Half life 2.net song by hlradio

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Neutrino said:
About the member count, couldn't he have just come out and said that like 2 weeks ago rather than just ignorning it and deleting all mention of it on the forum?
I think it was deleted to hide the fact that the original story was that there really was 30,000+ members but 24,000 of them were on invisible mode and didn't show up in the lists.

The explanation that it's a computer error still doesn't wash though. Let's face it the same problem is on HLR and HLS and HLS even boasts about being the biggest community. And the only reason it still pisses me off so much is because it's just pure dishonesty and I just don't like it.
Now now, lets not get rowdy...

I just think that more respect needs to be shown on both sides.

I mean come on, we are both here for the same reason. Halflife and Halflife2.
There is really no need to argue, flame, or whatever. (Or fake member counts if that did happen, or steal avatars etc.)

And our lot need to stop making even more trouble by flaming their site. The more we argue the more they argue and nobody wins.

Awww, well. Back to maths revision for me. God I hate stats..... :angry:
Chris_D said:
I think it was deleted to hide the fact that the original story was that there really was 30,000+ members but 24,000 of them were on invisible mode and didn't show up in the lists.

The explanation that it's a computer error still doesn't wash though. Let's face it the same problem is on HLR and HLS and HLS even boasts about being the biggest community. And the only reason it still pisses me off so much is because it's just pure dishonesty and I just don't like it.

Your wrong there buddy. They never even claimed to be the biggest in my knowledge of being there. I am one of their oldest members too. The Hl2.net members here came and boasted about it there and saying that that we said we were the biggest community and I do believe you guys do have a big community and the biggest of hl2.
Shadowlands5325 said:
Your wrong there buddy. They never even claimed to be the biggest in my knowledge of being there.

Argh, I don't wish to add to this as I think we should all just forget it, but I can't help but say something when I see something that's not true.

Shadowlands, take a look at the top of the page:

halflifesource.com said:
Welcome to the largest Half-Life 2 game community site in the world.....and.....Half-Life Source is the largest Half-Life 2 game community.

Just wanted to show you what people were talking about, not trying to restart the whole thing.
Shadowlands5325 said:
Your wrong there buddy. They never even claimed to be the biggest in my knowledge of being there. I am one of their oldest members too. The Hl2.net members here came and boasted about it there and saying that that we said we were the biggest community and I do believe you guys do have a big community and the biggest of hl2.
It said it on the forum index or the homepage somewhere.

Also, I don't care if HLS is bigger or HL2.Net is bigger. Like I said, for me it's all about the honesty.
Neutrino said:
Argh, I don't wish to add to this as I think we should all just forget it, but I can't help but say something when I see something that's not true.

Shadowlands, take a look at the top of the page:

Just wanted to show you what people were talking about, not trying to restart the whole thing.

Hmmm I guess you are right but hey who cares they do a lot of that stuff in advertising.

Feel like such a newbie now.

And to think they say that when they play their radio too. Damn it. Stupid me.
Shadowlands5325 said:
Hmmm I guess you are right but hey who cares they do a lot of that stuff in advertising.

Feel like such a newbie now.

And to think they say that when they play their radio too. Damn it. Stupid me.

Eh, easy enough to miss. Not your fault.

RblDiver said:
Jackal, I wasn't talking about your post, it was a good one. I was talking about the other guy, whatever his name was (I have a short memory :p).

whew, i guess this means i'm in the clear...


lol j/k...

and hey, shadowlands... is that one of the final fantasy people in your avatar? ..looks cool :thumbs:
Ya, Shadow's avatar is Cloud from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (the FF movie coming out)(at least, I think :/ lol)
Wow...was listening to the HL2.net song and my computer just simply committed suicide halfway through. BAM, rebooted itself it was so bad. :D
I really dislike hlradio's forums, was just browsing around and basically everyone thinks that hl2.net doesn't get to go to E3 because Gabe thinks we aren't mature enough to go :\
What really pisses me off about this whole thing is that it will probably only get worse. neither hl2.net or hlradio will be disapearing any time soon, and the hatred between the members of the two is only growing.
nw909 said:
I really dislike hlradio's forums, was just browsing around and basically everyone thinks that hl2.net doesn't get to go to E3 because Gabe thinks we aren't mature enough to go :\
No, it's becuase we're a british site, with mostly british staff.

But we still love you US guys :D
nw909 said:
I really dislike hlradio's forums, was just browsing around and basically everyone thinks that hl2.net doesn't get to go to E3 because Gabe thinks we aren't mature enough to go :\

I am not trying to dis you guys or anything but I heard you guys are not really recognize in the industry (hl2.net). I am not saying my reasons that you guys aren't recognize because a possible ban.

(What really pisses me off about this whole thing is that it will probably only get worse. neither hl2.net or hlradio will be disapearing any time soon, and the hatred between the members of the two is only growing)

True true.... But I am stuck in the middle of it. I am trying to make myself famous throughout the halflife community.
ComradeBadger said:
No, it's becuase we're a british site, with mostly british staff.

But we still love you US guys :D

I can feel the love!
Shadowlands5325 said:
I am not trying to dis you guys or anything but I heard you guys are not really recognize in the industry (hl2.net). I am not saying my reasons that you guys aren't recognize because a possible ban.

(What really pisses me off about this whole thing is that it will probably only get worse. neither hl2.net or hlradio will be disapearing any time soon, and the hatred between the members of the two is only growing)

True true.... But I am stuck in the middle of it. I am trying to make myself famous throughout the halflife community.

HL2.net isn't recognized in the "industry?" What the hell does that mean?
Is HL2.net going to E3? No. Has HL2.net gotten publicity before? Yes, gamespot.com has linked to HL2.net two or three times for sources of information, and magazines have actually borrowed information from the VALVe info thread.
HL2.net is hosted by Limelight Networks, courtesy of VALVe as well.

Care to elaborate on your comment a bit? Because, as far as I can tell, we're more than "accepted."
Shuzer said:
I can feel the love!
Err, no, thats just Onions ;)

Shadowlands5325 said:
I am not trying to dis you guys or anything but I heard you guys are not really recognize in the industry (hl2.net). I am not saying my reasons that you guys aren't recognize because a possible ban.

Why would we ban you for that :p
Shadowlands5325 said:
I am not trying to dis you guys or anything but I heard you guys are not really recognize in the industry (hl2.net). I am not saying my reasons that you guys aren't recognize because a possible ban.

(What really pisses me off about this whole thing is that it will probably only get worse. neither hl2.net or hlradio will be disapearing any time soon, and the hatred between the members of the two is only growing)

True true.... But I am stuck in the middle of it. I am trying to make myself famous throughout the halflife community.

Where did you hear that? From somebody posting from the first time on another website? Did he cite specific reasons or sources about this credibility issue? I heard that dumbo will be in HL2. Does that make it true? I don't think so. What I think you should do is consider both sides of the story, which I think you are doing. Once you get all the information you need, make a decision for yourself.

I have. I like this forum. Not only are their active posters here, but everybody usually remains civil around here. Yes, this (like every other) site does get out of control sometimes. But for the most part we are a friendly and helpful bunch of forumites.

I read the thread where you got your information from, I came back here and did a search about exclusive information. It turns out that a HL2.net forum member (not mod or admin) wrote to Gabe and asked if he could "send something" to hl2.net. Gabe's reply and I quote

Gabe Newell said:
Thanks for the mail. I'm a fan of them as well. I'll see what we can

As consequence to this posted letter, a thread was started. you can read the thread here.

I really don't see what we were promised or what we lied about. If thats what they think, thats alright with me. This post isn't to restart a flame war, it is to show you that more than one side of the story exists. I certainly don't dislike halflifesource or halfliferadio. It would be nice if both these sites (even though it may be blasphamy ;) ) put down their differences and decided to work together for the benefit of the half-life community.
ComradeBadger said:
No, it's becuase we're a british site, with mostly british staff.

But we still love you US guys :D

Yeah I know that, but try explaining it to them, I've seen people saying the same things on HLS and HLRadio.
We're not going to E3 because we're not in the same country. Simple as that. No other reason. Aside from anything else, you don't need an invite to go to E3 anyway.

We'll definitely be at ECTS - will HLradio?

I am not trying to dis you guys or anything but I heard you guys are not really recognize in the industry (hl2.net). I am not saying my reasons that you guys aren't recognize because a possible ban.

As has been pointed out, this is blatently incorrect. As for the "possible ban" - I've seen people go to the HLR forums, post something, have their post deleted and their account banned just as much as it happens here (on a relative scale - we have more members and a larger forum)

HLR indulge in as much "site bashing" as our members here. The difference is that we discourage it.
nw909 said:
I really dislike hlradio's forums, was just browsing around and basically everyone thinks that hl2.net doesn't get to go to E3 because Gabe thinks we aren't mature enough to go :\
Sweet sweet irony.
Seriously I have no clue what's going on between the two sites. But I thought I would add my 2 cents into the discussion. I remember the first, and only Half-Life Radio broadcast I listened to.

They bragged that they were going to have a live interview with Valve. Well 2 hours later no live interview, no biggie, crap happens. What did bother me horribly is after that they basically talked about the then recent source leak. Saying things like, it wasn't even 25% of the source, and nobody could make a working build from the leak. This happened while a bunch of people I knew, who had a working build, from JUST the source leak *as the beta leak hadn't gotten released yet* telling them that their information is wrong, and that there was already a working build from the source. They basically responded by ignoring and kickbanning everyone who tried to tell them the true information and kept saying the false information over the radio. False information discredits people, that was the first and only time I will ever listen to Half-Life Radio.

My other experiences with Andy Hodges and Half-Life Radio come from when Gamesnet turned into GameSurge and there was a *new* gamesnet. Andy himself was involved in some way with the whole ordeal. Now I don't really know the whole story involving that, but I do know that he took the #steam support channel on gamesnet and dubbed it himself the "official" Steam Support channel. In reality the old gamesnet #steam support channel moved when GameSurge was created. This seems to fit in with the whole honesty issue others have talked about.

I won't go into any more detail but I just wanted to put in my opinion on the things I've seen involving Half-Life Radio and Half-Life Source. After the things I have witnessed I will never trust Half-Life Radio, or Half-Life Source again.
ComradeBadger said:
Err, no, thats just Onions ;)

Why would we ban you for that :p

I just don't want to be banned I want to make myself famous around the halflife community so I am watching my words. Look first off I told you guys (bAbYhEaDcRaB) that I didn't want to offend you and you took it as that. I wasn't acting immature and I think you only said that is because you heard me say I was from halfliferadio.com. Plus all I said that I heard this information. So I know my information isn't quite accurate. I just posted what I heard.
PiMuRho said:
We're not going to E3 because we're not in the same country. Simple as that. No other reason. Aside from anything else, you don't need an invite to go to E3 anyway.

We'll definitely be at ECTS - will HLradio?

As has been pointed out, this is blatently incorrect. As for the "possible ban" - I've seen people go to the HLR forums, post something, have their post deleted and their account banned just as much as it happens here (on a relative scale - we have more members and a larger forum)

HLR indulge in as much "site bashing" as our members here. The difference is that we discourage it.

I do believe you need to be invited to E3 because no one public can go. You have to be part of the media and Game industry to go. Not anyone can buy the tickets and go.

And Yes I know HLR FORUMS does this but I don't know about the ban thing. You can ask Rbldiver HE's a mod.

And for blazekun, That might be true and even false but I am not going to discredit you.
We are allowed to go to E3, we just can't get there because we live so far away.
I do believe you need to be invited to E3 because no one public can go. You have to be part of the media and Game industry to go. Not anyone can buy the tickets and go.

All the Hl2.net staff are "press". I'm press and game industry. Also, you're wrong. Anyone can go. How much do you think they check on the door?
Sure thing, right after Satan goes to work on a snowplough....
I could go to e3 then if all you have to do is contribute to a website to be considered part of the press ;)

The people over at those sites are bullshit artists pure and simple. There's nothing more to it than that, I don't mind blagging them but actually argueing with them.... it's just a waste of time and effort.

Personally I don't give a shit about there sites, I would have never known that they existed if it wasn't for all of this. Unless anyone wants to have some fun insulting them I'm not interested.

People are takeing this far too seriously.
PiMuRho said:
All the Hl2.net staff are "press". I'm press and game industry. Also, you're wrong. Anyone can go. How much do you think they check on the door?

I'm just curious, would you be allowed in as press? See, I got my original pass because I'm "industry" (school directly related to industry), and the rest of our staff were trying to get in as media but they told us it had to be commercial (paying the staff is their definition, I mean we have commercials on the radio but not a paid staff, so we weren't commercial), and only then did we get the invites to go.
Hehe....you can BS your way through the door so easy its amazing. :D
Its more a matter of getting there than anything else.
I'm just curious, would you be allowed in as press?

I've never tried, to be honest. If I go to any event, it's as an industry rep, not a member of the press. You get more respect that way :)
You know the one thing that bothers me most about the internet is how easily wires get crossed , accounts mish-mashed and generally pointless arguments escalate stupidly.

Neither site has been whiter than white in the past but the operative word is past. But recent events .. there was just no need.

I would hope that anybody who had an issue with any thread would ( rather than do something rash or let things get carried away in true interwebnet style ) speak to that forums moderator or one of the supermods or simply just contact myself
i just looked at their post about us in the forum, and they really dont seem to be very nice people at all :(

at least we can go home knowing that (most) of us are more mature. probally. hopefully.

[joke] and our site allways DID own theirs, anyway :LOL: [/joke]
Suicide42 said:
and our site allways DID own theirs, anyway :LOL:

that was a joke. i thought it was pretty obvios, but ill make it clearer.... there.
I know t'was a joke, but my comment was more directed at the whole thread. Sorry if it seemed like I was pointing at you.

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