Happy easter everyone,and happy April fools day!


Space Core
Jan 31, 2011
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To everyone Catholic,i wish you a happy,warm and joyful easter.
To everyone,no matter the religion,Happy april fools day! HL3 is out!!!

Await to see fake steam pages with HL3,fake news for it,fake drama,and fake everything
(If they want to announce HL3,now is the time,since noone would take them seriously) :D
You know, pretty much every Christian religion celebrates Easter.
What denomination are you? I know people in pretty much every denomination and I've never heard of one celebrating it on a different day. I just googled it to make sure I wasn't crazy.

Edit: Nevermind. Found information on it.
What denomination are you? I know people in pretty much every denomination and I've never heard of one celebrating it on a different day. I just googled it to make sure I wasn't crazy.

I hate religon.Let us just start from there.So this ain't no mine is better than yours,just a little info so everyone can know something more here.

But i(as most of the balkans,russia,and east europe)am protestant(pravoslaven in our languages)christian.
We celebrate Easter according to the old calendar of holidays witch dates from the roman empire times,aka A.D. 0 time.
That's why our christmas is on the 7th of january,not on 24th of december,we have a holiday that is called old new year(aka Church New Year)only because of that calendar.
All of Christianity used to celebrate the holidays on the same date,until some dude(can't remember his name)came in and suggested a new calendar for the pope.But,since we are not in the same church as Catholics,we remained old skool :D

And if you wonder why our"pope"(he is called the equal among equals(don't even ask)) isn't famous,or on tv on his throne like the pope,it's because the main church of the protestants,St.Sofia is in Konstantinopole,aka Istanbul today.

Sorry for the long post,just wanted to teach something :D
I don't normally grammar-rage but...dude, spaces before and after parenthesis, and after periods and commas.

Happy March 31st.
I hate religon.Let us just start from there.So this ain't no mine is better than yours,just a little info so everyone can know something more here.

But i(as most of the balkans,russia,and east europe)am protestant(pravoslaven in our languages)christian.
We celebrate Easter according to the old calendar of holidays witch dates from the roman empire times,aka A.D. 0 time.
That's why our christmas is on the 7th of january,not on 24th of december,we have a holiday that is called old new year(aka Church New Year)only because of that calendar.
All of Christianity used to celebrate the holidays on the same date,until some dude(can't remember his name)came in and suggested a new calendar for the pope.But,since we are not in the same church as Catholics,we remained old skool :D

And if you wonder why our"pope"(he is called the equal among equals(don't even ask)) isn't famous,or on tv on his throne like the pope,it's because the main church of the protestants,St.Sofia is in Konstantinopole,aka Istanbul today.

Sorry for the long post,just wanted to teach something :D
No worries, pretty insightful. Not much love for religion here either. The confusion just stems from the fact that as far as western Christianity goes they all refer to themselves as Protestant if they're not Catholic and to the best of my knowledge they all of those Protestant denominations celebrate on the same day as Catholics.
i had the pleasure of starting a massive argument with the statement "i believe that all men are created equal and that everyone is a product of their surroundings" right after my fairly religious family had returned from Easter Mass.

holidays are a blast when theres a bible on the dinner table.

back on topic....my bullshit detector turned up to 11 for the incoming HL3 tom-foolery
I sat around doing nothing because I didn't go home for Easter. Then I spent an hour on the phone talking to family. I can't complain too much. I didn't have to go to church with my family like usual! So at least I was spared an hour of studiously avoiding mocking the sermon.

Happy Easter everyone!
I ate chocolate eggs, went out 3 nights in a row from Good Friday to now and didn't make a point of hating people because the conclusions they've drawn about existence differ from my own. Happy Easter, dicks.
I ate chocolate eggs, went out 3 nights in a row from Good Friday to now and didn't make a point of hating people because the conclusions they've drawn about existence differ from my own. Happy Easter, dicks.

I love my family! I just wish they didn't drag me to church. Also I didn't go out, so that hasn't helped my disposition. My school is on break but I am still here so there is NOTHING to do.
Never gone to church with my family once, even my grandparents are atheists. Still, Easter is a nice time for us to get together for a dinner or something.

Oh also good reminder that today is April Fools.
Went to my Aunts and ate ham with my extended family. Got some chocolate. No mention of religion. Overall: 8/10

We'll see how today goes.
Nobody I know gives a **** about easter any more.

Maybe I'll just buy myself an egg. :(
Well, apparently people actually do things on Easter. You guys make it sound like Thanksgiving 2.
C'mon man you're not that old.

Dude, friction is friction. It's gonna get worn out before I kill much time, even with some top-quality lotion involved.

EDIT: Porn is also bad for your brain. I don't want to watch it too often.
Uh, happy Easter I guess. A month early, since for us it's on the fifth of May...

As for food, we eat roasted lamb for Easter.