Hilarious glitch



In the beginning of the game where you get stuck in the teleporter, enable cheats and put in the impulse 101 cheat. Then, when you teleport to where the guy is sitting at the desk, shoot him with the rocket launcher and he'll die! I'm not sure who it is, though. You can also kill Lamar lol.
not really i still haven't finished the game, i've mostly been replaying ravenholm and nova prospekt ;)

and no i had no idea that that was breen lol.
Neo_Reloaded said:
In the beginning of the game where you get stuck in the teleporter, enable cheats and put in the impulse 101 cheat. Then, when you teleport to where the guy is sitting at the desk, shoot him with the rocket launcher and he'll die! I'm not sure who it is, though. You can also kill Lamar lol.

I love doing that. Or, shoot him with the .357.
lol umm you find out that its breen before the teleport incident
Yeah, you should eaves drop on NPC conversations a bit more dude, back in the train-station, right before you go into the checkpoint, a couple of guys are watching Breen on a big screen and talking about him, and they do mention his name (in disgust).
First go and using cheats... tisk tisk, won't be long until you do a topic saying how crappy the story or gameplay is. :|
Also, when Alyx is leading you to Kleiner's lab, she briefly stops at a poster of Breen and comments on him, mentioning his name in the process.
Lol skipping around chapters? You skip and play revenholm/nova prospekt? play the full game man.
I looked at this thread and my idio-meter exploded, what's going on?
Hey there's nothing dumb about this.
Sometimes when I buy a DVD, I run over it repeatedly and then eat the pieces.

Then I tell people on the internet that I found a hidden bonus feature:

DVDs don't taste good and are sharp!! lol
Mechagodzilla said:
Hey there's nothing dumb about this.
Sometimes when I buy a DVD, I run over it repeatedly and then eat the pieces.

Then I tell people on the internet that I found a hidden bonus feature:

DVDs don't taste good and are sharp!! lol

It is a hi-larious glitch in the DVD that pieces of it can be consumed after it is broken repeatedly.

I think it is an "easter egg".
Mechagodzilla said:
It is a hi-larious glitch in the DVD that pieces of it can be consumed after it is broken repeatedly.

I think it is an "easter egg".

How the hell is it a hilarious glitch that you can shoot someone and he dies :/
Why do French/Canadien people always have 'Anti' in their name? I've always wondered that...
SixThree said:
Why do French/Canadien people always have 'Anti' in their name? I've always wondered that...

Because we are not like the others. We are opposed to everything that is conformed.... just like the emo. And that's what makes us so special.
The one time I used cheats, I spawned a dune buggy in a sewer and got stuck.

Never again. Cheating is for losers.
AntiAnto said:
Because we are not like the others. We are opposed to everything that is conformed.... just like the emo. And that's what makes us so special.
Yes, as we all know, doing what all your buddies are doing makes you unique. ;)
Revenge said:
Yes, as we all know, doing what all your buddies are doing makes you unique. ;)

Exactly. So taking 'Anti' out of your name would be unique, as of now you are a conformist.
SixThree said:
Exactly. So taking 'Anti' out of your name would be unique, as of now you are a conformist.
You dont have an anti in your name... does that mean we can call you conformist?
AntiAnto said:
Because we are not like the others. We are opposed to everything that is conformed.... just like the emo. And that's what makes us so special.
th canadians are emo?
since were on the topic of canada....lets have a talk about medical insurance and the implications of a failing american social security system....
_Z_Ryuken said:
The one time I used cheats, I spawned a dune buggy in a sewer and got stuck.

Never again. Cheating is for losers.

Unless you have finished the game deux times.

Then you have to create stupid fights and random killings for no reason!
//:Protocol said:
Unless you have finished the game deux times.

Then you have to create stupid fights and random killings for no reason!
It's not really cheating after you've gone through it though. :/