Hello Half Life 2 enthusiasts! Voice Your Hopes and Dreams!

What was your favorite gun of Half Life (1)

  • Crowbar

    Votes: 12 10.8%
  • Glock 9mm Pistol

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • .357 Magnum

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • Assault Shotgun

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • MP-5

    Votes: 23 20.7%
  • RPG (Laser-Guided Rocket Launcher)

    Votes: 6 5.4%
  • Crossbow

    Votes: 10 9.0%
  • Gauss Gun

    Votes: 6 5.4%
  • Gluon Gun

    Votes: 10 9.0%
  • The Hive-hand

    Votes: 4 3.6%

  • Total voters


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Feel free to use this thread as a vent for your enthusiastic ideas and hopes for HL2. I know i have more then can fit in a college thesis!

Fire Away!
in response to the poll, i'm going to say the MP5 because it's the gun you use most often during the game. it's automatic, so it's easier to deal damage with. the magnum is really good too - kills almost everything in one shot - but you have to reload to often and the rate of fire is really slow.
I just had 2 say crowbar cuz it was so damn silly to pry apart doors, drones, and dead people with
I've always loved the merciless precision of the crossbow and the magnum, but the intensity of unleashing two rounds of havok from the shotgun into a headcrab's face can't be matched by any other weapon.

Except for the crowbar, but the crowbar isn't a gun.
CROWBAR i love slamming a scientist in the back and watching him whip around in agonizing pain!
The gluon gun of course! Just stick your crosshair to someone's head and fire and they'll be down in a fraction of a second. BZzZZzTwMWWwwwwWWWwWwwwfFffffffff

the crow bar.... because.... well its half life..... AND ITS A CROW BAR!.... yer...
I had to say Gauss Gun, as that was the one I had the most fun with. I really liked them all, though.

*Pyaf!Pyaf!Pyaf!Pyaf!Pyaf!Pyaf!Wibblewibblewibblewibble... PYOW!*
call me dumb but im sure i havent seen the crossbow how do you get it
I voted mp5 i just love automatic guns and with a grenade launcher its just devestating.
My god! It's a DINOSAUR! A thread from back in may..

I liked whatever gun had the most ammo. I have this illogical habit of using the gun that has the most ammo for some reason. So probably the Glock or the shotgun.
gluon gun - "be carful not to overcharge that thing! Whaddaya mean over----"

tee hee heee heee :P
That was the Spore Launcher (or a name similar to that) from Opposing Force.

My favourite weapon was the .357 Magnum, but I tended to use the trusty shotgun most. I prefered to get in close to the soldiers and finish them off with a double blast. Especially after the Blue Shift High Definition pack, no weapon made more satisfying blast and reload sounds.
Originally posted by jimbones
gluon gun - "be carful not to overcharge that thing! Whaddaya mean over----"

tee hee heee heee :P

I think that was the tau cannon?
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
I think that was the tau cannon?

holy crap you're right..

got it mixed up with gauss cannon as an alternative name..


I'll better brush up on my Hl1 knowledge..
btw that SAW gun in op4 was awesome.
full marks regarding coolness and firepower
Originally posted by nw909
Barnacle gun.

Could you ever use that on any aliens or was it just to get around places? I remember trying to use it on headcrabs to see if it would eat the headcrab but I don't remember if it worked or not.

Well, anyways, I voted crossbow because I had a lot of fun sniping around with that.
The Satchel Charges / Tripmine combo owned. I know all the best spots to place them resulting in even the top players with all kills and no deaths, to be fall to their doom! Mwahahaha Those players always leave the game as soon as I get em. They thought they were good, until they met me.
MP5, I love to sit there and mow down stupid helpless aliens. :cool:
Hmmm.. I voted for the pistol. I just feel more satisfaction killing with it. I like aiming for the head :)
I am still inlove with that magnum.... I think that is why i bought the game in the first place. I feel like a big man blowing everyone away in one shot :).
Shotty for me. My favorite weapon of HL2 will most likely be either the shotty or the AK. I love messy.
Originally posted by jimbones
gluon gun - "be carful not to overcharge that thing! Whaddaya mean over----"

tee hee heee heee :P

:laugh: :laugh: hahaha

i remember the first time ever using that gun i was so damned curious what would happen if u overchanged it.. so went and tried it and haha the rest is history :cheese:

now about the poll and the HL guns in general.. i loved them all and had a hard time picking a fav.. but it came down to Crossbow and Gluon Gun.. i voted Gluon but had i another vote, surely it would go to Crossbow.

Crossbow is such an un-appreaciated weapon in HL.. :|
I loved the MP5. Though in OP4 the best was the SAW.

I loved the shotgun. I just love the way you can choose to either wear em down or blow em streight down with both barrells. So much ownage! So much fun!

I seriously cant want for HL2.......
*cries onto keyboard and ruins brand new comp*
I just thought it was BADASS that a medieval siege weapon was thrown into the game in the form of a crossbow (albeit a futuristic high-tech-crossbow).

How cool is it to utterly dominate the aliens with a weapon that's been around since like the 10th century?!?!

Crossbow...all the way.
Nothing is better than the blasts of the Spas-12 shotgun. I changed the reload sound (inserting shells) into Homer Simpson eating sound…. Every time I reload, its like, *swallow* *awmmm* umm* Its just so damn funny, you gotta love it!
Originally posted by BlackWolfdrk

Providing you play through HL1 without cheating or skipping levels you should eventually come up to a big fishy killing a scientist, the crossbow is in the cage which you can reach by going upstairs to another scientist
i voted mp5 but my favorite is the shotgun... hmmmm, nice shotgun, good shotgun BAPUUM, xxxxxttxxxxxtt, BAPUUM
Originally posted by BlackWolfdrk
wow man, how did you killed all those fishies without the crossbow?? don't tell me it was with the crowbar, i won't believe it..