Grand Theft Auto IV First Look


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score

Didn't read the article yet but those are some nice screenshots.
Looks like they are just about caught up with Need for Speed: Most Wanted...
Theres only one thing that doesnt impress me about the new screens, and that is environmental textures, they look AWFULLY low-res and washed out, especially when compared to Crackdown and Saint's Row..
The building there looks awesome.

the cars, leaves, and people look like they need more shading. I mean, It's cool and all, but if they can make - for example, the leaves a bit darker, they would probably look much more realistic.
I want!
But what's this? No airplanes? One of my favourite parts of San Andreas? Gone?
As long as the driving feels the same it'll still have me playing for HOURS doing nothing but driving...
The building there looks awesome.

the cars, leaves, and people look like they need more shading. I mean, It's cool and all, but if they can make - for example, the leaves a bit darker, they would probably look much more realistic.

True...they need detail like this!!!

those pics are terrible imo. Im hoping its just cause they are stretched out, but if thats the kind of graphics we can expect, ill stick with Saints Row
The modelling on the cars is terrible...excess polys, that arent smoothed out just ruin the reflections on this car...I know amateur 3d modellers who can provide a cleaner model than that...

Nice screens. I wish the cars were less shiny though.

The modelling on the cars is terrible...excess polys, that arent smoothed out just ruin the reflections on this car...I know amateur 3d modellers who can provide a cleaner model than that...
The doors have to open so maybe they can't smooth that part very well.

PS. I don't think that NFS screen looks better.
Excessive lightbloom and super shiny cars!!

Previous games looked better, tone down the bullshit kthx.
Cars look WAY too shiney. I'm guessing they are shots from early in developement? I thought the trailor looks way better than those screens.
Has there been any confirmation for if its going to be on the PC too.
Are you guys insane? These graphics are amazing for an open world game and leagues ahead of Saints Row and Crackdown. The only fault I can find is the somewhat lower res textures on some parts of the environment, but other then that it's amazing. Just look at the details in all the buildings/world and the level of detail of the pedestrians/cars, and how many there are in some of the screens. The draw distance is very impressive too, and don't forget they're including helicopters - which complicates the rendering process a lot more than Saints Row did.

The cars look great. Have you ever looked at the reflection of a real car? There's lots of angles and refractions, it's not a mirror. You can clearly see they modeled the actual curves and edges of the car and the reflections behave appropriately.

And what excess effects? One of the things I find so impressive is that they don't appear to be abusing HDR/normal mapping like every other developer.
best part of the written preview so far

Though we just saw a small slice of what to expect from the game's visuals we have to say we're impressed by the restraint we're seeing. In a time when so many games on PS3 and Xbox 360 are going all out with the special effects and a generally glossy look, GTA IV seems to be drawing on the effects and tech it needs to establish a convincingly rundown look. While it may not bowl you over with blinding use of light blooming and other stereotypical "next-gen" effects, although we've seen most of them used in subtle ways, the game is focused on its realistic look and we're pleased by what we're seeing.
I hope this game actually does something new for the GTA series cos I have been tired and bored of it since SA.
Hmm for some reason this game reminds me of Lord of War.
those pics are terrible imo. Im hoping its just cause they are stretched out, but if thats the kind of graphics we can expect, ill stick with Saints Row

Saints Row isn't even a quarter what GTA is:sniper:
Wow, some serious criticism. I could understand it if this were a final build, but this game doesn't come out until OCTOBER! I think as long as the gameplay cranks it up a notch, we will all be very pleased--even if the graphics don't improve over this.
shall I WAIT for the pc version or buy 360 hmmmmm.....
shall I WAIT for the pc version or buy 360 hmmmmm.....

Contemplating this as well.

Maybe Christmas or something...:O

It should be noted that I bought a PS2 solely for Vice City.

Xbox 360 supports mouse/keyboard, correct? So therefore I could play Halo 3 with a mouse/keyboard? All that much more tempting.
Fair enough, its beat up...this is what a reflection should look like...

No, it's not.

Those look way too smooth and "perfect". Seriously, go outside and look at regular cars driving down the road. They have lots of angles, curves, and imperfections that create distorted reflections. Just look at the GTAIV images, you can clearly see that they simply put more model detail into the cars, which has the side effect of giving more realistic and normal looking reflections. The cars are very impressive in this game, especially considering how many of them are likely to be on screen at any given time and that they can all be damaged and destroyed.

The fact that we're even comparing it to a racing game is impressive, try and compare the last gen GTA's to racing series of the same era (GT4, Burnout 4, NFS, etc.).
Hey; let's compare dedicated games to wide-open games. Games that are dedicated to racing have good looking cars because that's all you're ever looking at. This GTA, a game supporting many different avenues of gameplay, doesn't have the car graphics of a Need For Speed, a game specializing in cars (what do you know). Get the **** out.
The reflections look fine, but there are TOO MUCH. All cars on the road are not that clean. Why would they waste extra graphics processing power on making all the cars shiny when it's both more realistic and less-intensive to make them.. Duller, like real cars you see on the road.

Of course exceptions can be made for super cool cars.
It looks so good :)

Let's just hope the game runs nice and smooth. Uber visuals at 20fps ftl.
Hey; let's compare dedicated games to wide-open games. Games that are dedicated to racing have good looking cars because that's all you're ever looking at. This GTA, a game supporting many different avenues of gameplay, doesn't have the car graphics of a Need For Speed, a game specializing in cars (what do you know). Get the **** out.

Quoted for truth
It hasnt been confirmed for the PC yet but I'm fairly certain it will get there.

I myself have the 360 version pre-order though, I'm expecting longer PC porting times for this game than the previous games due to the fact that it's using a completely new engine that Rockstar has only used in one previous game, that's a 360 exclusive, Rockstar's Table Tennis, it's called Rockstar Advanced Game Engine.

All the previous PS2-first games, i.e. GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas used a middleware engine that allowed for semi-easy porting, I am going to assume that due to the fact that they are dealing with a homemade and very new engine it will take some more time to make the adjustments to get the game to PC.
Contemplating this as well.

Maybe Christmas or something...:O

It should be noted that I bought a PS2 solely for Vice City.

Xbox 360 supports mouse/keyboard, correct? So therefore I could play Halo 3 with a mouse/keyboard? All that much more tempting.
I'm not sure this is 100% true, I think it's up to the devs wether to implement keyboard and mouse support or not, I even think MS might have forbidden keyboard+mouse use for anything but MMORPGs((FFXI) in order for MP not to become uneven in action-games etc etc.:)