Gordons first and lasts words

"what do you mean they are going to make another WWII shooter, doesn't EA have anything better to do?"
I'm posting on a topic. how is that spaming? If I posted on every single topic on the forum with "Yeah I know", "I think it's stupid" or "Insert really bad joke here" then I would be spaming. But if your trying to trick me like "Your post count going up right now newb!" then...Well I is bad with the words and suck with counters so I'll just say shut up and go away you maka no sence.
I'm posting on a topic. how is that spaming? If I posted on every single topic on the forum with "Yeah I know", "I think it's stupid" or "Insert really bad joke here" then I would be spaming. But if your trying to trick me like "Your post count going up right now newb!" then...Well I is bad with the words and suck with counters so I'll just say shut up and go away you maka no sence.

His post was more enjoyable to read than yours.
I didn't even read all of this one! Druckles, save us!
Druckles isn't some magic ass genie that you can summon to be an ass to me when ever Oh damn there he is!? how did you do that?
*Sigh* I'm sorry I've been a Ass Hat. (D-man made me say that. It was ether say sorry or he was going to give me a fight I had...no chance of winning.) Stupid D-man with his illusion of free choice.
no, thank you, D-man, for your blessings are raining down upon me! Wait... THAT'S NOT RAIN!

A Bruce Almighty refrence. Good movie.
'Time for you to go home, little butt monkey...' :D

Great film :p, hang on...why are we now talking about Bruce Almighty...
'I lika, do...da cha cha..'

Whoops another Bruce Almighty line. But it sounds like something gordon would say doesn't it?
Gordon's voice will be surprisingly much like Rick Alste's, but manlier.

"Alyx..I have something to say..."


1 Duuuuuuh me have stick that go boom boom

2 you better give me dental coverage for this one g-man

3 man, for a minut there i thaught the old man was gonna make me marry his ugly daughter, good thing he died

EDIT: Needs to be all caps :p
"As death, when we come to consider it closely, is the true goal of our existence, I have formed during the last few years such close relationships with this best and truest friend of mankind that death's image is not only no longer terrifying to me, but is indeed very soothing and consoling, and I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity...of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness. I never lie down at night without reflecting that —- young as I am — I may not live to see another day. Yet no one of all my acquaintances could say that in company I am morose or disgruntled."
I've had it with these mutha****in' Combine on my mutha****in' planet!!
My heart just skipped seeing Zombine's post, but then I realised you idiots renewed it D:

On topic:

"Thissss isss the Xen Crystal needed for the tessssst, make ssssure you personally, uuuhhha, deliveerr it."
"OOH! Zombine! I get it now... hehe."

I like that one.

'Just to let you all know, i forged my MIT doctorate.'
'Should have been a psychologist.'
'No one will ever get me near another anti-mass spectrometer. EVER.'
Alyx: *zombie groans*
Gordon: Holy shit!
Alyx: Heh, gotcha!
Gordon: Hah yeah that's really cute Alyx, really *fires shot from handgun between her legs* cute....
-- alternatively --
Gordon: Dammit, Alyx! I'm a f*cking killing machine! Don't ever do that again!
at the end there is a cut scene and you see Gordon singing "Im A Lumberjack" from Monty Python

Yeah sorry its crap. I wanted to join in but couldn't think of anything :/
perosonally i think gordon will die at the last game in the hl series...:|

sad in a way i know.

but i must say at the end he has to say something like 'leave me the **** alone, oh yeah and barney said '--ck you'
well there are going to be more half lifes so i dought gordan will be killed.

i think gordans last word will be when hes standing over the last advisor with the 357 in his hands, and he says

"You have to ask yourself one question, are you felling lucky, Well Are ya PUNK!!"
Honestly if he actually says something, it's going to be insanely epic.
Valve wouldn't go and ruin it with something cheesy.
Exactly what he'd say, i don't know. I'm unoriginal, lol.
*G-man scene occurs*
Gordon: I gotta stop taking that experimental LSD from klieners lab...