Half-Life 2 in 3D


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone heard about the E-D Glasses?
I just found out about them and i think they sound fun to play with.
But Im still trying to get more info on them. Does anyone have a Pair, and has used them on Any Half-Life game?
They said it works on every game.
If so could they be used on a flat panel monitor?
Does it look like going to see a movie at the 3D Imax?
They said it does, but i need someone that has actualy tryed them. And i need to know if they will work an a Flat Panel Monitor.
For anyone elese thats intrested here is there website.

My brother got a pair of those 3-D goggles or whatever the hell you wanna call them.
Apparently they can make Television screens and computer screens seem 3-D. What they don't tell you is that you get a lovely migrane to go along with it.
I don't recommend them, waste of money and Tylenol. Maybe he got cheap ones, I dunno.

I know I won't buy them. :P
I have a pair of stereo glasses and i think they are great . they dont work with every game and with some games there are issues. (ex: in bf 1942 everything is in 3d but the tank treads and the characters backpacks equipment and gun.) so its kind of pointless to use them there. wierd huh. also in almost all games your cross hairs are prettymuch useless because you have two of them and you gotta aim inbetween them hit anything. But if you dont mind turning crosshairs off games like unreal tournment 2003 and halflife pretty look pretty awsome. Just as good as eyemax! No they dont work on a flat panel monitor. flat panels suck for games anyway. hope that helps. If you want, when hl2 comes out ill tell you weather or not its worth the $70 to get a pair.
Damn it..... I only have a flat monitors here........

Ok lets say i use my TV to play Half-Life. Will that work?
yup there was an article in pcgamer and they said you can only play for about 20mins then take a 10 min break cause of the huge migraine you get... imagine staring at those hiddenimages for a long time and you get the picture.... i wouldnt take them
hell yes ure tv will work with hl2... just if u have a correct video card.

that is what i plan to do for the whole SP. nice 50' dlp using dvi out.
Hell Yea! I got the Radeon 900 Pro. I watched Reloaded on it.
But then thing i dont like about the TV is its resolution. The ood Thing is that i have a Flat screened one.
If he had the money... Which I don't think many people would have and would will to spend on some goggles like that. I would rather buy a Radeon 9800 pro.
Originally posted by AgentXen
Has anyone heard about the E-D Glasses?
I just found out about them and i think they sound fun to play with.
But Im still trying to get more info on them. Does anyone have a Pair, and has used them on Any Half-Life game?
They said it works on every game.
If so could they be used on a flat panel monitor?
Does it look like going to see a movie at the 3D Imax?
They said it does, but i need someone that has actualy tryed them. And i need to know if they will work an a Flat Panel Monitor.
For anyone elese thats intrested here is there website.


i have some, they worked well in CS, im sure they would work in HL as well, only problem is, nvidia's 3d drivers are soo old tehy're lik 2x.xx generation drivers, and the new drivers dont seem to support them, and ati doesnt have drivers for them either, or at least a friend of mine couldnt find any for his.
AgentXen: No it just makes it look uber high res :Pand shibs_himself you can buy "stereo glasses" to make the game appear 3d.... HL2 will not be 3d right out the box otherwise that would be cool :D turn your head w/ gordon's and all
i tried some of those things, i hated them, completely useless

when i got them to work, i always had to manually focus my eyes to be able to see in 3d, which, needless to say, gave me a headache in about 2 minutes

it changed the brightness on the screen, foogled with my eyes, and didn't even work half the time

i really don't recommend them at all
all these people who say they hate stereo glasses probably could stand imax 3d as well. If you dont have a problem with imax you wont have a problem with the consumer glasses.
i have no problem watching imaxes, i've watched them plenty of times

i'm stating from personal experience, these stereo glasses things are complete and total gimicks, a waste of your money

you're better off buying a new stick of RAM or something
I ment to type in a Radeon 9000 Pro.
I have no problem with 3D Imax. I Try and go every chance i get. I enjoy going there.And i dont get head aches. Im just curious as to will they actualy work, i dont realy care about usein them in any othere game, As long as it works very good in the Half-Life games. But i have anothere question. Will it work if you have an N64 Emulator and Play "Perfect Dark". At Full Screen. Will it work on that too?
I use PJ64. OH and about the TV. I saw a video clip that showed you have to plug something in to your monitor. How will that work for the TV? I plug in the yellow cable from the videocard to the TV. Will that include an adapter of some kind?