Half-Life 2 "Yes", what about Counter-Strike2, and TFC2?

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i can't wait to get my hand on Half-Life2, but to come to think of it, half-life 1 would not have been so popular if it wasn't for Counter-Strike, day of defeat, and Team fortress classic.

so when valve is going to surprise us on the release date of Counter-Strike2, and team fortres classic2?

Counter-Strike: condition zero is NOT counter-strike2, because its based on the same engine (slightly modified) of original half-life.

Valve will give more details on TF2 after E3. we don't know anything about CS2 yet, but I'm 99% sure it will be developped by Valve and goose
I suspect that TF2 switched to the Source engine, thus the sudden stop in media, to keep it nice and secret. Hopefully it will be released sometime soon after HL2. :D
I can't stop thinking about all those people who were like, "Wow, TF2 was abandoned" "Why would they just stop making it" etc... I thought the same things, but jebus. I guess VALVe never stopped working :\. I tip my hat off to you valve, fooling all of us.
The amount of people in hibernation waiting for TF2 is the size of the CS community pretty much. When it is released it wont be that far behind CS in the amount of players online.
valve started tf2 on the hl1 engine, scrapped it, made a new engine, scrapped it, then finally developed the source engine and the game is pretty much done from what valve said last October and said they are almost to that point of showing us the product, this goes along what with they said last month of "we will announce TF2 shortly after hl2 is announced at e3"
Man, they remade this game 3 times already? lol. This better be one damn good game, and I think it will be. Imagine flyin' a freakin helicopter in TF2, and the engineers could build ON the helicopter an MG, like on the Huey(sp?) in Vietnam.
i never really tryed playing TFC. I play CS. I hope the 2nd one will be good. And i will probably try TF2.
Gabe has said that TF2 is in development on the Source engine.... and people who have been to valve headquarters have seen the guys working on TF2...
TFC beats CS hands down, in my opinion, so I cant wait for TF2... I just hope they dont try to make it all realistic, which seems to be the ever-growing trend in the games industry. The thing that made TFC so much fun was that it was so unrealistic yet so balanced and incredibly fun. Conc grenades, rocket jumps, nail guns, symmetrical levels, all these things are so rare these days because everyone is striving for realism.

I have no problem with realism normally but we need at least some games that are just balanced and fun.
I predict that CS2 and TF2 will release boxed with or within a week of HL2.
more speculation but.. valve wouldn't be smart to release CS2 for free to buyers of hl2 bulk. TF2.. maybe. all depends on the strength of hl2 mp though. dont underestimate this, it could blow us away. but anyway

valve knows for a fact people will pay extra for CS2, and they want to make their monthly steam subscription look appetizing as well, so there needs to be some initial incentive.

you would either get hl2, $50 + CS2 - $30(who knows). a huge expenditure for gaming goodness. or pay $10 a month with no initial fee. now of course im talking about people with decent inet connections. but my theory is that valve are going to put many many incentives to go monthly with steam so to make gaming the same as leasing a house, except the landlord is constantly adding onto the house.
For informations sake...

- Counter-Strike 2 has apparently been in development for quite some time. According to memory, Gooseman started production near a year ago (who is now employed by Valve).

- TeamFortress 2 has been confirmed, it is currently in development and is being developed on the Source engine.

- TeamFortress 2 is not TeamFortress Classic 2, it will not play like TFC.

- TFC was the sequel to the original TeamFortress, which was based on the QuakeWorld engine.

- The same team who did the original TF and then TFC are the same guys doing TF2 (they are now employed by Valve, and have been for a long time).

- Gabe stated that TF2 is currently in development at the ATI Alcatraz event.

- Many months ago a TF2 dev team member stated with any luck TF2 should be finished by the time Half-Life 2 is, however if they are being released at the same time or not is another matter entirely.
Originally posted by rec
For informations sake...

- Counter-Strike 2 has apparently been in development for quite some time. According to memory, Gooseman started production near a year ago (who is now employed by Valve).

- TeamFortress 2 has been confirmed, it is currently in development and is being developed on the Source engine.

- TeamFortress 2 is not TeamFortress Classic 2, it will not play like TFC.

- TFC was the sequel to the original TeamFortress, which was based on the QuakeWorld engine.

- The same team who did the original TF and then TFC are the same guys doing TF2 (they are now employed by Valve, and have been for a long time).

- Gabe stated that TF2 is currently in development at the ATI Alcatraz event.

- Many months ago a TF2 dev team member stated with any luck TF2 should be finished by the time Half-Life 2 is, however if they are being released at the same time or not is another matter entirely.

Nice info rec
Originally posted by rec
For informations sake...

- Many months ago a TF2 dev team member stated with any luck TF2 should be finished by the time Half-Life 2 is, however if they are being released at the same time or not is another matter entirely.

But that was thinking of 9/30 right?
Originally posted by iamaelephant
TFC beats CS hands down, in my opinion, so I cant wait for TF2... I just hope they dont try to make it all realistic, which seems to be the ever-growing trend in the games industry. The thing that made TFC so much fun was that it was so unrealistic yet so balanced and incredibly fun. Conc grenades, rocket jumps, nail guns, symmetrical levels, all these things are so rare these days because everyone is striving for realism.

I have no problem with realism normally but we need at least some games that are just balanced and fun.

I don't remember from where, but I heard that rocket/grenade/conc-jumping were out. That makes me sad. ;(
Originally posted by Letters
I don't remember from where, but I heard that rocket/grenade/conc-jumping were out. That makes me sad. ;(

w00t! That just won my purchase!
TF2 is going to be sweet, I highly doubt it will be anything like TFC, its going to be more realistic and stuff.

I reserved it at electronics boutique in 1999 or 2000 I think, then the store turned to gamestop, I wonder if I'll ever get my 10$ back?
I doubt it, they got all ghey when they turned into gamestop.
Originally posted by Letters
I don't remember from where, but I heard that rocket/grenade/conc-jumping were out. That makes me sad. ;(


;( ;( ;(

Half Life 2 or a homemade loaf of pumpkin bread?

ponder long. ponder hard. ponder long and hard. And then take a crap cuz all that thinking is gonna go right through ya!
Originally posted by Letters
I don't remember from where, but I heard that rocket/grenade/conc-jumping were out. That makes me sad. ;(

I love tfc but to be honest i think its kind of just unsatifying and stupid to shoot somebody six times in the face with a rocket launcher only to have them capture your flag \=
Originally posted by AudioRage
I doubt it, they got all ghey when they turned into gamestop.

I dont usually flame but thats a pretty un-educated statement

unless your talking about the same location then your mistaken eb is still eb and gamestop is still gamestop www.gamestop.com, www.ebgames.com

unless of course you mean there policy became much more like gamespot which by all means is true.... ugh
Ok, when the stores where I live were taken over by gamestop, they became crappy, and fired everyone that worked there previously.
valve started tf2 on the hl1 engine, scrapped it, made a new engine, scrapped it, then finally developed the source engine

The engine they started working on was Source. You have to understand that they started making HL2 directly after HL1 was done(Valve said this). That being said, the fact TF2 was on an advanced HL engine is impling that they were planning on releasing it SOON after HL1. However, since appearantly they realized 1) The game needs more time to become bigger and better and 2) it might have bad effects on the currently growing online community, they decided to remake TF2 on the engine they were making for HL2, Source.

And if you want to be complete, TF2 was originally being made for the Quake 2 engine, but 2 of the TF dev team was hired to Valve. They started working on the HL1 engine as the "official" mod for HL1. Since they had so many ideas, it would take too long to make- instead they quickly made a remake of TF, called TFC for HL1. Their ideas for TF2 where then being implimented in a modified HL1 engine, better suited for what they needed. THEN they switched to Source, as said above.

- TeamFortress 2 is not TeamFortress Classic 2, it will not play like TFC.

I don't remember from where, but I heard that rocket/grenade/conc-jumping were out. That makes me sad.

Both of these are wrong. That information was from years and years ago. Taking the rise of a lot of mods that are similar to TF2's old concept, and the rise to power of CS, this would only make the game less-realistic. It seems silly that in the past 3-4 years they are still creating a game that is basically a Front Line Force on crack. In addition, regarldess of how it plays, it would be a bad move to have it LOOK to a layman anything like CS. They have CS already. No need to make another one. The idea years and years ago was to mature TF2 into something that was really fun and balanced, but have the illusion of something realistic. But taking into consideration everything that has happened since then, I find it hard to believe this is still the case.

Either way, information about a game from 3 years ago really means nothing now. Sicne they hinted at porting current mods, chances are TFC will be playable on Source once it comes out. So all you people who demand TF/TFC gameplay and nothing else, you will still be able to play on Source. And the gamedesign of TF2 we can only guess about at this point. Taking into consideration what has happened over the years, I'm inclined to believe the design shifted back to it's roots more- but who knows? Not us.
Originally posted by Shyguy
TF2 is going to be sweet, I highly doubt it will be anything like TFC, its going to be more realistic and stuff.

I've heard differently.
I'm inclined to say that CS, while promoting the HL community to ungodly levels in its infancy (ie, everything pre 1.0), has actually been detrimental to its further popularity. How many people have we seen that say "Who cares about HL2, HL sucked, CS rools", who don't even realize that CS is based off of Half-life's twisted Quake engine?

The community lost a lot of its bond when CS went gold...because it has become so main stream, it has drawn the people less committed to the cause.

So, now that I've got that off my chest, on to the topic at hand.

We've been waiting ages for TF2 (I absolutely loved the TFC community). Let's pray they don't stick it to us again, as they seem to be prone to do these days. Past that, I just want to get my hands on HL2 Single Player. The other mods can wait in my mind until I get the majority of the story in the main game put past me.

Sorry this message is so long...my mind wanders a bit late at night.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
I love tfc but to be honest i think its kind of just unsatifying and stupid to shoot somebody six times in the face with a rocket launcher only to have them capture your flag \=

Thats what was so much fun about TFC! It was an absolute spam-fest, and nobody bitches about the spam because that is what the game is about. Just dozens of rockets, grandes, concs, nail bombs, flame throwers and pyro nades all thrown into that middle area of CZ2... aahh good times :D