Halflife2.net coming soon..

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ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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The site is currently under development and I would very much like to get some suggestions from you. What would you like to see on the site or the forums in the future? Post away :)
First ...

I hope this web site will be the first ressource for HL2.
I'm just thinkin we can talk about da story ... no ?
And u know talk about the rumour
I will continue this reply tomorow bekoz i got school at 8pm ....
Half-Life 2 site

as a general suggestion, be sure to have many links avaliable, not only to other gaming sites which have stories about HL2, but perhaps to other sites which are housing other information. the forums look nice so far. hopefully off-topic posts will remain in the off-topic section *laugh*

[Edit:] pictures aside, perhaps information on Official Press Releases, organized by their dates? you could start chronologically with the one released early in April, stating that "Half-Life 2 will be shown at E3."

also, in the discussion forum there is a thread titled "What do we know?" it would be nice to list where the various information came from. (i.e. Drivable Vehicles was quoted directly from Valve, or found on Page 32 of a Gaming Magazine, May 2003 issue) it's nice to keep track of this stuff, so years later we can look back and smile :)

eagerly awaiting the May 8 lifting :)

be sure to have many links avaliable, not only to other gaming sites which have stories about HL2, but perhaps to other sites which are housing other information.
I hope to have an extensive links database running on the site with links to the publishers, developers, modification sites, fan sites, reviews etc.
pictures aside, perhaps information on Official Press Releases, organized by their dates? you could start chronologically with the one released early in April, stating that "Half-Life 2 will be shown at E3."
This is a very good idea and one I've not thought of :) Thank's I'll add it to the list of things to do.
also, in the discussion forum there is a thread titled "What do we know?" it would be nice to list where the various information came from.
Sure, I'll try and add that information to it.

Fist i want a halflife skin for da forum
Next i hope this website will be the first ressource for mod skins and news and for everybody ... French, German and Spanish
There'isnt a lot of cummunity french ... for half life or fps of that kinds
I just think you could open a section for us
Re: oki

Originally posted by lapinmalin
Fist i want a halflife skin for da forum
Next i hope this website will be the first ressource for mod skins and news and for everybody ... French, German and Spanish
There'isnt a lot of cummunity french ... for half life or fps of that kinds
I just think you could open a section for us

The HL2 style skin is in development and will be appearing soon.

I'll look into opening a French section of the site and forum aswell as other languages :)
I emailed the owner of this domain, who ever that maybe about helpign out with staff and all, and didnt get a reply, but anyway, i have a close friend that plays on my team whos company he works for has the lisence for HalfLife2. I havnt asked him much about the game, he is busy preparing for E3. If i get a chance ill ask him some stuff. :dozey:

-The SK
Hi SilentKilla, if you sent me a mail please send it again as I missed a couple when my PC broke on me.
I cant remember exactly what i said, but my emails from a site i write for has been messed up, i wasnt able to send email, so if you wanna email me for something personal, you can send email to [email protected] . I was gonna purchase this domain, and drop my silentkilla.net domain, because it has no point of being up, but i seen you have already bought it, so if you need help in any way, i could help out. I have wrote news for a few different sites, http://www.enhanced2k.net,and http://www.unitedgamers.net. I get homeschooled now, so i do my work around midnight, and get up and dont do to much, so if you need staff, it might giveme something to do. Like i said, i may be able to get some info off of my friend, we play Raven-Shield together, he maybe able to tell us about some stuff. I dont know if any of you guys are subscribed to Computer Games Mag. But in the June 2003 edition, they have a pretty big thing on Half Life 2.
Over and out..
I'm glad you're interested in helping. I'll be 'hiring' a few staff members nearer to the launch date to help maintain the site and add new content. I'll email you details a bit nearer the time, thanks.
I have been web developing for several years now, however whenever I have an idea for a site i seem to find that someone has got there before me (;(). I have a half developed HL2 site but I don't really see much point in launching it as halflife2.net seems to be pretty well established as the hl2 resource. I would be very interested in joining your website team. Just email be at [email protected] and we can talk about it or if you want to take a look at my hl2 site.


Well, how about a forum magazine/webzine type of thing? Go on, you know you want to. We tried doing one ages ago but it went under...
this appears to be very old


edit: varsity couldnt have said it better :D
Oh my god...I didn't even know about the existence of this kind of thread. This is beyond old...god...

You actually posted to so old thread==?=?==?(&
Munro 1 night ago some fruitcake was in the HL2 Discussion area and started a "HL2 released" thread.. now i understand not all mods can be online at all times but considering its getting closer to the release.. maybe a few extra mods would be a good idea?

another idea i thought of.. not sure how feasable it would be..
but perhaps holding a contest or 2 of some kind (HL/HL2 related of course) in which the prize would be a Collectors Edition of HL2? like i said, i don't know if its possible but its an idea.. one that would be nice if a poster totally new to the HL series won.

thats it for now :)
Are you going to make the site stretch to the edges of the screen ever? Or will that cause problems with your layout? I've got a lot of wasted space to the sides on higher resolutions.
Hello, all you people who are actually posting stuff here seriously?

This is an old thread from when the joint had just started up...
Die, thread, Die. :)

We need some more american (or british insomniac's, lol) mods. Some of this stuff is getting flat-out ridiculus.
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