GRAW 2 PC demo released

A multiplayer only demo? Assholes. I wanna see how well the SP works.
Been downloading for many hours. I don't know why it's so slow...
graw2 mp demo for 360 was a big disappointment for me
not much of an improvement over the first... still isnt very fun
do enjoy the sp part of the game though
I quite enjoyed the MP demo on the 360. Although it was only one map (as expected), pretty much every weapon was available so there was alot of replayablitiy with trying out new weapons (my most common weapons used were the SA80 assault rifle and that special forces SAW - forgot it's name now, the one with the ammo drums on both sides) I would of preferred playing it more with some close friends but what the hell.

My only complaint was sometimes it was very hard to see people because of the shadowing (we played a level called Outpost I think it is - old generator building in the middle of the forest - lots of shadows) and it was abit laggy at times. Other than that, I'm sold, just waiting for the price to come down.