


Hi, was reading around and found these forums, and i love forums so i thought i would join so...hi!
Welcome. Enjoy your stay, watch out for the hydra pit.
Hi, was reading around and found this thread, and I love threads so I thought I would post so... hi!

I love that the new guy is welcoming other new guys. I'm not poking fun, I actually think it's kinda cute. :LOL:
while I was welcoming I was mostly adding to the pattern
Remember: Keep your body in front of the officers so you can be our body shield.
some people never get bored of posting random inane greetings in the newbie forum :)

welcome mate, stick around
But I'm soooo HUNGY!

*Takes willie, flings him into Banimals cage*

Welcome, its not anysafer ere, we sacrifice a forum member unpon every newbies visit. Next in line is You, So join Hl2.net, Hl2.net needs YOU!
I wished ud rape me

I mean i love /b/ F*ack
Don't worry Banimal, your 12:00 feeding will go on schedule...
It's TUNA DAY today!!!
:D .....Hi!
Is this before or after I'm dead? I'm not judging I just wanna know so I can make plans.
Where's the nearest exit...
Well at least willies no necrophiliac. yuckie.
I have to cut the cheese.
Warning: Unknown viral miscount detected. Administer code: Lockdown. Recaliberating socioscan.
In response to the OP, "Hello, Clarice" (in proper Anthony Hopkins voice, of course)
Necrotics detected in sector 3! Outbreak outbreak outbreak!