Hat Trading Set-Up Available


The Freeman
Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score
It seems that you are now able to choose a real hat you have found in Team Fortress 2 and trade it for another hat of your choosing. I do not believe you get the hat immediately since VALVe has not implemented the trading system yet, so don't get too excited. I apologize if this has already been brought up, but I have not seen a thread similar to this.

The website is: www.tf2items.com
So it is an unofficial system to help you find somone to trade with, once the trading system is released.
Anyone want to trade a Halo for a Camera Beard?
I don't think I'd want any hat in particular over my Fedora. So I guess all I have is a halo to give away /:
Hat trading may take off, since they're quite rare. Are they still going to turn weapon trading on? Only people with low play time won't have triples of everything.
I've got a respectless rubber glove, a glengarry bonnet and a halo :D Can't wait for the system to come in
Haha, its taken me this long to get my first hat, but it was a good one, the camera beard :D
Man, what I really want to get my hands on is a Gentle Manne's Service Medal. Doubt I will ever get one though...
I have the medic oktoberfest hat and the Glengarry Bonnet.

Willing to trade either for the Batter's Helmet.
I don't think they should make the Halo tradeable, I mean, the only ones not having them are cheaters.