Grey's Anatomy vs House vs Scrubs

Combine them all into one MEGA SHOW.
Scrubs. As a rule I hate medical dramas, but atleast this one is funny. I can see the appeal of House but it's impossible for me to get interested in this kind of show. Grey's can die in a fire.
Scrubs is teh winnar. I haven't watched so many episodes of any show since friends.
Scrubs? Only watched on episode, and was meh. Funny, yes, but House is better.
I liked House...

Gogo 1986 movies.
Lol Green wing is so funny. But uh out of these three, I say House. I got so addicted to the series, far more than I was with scrubs.
House. Scrubs isn't even funny. Grey's Anatomy is like the OC of medical dramas.
they all suck; melodramatic pap/soap opera (Scrubs tries waaaay too hard to be funny, most times it misses the mark) ...still better than CSI ..the most idiotic show on tv I cant even watch a second of it any more's just utterly rediculous; the stories, the characters etc. What gets me is that if you even spent a day in the workforce you'd quickly come to the conclusion that the majority of people are incompetant in their jobs ..not so on tv where everyone is an overachieving genius's annoying and it makes me want to punch small animals

I'll take something like Trailer Park boys over the sorry excuse for entertainment the networks push
House is one of the worst shows on TV. It's pretty much just CSI in a hospital, which doesn't boast well in the originality department. Throw in the overacting, the flashy sets, the bad dialogue and the endless "his most shocking case yet" commercials and you realize that punching small animals is much too tame.
stern do you hate all versions of csi or just one particular version ? . i tend to stay away from miami and NY but i think Las Vegas is pretty good.
I know this question wasn't directed towards me but comparing CSI: vegas with Miami and NY is the equivalent of comparing a Turd Sandwich to a Giant Douche.
stern do you hate all versions of csi or just one particular version ? . i tend to stay away from miami and NY but i think Las Vegas is pretty good.

miami is especially loathsome because of david caruso ..but ya what brinks said...I cant watch any of them
....No, you're not allowed to hate House.


House wins. Scrubs is good too, but I can only take so much. It deserves points for not relying on the standard laugh-track bullshit though. Grey's Anatomy should die.
So we've got the drama vs the comedy vs the mystery show? Exactly what is the comparison besides that they are all set in a hospital? I have favorable opinions of all of them, although I don't regularly watch Grey's Anatomy.

That and I still don't get all the grief that's laid on CSI:Vegas (just plain CSI). Most of it seems to be the result of people wanting it to be something its not. It's really just a successful update of the mystery formula, not a realistic crime show or a documentary.

House kicks so much ass. English guy that can hide his accent, replacing it with a rough, gritty sound with a smart ass attitude is win.
it's style over substance ..I remember one particular episode where a scuba diver was found dead on top of a tre, still in his wetsuit despite being miles from any body of water ..the explanation was more ludicrous than the fact that a scuba diver was found dead dangling from a tree ..and then there was another episode where a taxi driver ran over a kid, witnesses beat the driver dead and then it turns out he was dead seconds before the taxi hit him ...I mean just taking a few episodes it seems that this sort of thing is common place in that neck of the woods ...I dont mind suspending my disbelief but it can only go so far
That's a well known urban myth actually, the scuba diver thing.

And it's not like your suspending your belief that much. You watched Star Trek didn't you.
That's a well known urban myth actually, the scuba diver thing.

And it's not like your suspending your belief that much. You watched Star Trek didn't you.

but star trek is set hundreds of years in the future

and the urban myth would be ok, if it wasnt for the fact every single plot line is similiar ...I mean dont people die in normal ways on CSI? why must it always be in a giant bread making machine, a rice picking machine, or in some bizarre gardening accident (btw all 3 of those examples are from tv shows or movie ..a cookie if someone can guess all three)
yes ..that's one (very good btw ..very obscure, especially since it was a giant bread making machine)

House kicks so much ass. English guy that can hide his accent, replacing it with a rough, gritty sound with a smart ass attitude is win.

How can the American shows beat this:
Yeah, that particular scuba diver CSI episode actually dealt with someone playing on the urban myth to try and cover a murder. Mythbusters has also done an episode dealing with that same myth.

The fact is that most CSI episodes deal with murders/deaths that occur by perfectly normal means, whether it be a car accident, stabbing, shooting, etc. It is also correct though that there is always some twist on the proceedings. Its for the same reason that House almost always deals with obscure diseases: mystery shows don't work if theres no mysteries. Something about the who, why, and what has to be exceptional in a murder otherwise what's the point, at least for a mystery?

I might also mention that the show has improved vastly in the last few years, and even I have some definite criticism for the earlier episodes that you see repeated on Spike and, I think, TBS (or TNT?).
House FTW, Hugh Laurie is class. I used to like Scrubs, but it jumped a good 2 series back when JD turned from kooky earnest guy into gurning smug clown.
I used to watch grey anatomy but lost complete interest,sometimes saw some episodes

house I had heard about it but never interesed me

and scrubs is the best of the 3 and I like it a lot for its style

however as sterm say there is too much crap on tv,I dont see CSI anymore

one of my favorties tv ever besides seinfled is married whit children
...Wait stern was talking about CSI? Shit, I don't care about CSI. HOUSE. IT'S ALL ABOUT HOUSE.
I say House and Scrubs are close in my book.

I don't watch House for the medicine, I watch House for House himself. He's just plain hilarious. If you take away the humor from House then you have CSI: Hospital.

Scrubs has been slipping for a while though.
scrubs is great except for the last 5 10 minutes of every episode when it gets all deadly serious and sentimental
Yeah, that part of Scrubs can get a bit annoying.

Dr Cox: I'm awesome! Eeeeeeverybody sucks but me, so do what I say or I'm gonna berate you with my lightning fast wit! You, <belittling gender-reversing insult>, go give that patient 500mls of whatever's in that blue syringe cuz I said so.

JD: Wooowoo positive role model. It shall be done oh great and all-seeing overlord! Hey, would it be innapropriate if I tapped you on the ass just one tim...OHSHI--

Dr Cox: LOL you tool, you just put the patient into a coma. Maybe you should get your head out of my ass and think for yourself once in awhile. And get me a sandwich while you're at it!

*serious music plays* *JD stares blankly yet intently just past the camera, presumably to where Dr Cox has just purposefully strided out of the room, dragging his gargantuan ego with him* *audience is instilled with the idea that a life-altering lesson has been learned here, and all characters involved are the wiser for it*

*fart joke*
Scrubs is entertaining, if only for the sheer amount of wit that flies around in one episode (their joke-per-minute ratio can sometimes approach Airplane! levels).

I would give the trophy to House though, because ojf the way it builds really strong characters while still throwing a surprise or two at you.