Hl1 setting compared to Hl2



I'm new so yeah. Does anyone think that the hl1 setting was more fun than hl2? I loved being in the Black Mesa building for most of the game, it was just something about being in there that gave it that special touch. Hl2, don't get me wrong is a great game its just too, bright? Much of the game takes place outside and most of these places are too bright for me, with the exception of Ravenholm. Ravenholm is fun and all, but that is more the horror section of the game like the start of hl1 where you beat everything to a pulp with the crowbar, aliens running all around you with dead scientist.

ok thats all i really have to say if anyone or agrees or disagrees share your thoughts
i don't prefer either, they are just different. i like the "science facility that screwed itself" atmosphere, and i like the "1984-ish aliens have taken over as a result of scientists screwing themselves" atmosphere
yeah I agree with you Phanto. I was saying to my friend the other day that the sense of place is better in HL1 than in HL2 because it's an easier setting to get the atmosphere right... City 17 is the sort of setting we've seen in real life, so more details and touches have to be accurate for the player to really feel like they're in the gameworld..
Plus of course, a scientific facility is slightly easier to convay to the player.
yes, that's what i mean...easier to make it a convincing experience
ha atleast im not alone i thought everyone thought hl2 was so much better than hl1
hl2 is easier than half life 1. HL2 is just too easy
yeah i thought that too...but then again i played through on easy=/
I thought some parts were stinking hard (on hard). Don't get how people thought it was easy. I had to reload the prison sentry guns bit over a dozen times. One of the strider battles nearly as many. In contrast I played through HL1 many times on hard just for fun + it rarely feels taxing, but maybe that's because I know the game inside out by now.

As for setting:

i don't prefer either, they are just different. i like the "science facility that screwed itself" atmosphere, and i like the "1984-ish aliens have taken over as a result of scientists screwing themselves" atmosphere

Yeah that about sums it up for me too.
Yeah, some parts in HL2 are pretty dang hard, but I haven't even beaten it yet. I did notice the difference in atmosphere, and at first it is sorta bad that it's different, but it is a new game.
In general, HL1 was better, mostly because it was a much longer game. But HL2 has the bug bait, which could be a game in and of itself. Certain levels also incororated aspects from other genres of FPS's, such as Ravenholm (the limited-ammo, zombie-infested, poorly-lit hellhole genre that made it big with Resident Evil).
Half-life's setting was extremely cool for the most part, although I'm noticing after playing it through right now that some parts just seem kinda cold and dead and not very interesting, but this could be counted up to the fact that the technology is seven years old. Half-life's setting was better than HL2 though, but the best would certainly be Half-life with HL2's graphics. Go Black Mesa Source!!!
I would not have wanted to go through the same setting again in HL2 so i'm glad they gave us a new environment.

Half Life 2 is sooooooo much better than HL1. HL1 is my second fave game ever but HL2 owns it. It's much more fun, more epic and more interesting. The different locations are amazing, the detail and realism of it all are just stunning. I do think it's a tad easy. I completed it on normal in about 3 afternoons and have replayed through much of it on Hard and the only challenging bits are Dark Energy and the turret setting bit in Entanglement.
i think HL1 was waay better...
well thats probably bcuz i had my hopes up in the ceiling, if u read all of the previews in ex. PCG, u saw street wars, open enviroment, kickass guns (ie REAL sniper rifles), kickass enemies(i mean look at the cremator).

hmm creamator :D

not a bad word about hl2 though, it really kicks some serious booty.
The problem with peoples memories of halflife are clearly shown when the best parts of the game happened on the surface and not in the bowels of the facility itself
john3571000 said:
The problem with peoples memories of halflife are clearly shown when the best parts of the game happened on the surface and not in the bowels of the facility itself
Wrong, the best parts were Black Mesa Inbound, Anamoulous materials, Unforeseen consequences, Office Complex and We've got hostiles. Blast pit was good as well but after that the only really cool bit was probably small parts of Forget about Freeman and Lambda complex.
being inside rocked! lets compare zombie fighting in the two games, in hl1 it was pretty much all close quarters so they could really kick your ass if you werent careful but in hl2 since its so open and outdoorsy you can like poke one, run away, and still have time to eat lunch before it catches you thats one of the big problems they didnt adapt most enemies to the outside enviorment other than the combie with guns and they didnt add many enemies either like combine=marines from hl1 and striders=big bear things that shot fire at you
Phanto/\/\ said:
being inside rocked! lets compare zombie fighting in the two games, in hl1 it was pretty much all close quarters so they could really kick your ass if you werent careful but in hl2 since its so open and outdoorsy you can like poke one, run away, and still have time to eat lunch before it catches you thats one of the big problems they didnt adapt most enemies to the outside enviorment other than the combie with guns and they didnt add many enemies either like combine=marines from hl1 and striders=big bear things that shot fire at you
That's a bit unfair, the striders are quite different i my book, and there more than enough room to run away from the zombies in Half-life too. And they did add the fast zombie didn't they?
I liked HL2 alot better than HL1 because I just like games with broader scopes. Also HL1 was too tense for me. I liked the open-feeling environments of HL2 alot more. Don't get me wrong, tense is a good thing at most times, but not when its constantly that way. I played HL2 in about four straight session. HL1 I had to keep taking breaks from because it was always constant suspense. I know alot of people like that though, so its not necessarily a bad thing. Also, most levels in HL2 were consistantly good compared to HL1's habit of having a bunch of crappy annoying parts sprinkled into the gameplay.

Both had really memorable moments though. For me, in HL1 it was the tenticle pit and the first Garg part and in HL2 it was where you were in the airboat sliding up walls and avoiding helo bombs and those awesome guided rockets from the APCs. I also loved the combine chase through City 17 in the start (which should have been made longer and had more stealth elements, still awesome though) and the part where you storm Nova Prospect with your antlions, especially the part where the two gunships came in.
i love feeling tense it really gets your adrenaline going but i felt tense alot in both games :bounce:
let's keep it simple : HL2 > HL1, and it's not about the graphics or the weapons
ok HL2 and HL1 are both awesome games but HL is probably gonna be a trilogy and the second in a trilogy is never as good as the last.
MarcoPollo said:
ok HL2 and HL1 are both awesome games but HL is probably gonna be a trilogy and the second in a trilogy is never as good as the last.

Terminator 3 > Terminator 2?????????????????????? :eek:

Matrix 3 > Matrix 2??????????????????????? :eek:

Nice try. :thumbs: But no, you're wrong, but I hope that your wrong theory will apply to the HL trilogy though. :E
Phanto/\/\ said:
I'm new so yeah. Does anyone think that the hl1 setting was more fun than hl2? I loved being in the Black Mesa building for most of the game, it was just something about being in there that gave it that special touch. Hl2, don't get me wrong is a great game its just too, bright? Much of the game takes place outside and most of these places are too bright for me, with the exception of Ravenholm. Ravenholm is fun and all, but that is more the horror section of the game like the start of hl1 where you beat everything to a pulp with the crowbar, aliens running all around you with dead scientist.

ok thats all i really have to say if anyone or agrees or disagrees share your thoughts
im with you..i also liked the outside portians like when ur on the cliff,
omg. the black mesa building was huge! :naughty:
it seemed like most of the rooms in black mesa were useless,
like an open room with a turret from the cieling, it was still a better setting though
As much as i loved half life, I can't help but prefer to play in half life 2's enviroment. Its outside, its got more atmosphere, more room to move around in and it looks a darn site better than steel walls (not talking graphically here)

Instead, it had a nice mix of both outdoor, and in door, and either way, valve wouldn't have gotten away with making a clausterphobic game, nor would it have been accepted in the general community, because nobody likes such, so the point in debating over it is -- slightly pointless i say.
well you could say discussing most things about the game is pointless, but this is a forum the place where the magic of idiots stating their mind comes to life! :cheers:
HL2 dons't realy have a seting, it has 6
The City
The Canals
The Coast
Nova Prospekt
The Citadel

HL1 has 3
I dont think so... HL1's setting compared to HL2's was much boring. for me.
ríomhaire said:
HL2 dons't realy have a seting, it has 6
The City
The Canals
The Coast
Nova Prospekt
The Citadel

HL1 has 3

He means the overall vibe.
i think HL2 was cool with the whole 1984esque scene. and it has the grav gun w00t.
Why does everyone saying it was like 1984? Was it a film?