Futurama - All your base reference...


Jul 8, 2003
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hey i was just watching it and i found somthing i didnt notcie before...

in the anthology of intrest II episode... the videogame one... when the space invaders get out of the ship one of them says "all your base... are belong to us"

just thought it was funny... i never noticed it before... :D
got all 4 seasons on dvd. they rock, farnsworth is da man. ahahah

hey if u guys want a ****ing amazing futurama website go here:


The episode capsule part is amazing. if u thought matt groening put in a ton of extras in the simpons.. just read what he did to futurama.


I'm saving up for season 3 and 4. Futurama is teh rox0rz.
futurama pwns but family guy tis the ultimate pwnage
hmm I can't remember now who said it, but someone suggested replacing Dr Kliener with PRofessor Farnsworth in HL2 once the SDK comes out

Could be incredibly funny :p
The Dark Elf said:
hmm I can't remember now who said it, but someone suggested replacing Dr Kliener with PRofessor Farnsworth in HL2 once the SDK comes out

Could be incredibly funny :p

And the Administrator would be Professor Ogden Wernstrom.

Raziaar said:
And the Administrator would be Professor Ogden Wernstrom.

lmao! yeah haha

how about Fry as Barney lol, Bender as Dog, Amy as Alyx, Leela as erm.. Mossman hehe
The Dark Elf said:
lmao! yeah haha

how about Fry as Barney lol, Bender as Dog, Amy as Alyx, Leela as erm.. Mossman hehe

And those pesky ass Officer robots as some of the Combine, planet express ship as gunship.

EDIT: Mom's Friendly Robot Company as The Citadel.
Raziaar said:
And those pesky ass Officer robots as some of the Combine, planet express ship as gunship.

EDIT: Mom's Friendly Robot Company as The Citadel.
lol.. ok someone has to make this hahaha. Rip the dialogue from the series to cut up and use in it. Would be an instant hit :D:D:D
DR Zoidberg as the Vortigaunt! WOOOOOT!
hahaha. All those pearls of wisdom replaced with Zoidbergs lack of knowledge regarding medicine and the human body lol
The Dark Elf said:
hahaha. All those pearls of wisdom replaced with Zoidbergs lack of knowledge regarding medicine and the human body lol

Heh. I could imgine him trying to attach the gun onto the airboat and having it split into several pieces from his claws. Clumsy oaf. Heh heh.
The Dark Elf said:
hmm I can't remember now who said it, but someone suggested replacing Dr Kliener with PRofessor Farnsworth in HL2 once the SDK comes out

Could be incredibly funny :p

indeed...i can already imagine some of the lines in the game :E
Oh, this could be absolutely classic. Better than what they've done with Simpsons and Farscape.

"What's this?! I've injured the Freeman! A little glue, a little sodapop and good as new! What? The suit's supposed to be on the outside, you say?"

Plus... replace Breen with Mom.
futurama + Half-life 2=most bester shit ever conceved by man
The Dark Elf said:
hmm I can't remember now who said it, but someone suggested replacing Dr Kliener with PRofessor Farnsworth in HL2 once the SDK comes out

Could be incredibly funny :p

"Good news everyone! I've finally got that cat problem sorted so we can try out the transporter again!"

OK So I don't know when to stop adding to a "joke"

Farnsworth, "Good news everyone! I've finally got that cat problem sorted so we can try out the transporter again!"

Fry, "You fixed the inside-out making part?"

Farnsworth, "no, but I finally cleared the cat intestine out of the coffee machine."

Amy, "what happened to the cat?"