Half-Life 2 CTF Public Alpha Released

Sep 28, 2003
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The Capture the Flag mod for Half-Life 2 recently released a public alpha for download. Capture the Flag is a popular multiplayer game in which two teams attempt to steal the opposing team's flag and take it back to their base, while at the same time defending their own. Now you can play it within the Half-Life 2 universe, taking sides with either the combine or the resistance.

[br]To download the public alpha, visit their download page.
OMG! this mod is sweet :D

My and crush tested it on a couple of servers, and apart from the lagg it was very enjoyable.
Whats the diferance of this and normal deathmatch ctf?
I'm downloading it right now. I hope it will be as great as I think it would be ;)
Is it just me, or do the weapons take away a lot more damage than they are supposed to?
They changed the origins on all the weapons so they are farther forward. The shotty in this mod is much better than the HL2DM one though.
Finally, a real mod with a real game mode aswell.
Thank God.
Can't these people see that CTF is something Valve will inevitably cover officially? Oh well, at least we can enjoy it while it lasts!
Varsity said:
Can't these people see that CTF is something Valve will inevitably cover officially? Oh well, at least we can enjoy it while it lasts!
How can you say that for sure? They love the modding community, and they knew we'd provide for ourselves....I don't know if they really had any intent to do so...
please please please fix the bug where anyone can use impulse 101 whenever they want. This causes so much lag and results in an unplayable, frustrating, game
Why even include the pistol?? It shoots WAYY slower than it should and the animations rarely work for it. Also, I don't like dieing in three hits from the SMG.
The way the guns are in this mod, are like how they sort of are in widescreen.
i like the way the characters die, its like getting with with seondary pulse fire. Very rewarding to see your foe float into air. :smirk: and also why the lack of weapons. I miss my crossbow.
Pretty dang good mod. The weapons seem to be extended (like longer) and I don't really like it. That, and the lag. Other than that, pretty dang good mod.
i'm impressed, could be great. I think it needs to be slowed down slightly, or the weapon damage effects need altering slighty, but then it's an alpha so i'm sure the finished product will be pretty different anyway!

Keep it up!
Every server I joined, I crashed out almost immediately after insane repeating stutter. :(
The weapons could stand to be dulled down. You can kill someone in about 1 second of shooting even when they have full armor.