

The Freeman
May 13, 2003
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Hahahahaaaaaaahaha, hahaha, ha.

Officials on college campuses across the nation are alarmed at a wave of recent suicides involving Christians who have been harassed by homosexual activists. The main stream media isn’t covering the story so, as usual, I have taken it upon myself to do their jobs for them. None of the following eight cases have been covered by any of the three major news networks.

Jonathan was a community college student in California. He was giving a speech on the impact Jesus Christ has had in his life and in the lives of others he knows. During the speech, he quoted a verse from the Bible, which referred to the traditional definition of marriage. His professor jumped up in the middle of the speech and shouted “You fascist bastard.” He then refused to give Jonathan a grade for the speech – sarcastically telling Jonathan he should “ask God what (his) grade is.” Jonathan subsequently committed suicide.

Scott was a librarian at a university in Ohio. He was a member of a committee charged with picking books for a freshman reading program. He recommended a book called The Marketing of Evil, which was critical of, among other things, homosexuality. A homosexual faculty member publicly accused Scott of sexual harassment – merely for recommending the book. Shortly thereafter, Scott took his own life.

Jennifer was a graduate student in Georgia. She was studying counseling at the graduate level when word got out about her religious objections to homosexuality. Some professors also found out that she considered homosexuality to be a chosen lifestyle. Neal Boortz found out and called her ugly names on his radio show. The university forced Jennifer to go through a government-mandated thought control program, which Neal Boortz had endorsed on air. She soon found herself facing the prospect of expulsion from the university. She later killed herself in the face of the Boortz-led witch hunt.

Crystal was an administrator at a university in Ohio. She wrote an article for the local paper, which let homosexuals know that there are ways to escape the lifestyle that ends their lives prematurely. She told them they could find hope in God. But they were enraged. They demanded that she be fired from her job – even though her opinions were written and disseminated on her own time. They managed to get her fired. Later, she took her own life.

Julia was a student at a university in Michigan. She was asked to help a homosexual client by using “gay affirmation” therapy. But she refused to do so because of her beliefs about homosexuality. (Note: It is OK to refuse to provide gay correction therapy even if that is what the client desires. But one must not refuse to provide gay affirmation therapy). Julia was expelled from Eastern Michigan because of her views. So she ended it all.

Graham was a freshman at a university in North Carolina. He was taking a class in the political science department when the issue of gay marriage came up. When Graham mentioned his opposition to same-sex marriage his professor told him to shut up. He then threatened him with prosecution under the university speech code. So Graham decided to file suit. But before the suit was filed he took his own life.

Ruth was a student in Georgia. She was battling her campus speech code in federal court when homosexual activists began spreading rumors about her on the internet. They even called her a “bitch” for fighting against the campus speech code. After they circulated pictures of her Jewish co-plaintiff (doctored with swastikas) all over the internet she decided she had had enough. So she took her own life.

Mike was a professor in North Carolina. The director of the local LGBSTQQCCISA (Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, queer, questioning, completely confused, indecisively-sexed, and allied) Center kept sending him emails promoting LGBSTQQCCISA issues. The director of the LGBSTQQCCISA Center admitted that she did it to provoke him. He felt bullied. So he killed himself.
Hahaha, hahahahaha, haaaaaaaaaa.

Oh holy shit, you are not prepared for this twist ending.





These eight cases are all true except for one thing: The Christians who were bullied by gays and gay activists are all still alive. Not a single one has committed suicide. That is because they have centered their lives around Jesus Christ, rather than their sexual identity. And no amount of bullying can change my mind about that.
Well things are kinda different when you're a part of the majority :|
Oh look, a conclusion I reached yonks ago.

(Still somewhat entertaining of a read, though)
I was most impressed by the completely made-up acronym.
I don't understand.

Therefore I must kill you all.
Un-spoilered the end paragraph, in case people were just skipping over that.
I still do not understand.

Your death warrant still stands.
The guy made up all the stories and the twist ending to show everyone how confident he is in his beliefs HAHAHAA funny times

He wanted to be like "Oh man you thought all those stories were serious omg yeah right as if we would be intimidated by you gay sinners so easily WE STAND STRONG"
intolerance for the intolerant, how meta
*Fake stories*

"Hehe, I lied. But if that actually happened, we would do the opposite of what I said!"

Wait... crap.
Well, a few of those has may have been superfluous, so I apologize if I've overstepped my ha quotient. Admittedly, the has were intended to be more derisive than jolly, such that a ha surplus would be somewhat extraneous or gratuitous.

Nonetheless; ha.
I wasted 3 minutes of my life to read that?