half-life 2 bugged to ****

Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
haven't got my copy in the post yet, but it sure does look like this is one buggy first release. :stare:
How's about you actually play the game?

Most people seem to have this problem due to preload or hardware issues.

Most of my friends' copy works perfectly.
same, mine works flawlessly, except that graphics are not that good cos of my gf 4 mx 440, tho they use all the best of graphics it can squease outa meh card.
Mine works perfectly, runs great! It's not buggy in my mind.
runs PERFECT on a geforce fx 5700. The game is incredible :thumbs:
I'vej ust unlocked my retail version and theres no crashing or any bugs at all. Off to play....
i'm having lots of clipping even on low settings.. 512 megs, 2500+, and a 9600pro
didn't think i'd be dealing with this much choppy gameplay.. i think i need to fiddle with the settings a bit more...

i love the game, though.. so crisp.
The game runs great. The reason why it seems that way is because the relativly few people who are having problems arnt busy playing the game.
f|uke said:
The game runs great. The reason why it seems that way is because the relativly few people who are having problems arnt busy playing the game.

good point
frances_farmer said:
haven't got my copy in the post yet, but it sure does look like this is one buggy first release. :stare:
Actually for the 2 million people playing it maybe a 1000 have problems. Those are great numbers. Remeber majority of folks dont have problems, the few that do are posting here for answers. Only people that have been around that are not experiencing any problems are still here to help those that are. Remember it is a pc game and with all the different types of cards and mobos and processors, some are bound to have problems. Thats why I did a complete reformat and have nothing on my pc but video drivers, dx9install, steam, and hl2/css. Yay for me. Oh yeah non of that sp2 bs either.
frances_farmer said:
haven't got my copy in the post yet, but it sure does look like this is one buggy first release. :stare:
u really are a stupid little troll whore
There are two major issues.

1) if you got the game over steam and you tried to download HL:S before playing HL2 but then cancelled when you saw how long it took, it screws up your gcf files and you need to redownload some of them
2) if you only have 512MB of RAM but then try to play with ultra-high quality settings for sound and graphics, the game is choppy due to the fact that HL2 is a processor dependant memory hog. All the animations and sounds and so forth take up a TON of memory room, and you need to cut back on some things to avoid thrashing. Or get more memory. :)
Apos said:
There are two major issues.

1) if you got the game over steam and you tried to download HL:S before playing HL2 but then cancelled when you saw how long it took, it screws up your gcf files and you need to redownload some of them
Apos... Do you know WHICH gcf files have to be replaced?
as apos said that you had to dl some of the certain gcf files

i really need help because i did that :( and i really screwed it up
I.E. i cant see my gun or see fences and other certain stuff

please help me anyone
the source models gcf is the main one. Unfortunately, I think there are serious issues between HL:S and HL2 sharing some of the same data, and it all getting really mixed up because of this.
Nvidia Ti4600 128
2.6 P4
512 Ram

Runs perfect, getting 75 FPS, settings on high. The trick is to have a nice clean system without a bunch of crap running in the background.
shadowSn1p3r said:
same, mine works flawlessly, except that graphics are not that good cos of my gf 4 mx 440, tho they use all the best of graphics it can squease outa meh card.

What are the frame rates like on your comp. I got a GMX440 too!
My game is sometimes choppy (Nothing I whine about though), and quite long loading times - But they are so far apart, by the time the next one comes around, you've forgotten about the first.

I think I did a rough Driver instal, but I'm not bothered, until it comes to Ravenholm *Craps trousers*
Apos said:
the source models gcf is the main one. Unfortunately, I think there are serious issues between HL:S and HL2 sharing some of the same data, and it all getting really mixed up because of this.

yes yes i know but HOW do you fix it?
Id start with the source materials gcf, and see if that fixes the problem. If it doesnt, then Id do the half life 2 content gcf and the half life source gcf.

Meaning delete those gcfs, and then restart start steam, and redownload those files. Im no expert though, it would be best to get someone thats more familiar with this stuff to confirm, but Im pretty sure this is what ya need to do.
yeahm, mine gets choppy when a lots going on, and long loading times... I'm not complaining, but hwas best for this:
2.4GHz Pentium 4
Radeon 9500 128mb

I jsut wanna cut back on some of the choppiest with out going all out lowest settings
I did the exact same thing......But didnt get fooked up like yours did. so its more of just a chance it will happen not a certainty
Well I didnt plan on playing it until I got home from work this evening, but the trashmans loud ass truck woke me at 530 am so I had about 45 minutes to play hl2 before getting ready for work. I must say the amout of detail and effort that was put into this game is astounding. It really is quite impressive and I am only about 1/10000th into the game :D I didnt notice any bugs at all, seems to run fine on high settings too.
Zio said:
yeahm, mine gets choppy when a lots going on, and long loading times... I'm not complaining, but hwas best for this:
2.4GHz Pentium 4
Radeon 9500 128mb

I jsut wanna cut back on some of the choppiest with out going all out lowest settings

My game was also very choppy with long load times.

Just for kick, I decided to fire up Norton utilities and see if my hard drive was fragmented.

Norton reported 82% Fragmented!!!

I am now defragging and I'll try again when I get home from work.

Athlon XP 3200+
512MB DDR SDRAM (I might just go get another 512K after work)
ATI X800PRO (Flashed to XE)
I had the same problem with the loading times. Defragged and now every thing is fine.
Dragoro said:
Id start with the source materials gcf, and see if that fixes the problem. If it doesnt, then Id do the half life 2 content gcf and the half life source gcf.

Meaning delete those gcfs, and then restart start steam, and redownload those files. Im no expert though, it would be best to get someone thats more familiar with this stuff to confirm, but Im pretty sure this is what ya need to do.

ok im trying what you said..

hopefully it works