Harvest or save?

Harvest or save?

  • Harvest

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • Save

    Votes: 28 80.0%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
So ... what's your strategy? I just encountered two sisters sofar, but I decided to save 'em. I couldn't kill them to be honest.

Seeing them turn 'normal' was cool. I like how they get these manga like big eyes.

Don't know if I made the right choice but I'll stick to it.

*Put your spoilers between tags please. I still have a long way to go*
Hmm, well, for your first playthrough ('specially if your not on Hard), I'd say Save them.
Even more important to save them ALL if your playing on a 360.
Then harvest on your second playthrough, that's what I'm doing.
I feel bad when I harvest them. I want the ADAM though.
I've been saving, and as of yet haven't run into any ADAM problems. It does mean you have to go for more Big Daddies though.
i've saved all mine so far, i just dont want to kill them, i'll see how it plays out at the end, i always follow them too after i save them, as they jump into those ducts...

i like how big daddies summon them too, if they arent together a lone big daddy will go up to those ducts and starting banging for her to come out.
Saved about 2, harvested the rest.

But after seeing them all in the sewer orphanage, and then the drawings on the walls in the Big Daddy Facility, really made me wish I hadn't. :( The pictures are so cute.
i like how big daddies summon them too, if they arent together a lone big daddy will go up to those ducts and starting banging for her to come out.

Yeah, that's very well done. I followed a Big Daddy around for a while. He didn't succeed at the first couple of vents and at one point he got angry and smashed the vent extra hard. Very funny to see.
Harvested them for my first play through (nearly done)

Gonna be saving them next time around :D
Still on my first playthrough at Apollo Square, been saving them. I'll be harvesting next time.
Saving them almost seems like your getting more adam in the long run
Harvested 2, saved the rest.

Apparently, if you harvest JUST ONE little sister, you get the bad ending. When I got a decidedly negative ending, I literally yelled "OH WHAT? JUST BECAUSE I KILLED ONE OR TWO INNOCENT LITTLE GIRLS, THAT AUTOMATICALLY MAKES ME A BAD PERSON?!" Apparently it does.
I don't have it yet (waiting till I get new comp), but I'll harvest first time, save second time.
Saved 1st one Harvested the rest.


I'm at the part where you take tons of pictures right now.

One thing I keep doing (sort of off topic) is reloading when I am in plasmid mode and wasting the eve power ups when I only have a little bit of eve used. It's just because I'm used to spamming reload in most FPS games, which is a good practice, since having a full clip entering battle is smart.

Surely I'm not the only one doing this.
I go for the save one harvest the next, save one harvest the next strategy. I mean it is only a game :p those aren't real little girls.
I've played through on normal and harvested em all, now doing hard and saving em. Honestly this way is far more fun for some reason, even though you're missing out on a little adam in the long run (I think).

The bonus plasmids and ammo make up for that, though.