Gordons son/daughter.

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Hello all, i'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but in Half life 1, at the start of the game if you go into gordons locker, he has a picture in a frame of a baby :>

I wonder if this will lead to anything :D!
omg seriously? I so need to play this game again.
Yeah, but I think that's just a joke or some programmer's kid, because, as the Black Mesa recruit paper says, Gordon is "unmarried and without dependents".

you kids know alot....im going to play HL again this summer and maybe opposing force again but im not playing blue shift **** that.
I played opposing force for the first time a month ago, god it's got a weak story line, so gay.
Originally posted by tokin
you kids know alot....im going to play HL again this summer and maybe opposing force again but im not playing blue shift **** that.
You kids? Heh, I resent that. Anyway, yeah. Op4 isn't bad, but Blue Shift was just there for the better models, IMO. It was so short, and it wasn't really exciting...at any real point. It's cool that Barney got his own expansion pack, though.

I played Blue shift at a mates house once, i got quite far i think, i was on xen, and i got upto this human teleporter thing, i killed all the enemys around it, but i couldn't get it to go, after pressing buttons etc, so i just quit the game :P someone wanan tell me what happens after that?
Basically, at the end, you and four other scientists escape in a truck. Aaand that's all. Don't think much happens between where you were and the end.

Originally posted by Ronta
I played opposing force for the first time a month ago, god it's got a weak story line, so gay.

Gay, it sums up everything now, all the feelings about story line. Let's see. Gay.. It is bad, weak, ****ed up story line, without anything to it, it also makes love to other male story lines, to the heck of it. Maybe it is happy story line? But why go into details and try to provide some points WHY Opforce story line is weak, it is easier to say it is GAY. Good fun, you won award for the most idiotic poster of the day. Here taking it <@>

Anyway, I thought Opforce had very good story, it made Black Mesa feel more alive, adding different point of view to the same situation. I think G-man backstabbing you was a great scene, closing that door in front of your face. How long I spend, reloading, trying to toss a grenade under the door.
I'm sorry if i offended you by saying that opposing force was gay, I have nothing against gay people, but where i live (New Zealand) everyone calls stuff gay, so i said that opposing force was gay without giveing it a second thought, so please accept my apology and it won't happen again : >
If it isnt cool then it must be

Gay! :upstare:
Originally posted by tokin
you kids know alot....im going to play HL again this summer and maybe opposing force again but im not playing blue shift **** that.
no kidding.. they know so much stuff and more in HL than me.
heh i remember all the kids calling each other and things gay

You Gaylord!!!
Originally posted by Ronta
I played opposing force for the first time a month ago, god it's got a weak story line, so gay.

I thought the story line was the same as Half Life, after all, Freeman, Shephard and Calhoun are all in Black Mesa at the same time which is why you see them or hear their names mentioned at certain times, or go through areas where the other two have been before.
Going back a bit. I though blue shift although short was quite refreshing. As the hero of hte game managed to escape and didnt have to fight the generic end of game boss, not that i had a problem with Nihilanth and the other one, but it was nice. It also let barney escape and allow him to reapear in HL 2.

:) <---- Gay ----> :cheers: