Help needed with mod


Mar 26, 2011
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I have started mapping for a mod which I am hoping to make, entitled "44BC - The Ides of March". You guessed it, it's to do with the assassination of Julius Caesar (I was intending it for a Latin prep, but I've decided to take a step further). You play the character of Brutus, one of the lead assassins. What I need is for someone to do the modelling (as I can't - I can't apply textures correctly). Currently there's no ModDB page for it - I will make one once I've made one of the levels. Basically I need someone to make models of Julius Caesar, Cassius, and around 10-20 random Roman senators, civilians etc. I also need them to make horses and other models found in Rome (such as vases). This is voluntary work only, unless I decide to release the mod as a full stand alone game (such as The Ship).
Are you a coder? Do you have a basic prototype to show?

You're asking for a lot.
N00b question, but how do you mean by a coder?

If I'm asking for a lot, then sorry. I didn't think that a few models was a lot (ie. a couple of Roman Legionnaires, Julius Caesar and Cassius, and some vases etc.).

I haven't made enough of the map yet to show you any screenshots, but some concept art will be shown soon.
I've downscaled the game, so if anyone is willing to just skin the citizen_sheet with a senator texture, then the mod would basically be complete (as I've nearly done the choreography and the mapping)
You might consider downloading some images of roman legionairres and pasting elements over the model texture. It wont look professional but it should get the job done for your purposes.