'm just pointing out how his position is contradictory to his own belief that you should be able to do anything in your own home if it doesn't harm people, and the fact that he wouldn't be arguing it's okay for it to be illegal and such, if he supported it. It's not about whether it's right or wrong, it's about whether or not he's into it or even open to understand why others might be into it, that's judging his position on it imo.

That was indeed what Kyorisu was talking about. And the guy contradicting himself like that is practically the definition of irony. We can all see it boils down to the fact it isn't one of his interests, so it mustn't be of any value. A most narrow mindset indeed.
How Feds eliminate dissenter and censor his speeches in a covert way.

573. Big operation to censor my message (10/17/08)

I learned that the MSN web sites are abandoned by microsoft. It proves what I said in last message "other web site which having my aricle will be attacked too". It may also indicts that a big operation is coming. The top goal of the Feds is to eliminate my revelation. My message is too true to exist in this information world.

Re: "Confirmed: Microsoft Gives Up On MSN Groups, Hands It Off To Multiply
Wednesday, October 15, 2008; 3:59 PM
We've received confirmation that Microsoft is handing over the reins to its MSN Groups property to the social network Multiply. Microsoft is planning to release a new service called Windows Live Groups in November, and apparently doesn't want to compete with itself. Oddly enough, Microsoft has chosen not to allow groups to transition between the two services, and instead is going to offer a migration tool that will allow users to take groups over to Multiply, which currently bills itself as the world's 8th largest social network.
The Microsoft post also states that users will have until February 21, 2009 to migrate their groups over to Multiply, after which point the site will cease to exist.
This just seems weird - why would Microsoft abandon a sizable (but dwindling) chunk of users to an entirely unrelated social network? It's nice that they aren't leaving their users out in the cold, but why not just cut off new signups to MSN Groups and allow the legacy users to continue on in peace? Microsoft may appear to have made the gesture in good faith, but it's likely that the company is hoping users will scoff at the idea of having to migrate, and just sign up on the new Live service when it launches.
Whatever Microsoft's intentions, Multiply is sure to be happy with the deal, as it has just been handed millions of new users (we're trying to contact Microsoft for the exact number). "

The purpose of this oddly and weird decision is very clear for me - to censor my long time journal style revelation - "The dark side of US" and other messages. There will be a framed drug case prepared in November. So once Kat Hak Sung is eliminated in the framed case, he couldn't transfer (or in their word: migrate) the file to new site, this is why both AOL and Microsoft will clear the old site - no trace of "the dark side of US" will leave for people. That's a typical style of Feds.

AOL and Microsoft are two big firms. Their decision is unreasonable which will hurt their fame and popularity. The timing is not a coincidence. It will match the coming framed drug case which may come with some other big events as distraction. No one except the Feds can force the two giant firms to make such a weird decision.

Re: Dear AOL Hometown/FTP user,

We’re sorry to inform you that on Oct. 31, 2008, AOL? Hometown and FTP will be shut down permanently. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Though you will be able to modify your Hometown site and access FTP until this date, we urge you to save your AOL Hometown/FTP content immediately, and consider other options for hosting your site. ........
The AOL Hometown Team
(I wrote #533 on 10/17/08. I was blocked to post it for two weeks until today - 11/3/08))
Well it's pretty obvious you're not serious so no. If you really did get off to little kids then I don't even have words to describe how sickening of a human being you are.

Raziaar- I'm not claiming to be a morality police. It's pretty ****ing obvious that someone getting off on CHILDREN is wrong, period. There is no room to disagree with this in the least.

your close mindedness is really shining trough.

let me remind you that in Ancient greece, a relationship between a young boy and an older man was considered the highest form of love. aka...butt banging boys was acceptable.

as for "watching porn makes you a rapists"...i'd personally castrate the idiotic psychologists who made that claim.
if one makes you more kinky or perverted, which is actually really useful. :E
How Feds eliminate dissenter and censor his speeches in a covert way.

573. Big operation to censor my message (10/17/08)

I learned that the MSN web sites are abandoned by microsoft. It proves what I said in last message "other web site which having my aricle will be attacked too". It may also indicts that a big operation is coming. The top goal of the Feds is to eliminate my revelation. My message is too true to exist in this information world.

Re: "Confirmed: Microsoft Gives Up On MSN Groups, Hands It Off To Multiply
Wednesday, October 15, 2008; 3:59 PM
We've received confirmation that Microsoft is handing over the reins to its MSN Groups property to the social network Multiply. Microsoft is planning to release a new service called Windows Live Groups in November, and apparently doesn't want to compete with itself. Oddly enough, Microsoft has chosen not to allow groups to transition between the two services, and instead is going to offer a migration tool that will allow users to take groups over to Multiply, which currently bills itself as the world's 8th largest social network.
The Microsoft post also states that users will have until February 21, 2009 to migrate their groups over to Multiply, after which point the site will cease to exist.
This just seems weird - why would Microsoft abandon a sizable (but dwindling) chunk of users to an entirely unrelated social network? It's nice that they aren't leaving their users out in the cold, but why not just cut off new signups to MSN Groups and allow the legacy users to continue on in peace? Microsoft may appear to have made the gesture in good faith, but it's likely that the company is hoping users will scoff at the idea of having to migrate, and just sign up on the new Live service when it launches.
Whatever Microsoft's intentions, Multiply is sure to be happy with the deal, as it has just been handed millions of new users (we're trying to contact Microsoft for the exact number). "

The purpose of this oddly and weird decision is very clear for me - to censor my long time journal style revelation - "The dark side of US" and other messages. There will be a framed drug case prepared in November. So once Kat Hak Sung is eliminated in the framed case, he couldn't transfer (or in their word: migrate) the file to new site, this is why both AOL and Microsoft will clear the old site - no trace of "the dark side of US" will leave for people. That's a typical style of Feds.

AOL and Microsoft are two big firms. Their decision is unreasonable which will hurt their fame and popularity. The timing is not a coincidence. It will match the coming framed drug case which may come with some other big events as distraction. No one except the Feds can force the two giant firms to make such a weird decision.

Re: Dear AOL Hometown/FTP user,

We?re sorry to inform you that on Oct. 31, 2008, AOL? Hometown and FTP will be shut down permanently. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Though you will be able to modify your Hometown site and access FTP until this date, we urge you to save your AOL Hometown/FTP content immediately, and consider other options for hosting your site. ........
The AOL Hometown Team
(I wrote #533 on 10/17/08. I was blocked to post it for two weeks until today - 11/3/08))

o hai
Wait wait wait. This guy is arguing for investigation just because of a large collection? From what I read here, he himself has a 'large collection' of weapons and/or weapon related paraphernalia. I suggest he be investigated immediately as its probably damn likely he would kill a person when presented with the opportunity!

Oh, but I suppose he would be all against that, what since it involves him now.

You assume I've never been investigated and cleared, an incorrect assumption.

I still am in a little bit of disbelief that some of you actually have this yourselves. Some of you actually are REAL pedophiles in real life and not just "for internet fun"

This is seriously sickening and I hope you all are ****ing outed in real life. An attraction to children is a sickening choice, not just some hardwired genetics. Be glad I don't know who you people really are.

your close mindedness is really shining trough.

let me remind you that in Ancient greece, a relationship between a young boy and an older man was considered the highest form of love. aka...butt banging boys was acceptable.

You've got to be ****ing kidding me. I don't have anything to say to this. If you people can't see what's wrong with defending sex with children as honorable then there's nothing left to say to you guys.

edit: ffs all I can do now is assume you're all taking the piss. You can't be serious that any of you actually have child sex drawings. If you do I hope you actually die, seriously.
We're protected by the first amendment, thanks.
This is seriously sickening and I hope you all are ****ing outed in real life. An attraction to children is a sickening choice, not just some hardwired genetics. Be glad I don't know who you people really are.

edit: ffs all I can do now is assume you're all taking the piss. You can't be serious that any of you actually have child sex drawings. If you do I hope you actually die, seriously.

are you catholic?

cause you really sound like a guy who was traumatized after being touched by the hand of God. At least that's how the priest interpreted it. :upstare:
If you people can't see what's wrong with defending sex with children as honorable

I'm attracted to women, yet you won't see me raping them, pedo's can be attracted to kids yet it doesn't
mean they'll rape them. Child molestation is first and foremost a crime of selfishness, it is putting the
childs health, feelings, psychological state below your sexual pleasure, the perpetrators like
with all crimes share a common lack of empathy towards their victims.

In this thread the pedo's have show quit a lot more empathy, compassion and understanding
for humans beings then you have, as well as proper and sane judgment.
Thank god the rest of society doesn't condone protecting pedophiles. My nephews' father was a pedophile and got busted for ****ing with a 7 year old girl. He went to prison for 30 years and I made sure that shit was handled and he was taken care of from the inside of that facility.

Any of you pedophiles I hope the same shit happens to you when you're caught.
This thread is now closed. RakuraiTenjin, Calhoun and Bad_Hat have been found to possess or circulate reading comprehension items, and are under investigation for conspiracy to commit reading comprehension.
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