Ghost in the Shell to be remade Hollywood style!!!


May 5, 2004
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The American film production company DreamWorks has revealed that it has licensed the rights to adapt Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell cyber-police manga into a 3D live-action film. The American film production company DreamWorks has revealed that it has licensed the rights to adapt Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell cyber-police manga into a 3D live-action film.

what the hell is a 3d-live action movie? like Spy kids? where the actors are always in front of a blue screen? ...seems kind of cheesy
DO NOT ****ING WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is up there with live action akira. Has hollywood ran out of ideas now that all we get are remakes, video game movies and anime that will inevitably be ruined hollywood style? :flame:
It seems these past few years have been the era of unoriginal Hollywood ideas. Almost always a bad thing (Unless it's Horton Hears a Who)
This has been the worst decade for junk Hollywood movie saturation... seems like they're trying to break records.
DO NOT ****ING WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is up there with live action akira. Has hollywood ran out of ideas now that all we get are remakes, video game movies and anime that will inevitably be ruined hollywood style? :flame:

NO. Doesn't Otomo have say in the Akira movie? If he does then it won't be that bad trust me. This GITS movie sounds retarded because it's supposed to be 3d live action? wtf is that supposed to mean?
This GITS movie sounds retarded because it's supposed to be 3d live action? wtf is that supposed to mean?
The animators come to the cinema and painstakingly piece it together frame by frame... for your viewing pleasure!

But yeah, this will suck.
NO. Doesn't Otomo have say in the Akira movie? If he does then it won't be that bad trust me. This GITS movie sounds retarded because it's supposed to be 3d live action? wtf is that supposed to mean?

Oh if otomo has say in akira it might not be that bad but I just hate leonardo dicaprio personally :|

Anyway this will suck ;(
Your quote does not compute.
Yeah, it's the same sentence twice. Yeah, it's the same sentence twice.

One of the plusses of staying away from "popular" anime. You don't get to see them ruined by cashing out with bullshit.
perhaps you'd like tyo inform us all what exactly they mean when they say live action 3d movie seem to have all the answers....or at least you act like someone who has all the answers on the internet

I'm a viking on the internet, you play a smartassed know-it-all's like we're from different worlds ;(
perhaps you'd like tyo inform us all what exactly they mean when they say live action 3d movie seem to have all the answers....or at least you act like someone who has all the answers on the internet

I'm a viking on the internet, you play a smartassed know-it-all's like we're from different worlds ;(

He was talking about the quote in your original post:

The American film production company DreamWorks has revealed that it has licensed the rights to adapt Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell cyber-police manga into a 3D live-action film. The American film production company DreamWorks has revealed that it has licensed the rights to adapt Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell cyber-police manga into a 3D live-action film.

Same sentence twice.
Stuff like this is exactly why I built that bomb shelter. You know, the one that shot down the new Pink Panther and Flubber. You don't even want to know what happened to that remake of Lawrence of Arabia.
One of the plusses of staying away from "popular" anime. You don't get to see them ruined by cashing out with bullshit.
Is there really such a thing as 'popular anime'?. And doesn't your very forum name come from one of the most 'popular' animes?
Yeah, it's the same sentence twice. Yeah, it's the same sentence twice.

One of the plusses of staying away from "popular" anime. You don't get to see them ruined by cashing out with bullshit.

I'd have to agree. The day I see Gundam 08th MS Team, Scrapped Princess, or even Chrono Crusade thrown up on the big screen is the day I cry myself to the grave.
The day I see Gundam 08th MS Team
No franchise in the history of ever has 'cash[ed] out with bullshit' more than Gundam (for starters, 08TH MS Team must be 10,000th side story to the original show). And there has already been a live action installment with American actors, so you don't have to worry about them making the same mistake again. Unless there are plastic model kits to be sold, in which case: GAUNDAMU LIVE-AKUSHUN, IKIMASU!
yes there is popular anime >_>
That's just anime ignored by less people. Even at the height of recognition, Anime is still a niche of popular culture, disliked by as many people as it has won over.
I love you, Hollywood. Keep doing what you're doing. Dragon Ball = raped. Akira = raped. Major Kusanagi? Raped harder than she gets in an Azasuke Wind CD!

Keep ruining anime. Keep fueling the hate. Keep making Western audiences cry, cry, CRY LOUD about how their precious Japanese cartoons are being butchered. Their tears slake my thirst like sweet nectar.

Never stop, filmmakers. I will love you forever.
In before anime nerds....o shi-!
I don't know why everyone see remake of GitS or any other anime as a bad thing. Go Steven! You can do that!
Is there really such a thing as 'popular anime'?. And doesn't your very forum name come from one of the most 'popular' animes?
I didn't mean popular as in overall compared to everything. I'm talking relative, here. Popular anime are the series that most anime fans watch. Shit like, I dunno, DBZ, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, most shit on Adult Swim, that kinda stuff. Rather, perhaps the "action/adventure" genre of most of those explains that. I don't like action/adventure.

And yes, my name is from DBZ which I liked 8 years ago. Has nothing to do with my statement. I didn't even know what anime was back then, really. It was just a cartoon featuring guys with awesome powers, to me. That appealed to my young mind. I didn't start become an anime fan until just a few years ago, where I strictly avoided the action/adventure genre or any animes that I've heard the name of before.

So yeah, you missed the target on both points in your post :p
In before anime nerds....o shi-!

Too late:dozey:

I love you, Hollywood. Keep doing what you're doing. Dragon Ball = raped. Akira = raped. Major Kusanagi? Raped harder than she gets in an Azasuke Wind CD!

Keep ruining anime. Keep fueling the hate. Keep making Western audiences cry, cry, CRY LOUD about how their precious Japanese cartoons are being butchered. Their tears slake my thirst like sweet nectar.

Never stop, filmmakers. I will love you forever.

NEVER!! As long as the originals exist we will survive (and as long as they never remake code geass or evangelion aswell)
they need to make a Berserk movie. You can't really mess that up that bad if you think about it. Huge jacked guy with massive sword kills people and demons and ends up going to hell killing hoards of demons...sounds like something hollywood would come up with anyway. The manga was deep but the anime portion of Berserk was just part of the manga so they can base it off that.

pretty iconic and bad ass looking main character as well:

I think north american audiences would really like a live action adaption of Berserk IMO
Have you ever seen the live action fist of the north star? If they can mess that up then they can mess up berserk.
I dont see how they couldnt mess up fist of the northstar since it's so ridiculously over the top
wait ... three animated movies ? . what did i miss here :S ?
Ghost in the Shell (Naked Bint Jumps off stuff), Innocence (Naked Bint is missing), Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society (Naked Bint is jumping off things in an unrelated continuity where people wear more clothes.)
So yeah, you missed the target on both points in your post :p
I'll be sure not to ask questions next time, Mr Vegeta ;:|

Perhaps it's the Atlantic between us, but no one 'hears' of any anime over here (we don't have it on TV like you lot do), so I don't have to worry about making the dire mistake of watching something that people around me have heard of. And call me ignorant if you will, but as soon as you're taking the Action Adventure out of Anime is a bit like castrating it, since Action Adventure gets the big budgets that allow more than Four static images per show... and you're basically left with Faggy Rom-Coms, Pedo-Bear certified Slice of Life shows and Pretentious Dramas that get around the problem of a low animation budget by including 'deep' sequences of people staring into the middle distance, or preferably, floating around in full-bright anime plot exposition land.
I had heard of anime before I got into anime. Is it because you live in Big Gay Bright Town?
I had heard of anime before I got into anime. Is it because you live in Big Gay Bright Town?
I'd hazard a guess you didn't learn about it through mainstream channels. In the UK you find about it through a lot of ill-spent Internet time. It's very rare that a human being actually introduces you to it.
Well I heard of it through magazines actually when I was about 9. And they created a monster MUAHAHAH!! :D