HL1 Help plz.


Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
I am Defeating the Nihilanth and have done everything that i can do and i am now here:

I have run a lot of my ammo dry, and fired into his brain over and over an over again. What do I do now?
any help would be appreciated.

Um, lets see. Re-start, keep shooting the Nihilanth with rockets. Let him teleport so you could get some ammo. Shoot, let him tele you for ammo. Repeat, repeat, repeat. At the end I eventually jumped to the brain of his, after it was open and crowbar'd it!
Yeah, it looks like you've killed him and he's in his death sequence but it's glitched somewhere. Try reloading from an earlier save.
Def looks like his death throws from what I remember. Bad luck you've had there.
the same happened to me once, its a glitch. u just got to redo it unfortunately.
Aah, I got this problem. Yeah, you're going to have to start the level again.

I had no idea what was wrong, so I didn't play it for about a year, by which time the machine it was played on had been changed. So I played it again, and it worked.

Woot! Love half-life! <3
I must have a faulty copy. Well, I did buy it second hand from a car boot sale. I have done the level several times, and I always get this problem. oh well, I know how the game ends anyway so it doesnt rly matter. Playing HL2 now.

Thx 4 the help evry1
No, I think it's a bug in the program itself. Even if you know how it ends, it's worth watching it anyway. Now go forth and play HL1 again. From the beginning. The G-man commands it.
He says, "Send CyberPitz $50."

Well, what are you waiting for?
And, C, could you please make your location smaller? It's stretching the pages...

P.S. Pitz, the moneys on teh wayz
You could try going to the previuos level and starting from there again
done again n again. been in console and done [map c4a3] so I effectively started a new game there so I had to use [Impulse 101] but it still happens
Um... reinstall the game. That's all I can say. Or else just watch the end on YouTube or something
been there done that, Watched the end on my friend's copy.
Ah, ok, you're not missing much then. Just go play HL2 :p