Half-Life 2 shown on national TV!!!!



I was just watching the reruns of friday's shows on a computer-oriented channel in my country called fix.tv when what do I see? The illegal HL2 beta being SHOWN and TESTED by 2 dumb 12 year old kids! And they were constantly complaining about how INCOMPLETE and FAULTY the game is!!! THE NERVE!!! (they even shot Alyx ;( I'm now emotionally scarred for the rest of my life) Plus they also expect me to believe they got the whole thing from the 'publisher', which I think refers to some hacker group rather than VU itself. By the looks of it though, this beta is a pre-E3 state of the game, since for example the traptown level had tons of stuff missing and was noticeably incomplete.
Well anyway, it sure looks like they're headed for a lawsuit.
Thats pretty f***** ** when a TV show is doing that. Just goes to show that programs like that aren't worth wasting your time watching. I'd rather watch Snoopy reruns, but then I'd rather watch snoopy reruns over most things on TV these days :)

I bet you $1 that a load of newbies will use it as their new excuse for "why its right to download the stolen files". Can just see it happening :(

Have you reported them to Vivendi and Valve? They might have problems catching kids at home playing it, but they can sure as hell make an example of a TV show. Be good publicity for them too, show their doing something about it publicly and that their not playing games (pardon the pun)
they made a page about half life 2 .. and in the bottom they link to this site (halflife2.net)

Right, has that site got an email for comments or anything. Because I think its time for a bit of Hate Mail SPam :D
It would most definatly make me feel beter though :(

But your right of cause. Let valves legal department rough em up :D
As if you would show that on TV...they must be pretty DUMB!!
Glabe goes round there houses with a base ball bat

i see it now...
Hmmm... my e-mail doesn't seem to get through to Valve. Oh well...

Anyway here's a link to all the e-mail addresses of the guys who work there: link

The two kids who tested the game: Hadnagy András and Lázár Bence

The channel's generic e-mail address: fix.tv

Flame away! :flame:
man i got up to somthink likt 763 emails and it said "we are sorry but our email box is full" our some crap like that LMFAO

1. The beta is illegal
2. They lied about where they got it from, which directly acknowledges that they fuly knew what they were doing.
3. It was widely publicly broadcast.

I actually want Valve to sue this stupid show.
Originally posted by doe
man i got up to somthink likt 763 emails and it said "we are sorry but our email box is full" our some crap like that LMFAO

I'm all in favor of emailing them and telling them they did majorly wrong, but whats to gain from lowering yourself to their level and filling their inbox up so other complaints can't get through, now to them it'll just look like one guy had a problem and nobody else and they'll simply delete all your emails and think its just some fool who sent them, making any legitimate complaint from other people look like a joke :(
wow, i'm pretty sure that site copied the logo "topleft.jpg" from the top left of this page for their little graphic.

at first glance it's just the same ol' gordon pic we've seen...but it has those horizontal lines that go with the rest of the hl2.net logo.

yeah i just copied the pic and opened it in paint...it's identical except for a crop :\
I'm guessing that is a Russian TV station, in which case there is no chance of a lawsuit.
Lelopták a Half-Life 2 teljes forráskódját a fejlesztõk gépérõl. Gabe Newell, a Valve fejlesztõje megerõsítette az információt és kéri, hogy bárki, aki tud valamit az esetrõl jelentkezzen.

Valaki, vagy valakik közzétették a Half-Life 2 forráskódját az interneten. Gabe Newell elismerte, hogy a hivatalos forráskódot lopták el, és a Half Life közösség segítségét kéri a tettesek kézre kerítéséhez. Newell a lopás körülményeit is leírta. Ezek szerint szeptember 11-e környékén valaki feltörte a személyes levelezését. Erre onnan következtetnek, hogy volt regisztrált forgalma a rendszernek, Newell azonban abban az idõpontban még csak közelében sem volt a levelezõprogramnak. Ezt követõen a fejlesztõ gépe elkezdett „furcsán viselkedni”, gyakran lefagyott az explorer, de vírust, vagy trójait nem találtak. Newell formatálta, és újratelepítette a rendszert. Szeptember 19-én, valaki lemásolta a HL-2 forrás fáját. Ekkor már több billentyû leütés rögzítõt is telepítettek az ismeretlen elkövetõk a Valve gépeire. Az installált szoftver a RemoteAnywhere egy mutációja, amit a jelek szerint kifejezetten erre a támadásra írtak át. Egyelõre ennyit tudnak a cégnél, és a [email protected] címre várják az esetleges további információkat. - a szerk


If someone knows what is it please transl it.


but the ? is, is it a clip from the e3? :dozey:

BadgerEDIT: Doesn't seem to be...
Please do not spam their email accounts. I am contacting [email protected] about their use of our logo in a page concerning the illegal files. We do not wish to be associated with this illegal act.
An extremely basic translation:

Lelopták the Half Life 2 total forráskódját the cultivating gépér?l. Gabe Newell , the Valve cultivating it strengthened the information and kéri , that anyone aki can something the in the event check in. Someone , or someone posted the Half Life forráskódját on the Internet. Gabe Newell recognized , that the official forráskódot he had stolen it off , and the Half Life community with the help kéri the principal kézre kerítéséhez. Newell the larceny upon your circumstances also he described her. These according to September e country-side someone spouted the personal correspondence. This way from there infer from , that it had been regisztrált turnovers the system Newell however in that the time yet only near it nor it had been the levelez?programnak. This adherer the cultivating gépe initiated „furcsán played , often frost the plosive , but virus , or Trojan not found. Newell formatted , and afforested the irregular. September 19- am I , someone transcribe the HL -2 source ache. Ekkor already more key knockout fastener also seated the unknown doers the Valve gépeire. The we've installed software the RemoteAnywhere one mutation , that the jelek according to expressly this way the attack írtak through. Single something like could the trade name , and the címre várják the occasional further informations. the Serbian
Well, I'm hungarian and I'd like to clear up that the article is only about how the source was stolen & stuff. It's already a month old. The cause of concern is not what they have on the site itself, but WHAT THEY AIRED ON TV! And what's more frustrating is that noone gives a damn shit about it! Although the channel isn't a commercial one and not as popular, it still can be viewed all over the country and even on the 'net using their live streams. Furthermore, if they keep with their programming the very same show will be aired again tomorrow somewhere between 9 and 12 AM CET.
Yeah, but they used our logo without permission, in an article concerning the stolen files... so we emailed saying we do not want to be associated with a program like that.

This could have serious reprucussions for Valve...
Last year; these two idiots on Tech TV were playing the leaked Tech Demo of DoomIII, so this doesn't surprise me...I was expecting it a lot sooner. This is still sad none-the-less...hopefully these kids fall down a flight of stairs.
I'm not sure what the copyright laws of Hungary are...anyways it is impossible for Valve to pursue legal avenues here.

When will the constant injustice towards vlaves game end???

I dont understand....
All these youngins are complaining about the release date being pushed back and that valve is a company engulfed with liars of some sort. The way I look at it, it is not valves fault for pushing back the release date. If looked at the situation with a psychological aspect in mind, you begin to understand the stress that builds up around such an anticipated game in regards to HL2. People, namely the hackers, have only contributed to the stress building in the minds of valve employees. The stress then part-takes in mental blocks for; ideas, artistic touches, tech discoveries and so on for the project in the works. It all adds up, if it were not for the hacker(s) screwing around with valve systems im sure the game would not have been delayed so far in development.

So in my point, I stress for the insignificant to be put aside and let valve focus on their task at hand. Furthermore, I do agree that these kids with the TV show should be burned and chard alive with some sort of Nei-palm. Preferbly a NP-29, with the spikes and all. It would make for a statifying display of revenge. hahahah... :) joy...

anyways, i hope some international incident will occur and valve will get some us marines to put those kids through some well deserved brutal mentallity. beer che :cheers: ers
LOL yeah it's pretty obvious the pic was stolen.

But seriously do we really care about some arcane Hungarian TV channel showing the stolen Beta? It's not like this was on CNN.
Hmm... well the show in question is on again (yeah, they do repeat the same stuff lot of times), and at the beginning they gave an explanation (which I apparently missed) that they got some 'special permissions' to broadcast the thing. I think it's kinda bogus, but if it's true then anyone who's interested can watch the thing using the live stream on their site right now.
Do you have a tvtuner card? If you do, would you mind ripping it for all of us to see?
If they use the same logo, can you actually do anything about that? Isn't it produced by valve and released so everyone can use it to promote the game?

And if you guys produced it yourself, isn't it still an image of a valve trademark in which case you probably can't copyright it?

Just wondering =p
I wonder what the codename for Half Life 2 was??

Dilatory maybe?
Did not read any of the posts.. (im in school now just finished my homework :D) i remember they showed HOW and WHERE to mod your xbox it was mad funny because they never finished it... it was soposed to be a full week lol people do crazy things on tv... but now at least i know what the capablitys of xbox are... i mean.. dam they have so many emulators and stuff for moded xbox....