

Jul 28, 2007
Reaction score
Ah, I do love an introductory section. Much better than slipping the first post in on some random thread. Well then, hello there! I'm somewhat new to HL2, only having actually gone and played it to see what all the fuss about recently. And I must say, it's praise is well deserved.

And I am growingly more impressed by the Source engine over time as I see the multitude of mods for HL2 - how people turn a Sci-Fi FPS into a fantasy game or strategy game or such is insane (in a good way, of course).

It happened that in my search for mods I stumbled across this place. I've lurked for a bit and it seems like a nice place, so I figured I'd join. :cheese:
Go. Quickly.

Don't look back.

Welcome, by the way. Have... fun. Mwahahahaha!
You must leave now, horrible things happen here that lurkers can not see. HURRY!

Chicken pancake? How do you make that?

Steamroll a chicken? Take a chicken patty and call it pancake? :D
Cram a dead chicken into a pan with a pancake. Mash it in for steamy goodness.

I wonder if you put hot sauce or syrup on a chicken pancake. Or perhaps both.....
There's a place in LA called Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. It's absolutely divine. You know what chicken tastes like, you know what waffles taste like, but imagine the absolute best of either of these things and then put them together on the same plate.

But I digress. Salutations, friend. Avoid the razor trains, they go somewhere you would not like.
There's a place in LA called Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. It's absolutely divine. You know what chicken tastes like, you know what waffles taste like, but imagine the absolute best of either of these things and then put them together on the same plate.

But I digress. Salutations, friend. Avoid the razor trains, they go somewhere you would not like.

Learned to avoid them on the bridge to Nova Prospekt. Despite the nigh-invincibility of the Dune buggie, collision with them ends badly.
I said somewhere you WOULDN'T like. You don't like Antarctica? You some kinda Antartica hater? Polar icecaps not good enough for ya?!
Well, it's not. Wilford Brimley just seems to be a bit of an asshole when he doesn't take his diabeetus medicines.

I just choked on a lifesavers mint.

Welcome to
Upon entering you find yourself standing in a black void. You see and feel nothing around you.

Do you

Yell hello:

You hear a loud click as your vision explodes with white light. As your eyes adjust, you notice that you are standing in a room with white walls and no furnishings. On the wall to your left is a covered cutout section in the shape of a door but nothing to indicate that it is in fact a door. To your right is Stigmata.

Examine wall:

Stigmata kills you.

Examine Stigmata:

Stigmata kills you.


SO that was you I smelled?

I thought someone had forgotten to flush the toilet.