HL2.net Invades our Glorious Capital - The Pitch

HL2.net Hootenanny?

  • Mine's a pint.

    Votes: 43 41.7%
  • No thanks mate, I'm driving.

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • No thanks mate, I'm driving...from America (i.e. "No" for travel reasons)

    Votes: 52 50.5%

  • Total voters
ne-waller said:
deffo - sometime in the summer would be great - finished my exams yesterday and now have 4 months off before my second year :)

I edited the map but now its too big to post!?

Anyways i'm in a little place not far from T.Wells (where the heffalumps live) so Brighton is good for me. London could also work.

I say lan + boozy nightlife = :D

LAN + Boozy Time = :D:D:D

Sounds good.
Devvo said:
LAN + Boozy Time = :D:D:D

Sounds good.

Meh, if I can go I'll stick around for the LAN but going out drinking's never been my idea of fun, lol
SHIPPI said:
Meh, if I can go I'll stick around for the LAN but going out drinking's never been my idea of fun, lol

Exact opposite for me.
I'm in for both if I'm coming to England, infact, I want chicks too.
right we need to sort out this lan then, obviously it cant be someones house :p
So some venue is needed that's pretty central in Britain, London is too far southeast for some.

I think a few threads is needed for this, aswell as those who definatly can come on some voted for date/weekend to try and chip in for hiring a place aswell as other costs.
Other than getting together the money needed and making sure we can get enough people to come then it'll be pretty easy to set up i should think.
we'll just need some techie with a decent server and some lan gear :E
SHIPPI said:
Meh, if I can go I'll stick around for the LAN but going out drinking's never been my idea of fun, lol

You would hate my mates :p

Hehe, we know the bar staff at our local by name/age/star sign, you name it :p
right we need to sort out this lan then, obviously it cant be someones house

We own a field in Scotland.

No, wait, nowhere near London. Never mind. :(
thanks marksman for resurrecting a thread i KILLED. :)

Sulk.. you are near london, nearer than most, it'll cost you just over £30 for a return ticket on the train, and around £25 if you have a young persons rail card. A long way is the £70+ train ticket from scotland/manchester/newcastle....
presure you killed this thread. looks like stumping up money for this sort of thing is un workable, noone can or should have to pay deposits and stuff which is fair enough. what we need is our own in-forum millionaire to get it up n running!
if anyone would care to donate money to the hazar is poor and needs a plane ticket fund, just pm me.
haha, yes he does. someone with good begging skills please email him immediatly :p
So is this thing still happening?

English 'summer' is half way through.
i don't think i'd dare...there'd be about a thousand of you, i wouldn't know what to say and you could all be armed and dangerous
Oh come on, don't give up!
Unfortunately though I'll be in Italy ... doing Uni there for a year (as one does)

Btw, opinions on avatar? I like to be mnmlst :p The full size version looks a darn sight better ...
In fact, here it is:
Click to view full size.

/end hi-jack

Ah well, we will just have to have 'webcam meet'.
That's more disturbing than exciting ...

Well, it is for me.
(I've decided I hate that avatar, so I shall change it soon. The big version doesn't translate well)
Did /is this going ahead?
I'm in Australia, but i'd love to know you guys did something like this...
Hey ill just come back shortly from my "forum vacation" to ask whether this is going ahead??
"Mum, can I go to London by myself?"


"Meet some guys. You know, from the internet."

Damn. :(

Seriously, I would love to, but im 16 and in the same situation as most other 16-year-olds. Now make it an mass online CS:S game and im there!
Too late now, summer is almost over. And I want to go visit someone in france next year so...Im going to cut my expenses so I won't go to this london thing sorry.
i would be up for it,
tho it wouild need to be like easter, or some other public holiday where everyone shoul dhave spare time

+by easter i woudl be 18 :)
and by that time there will be more guys that are under 18, meh not mine to call.
But it'd be good to hear'
Well, the best way for me to get there would be in my car, but that eliminates alcohol. I'd have to risk going on the trains to get there. But I'd be up for it.

-Angry Lawyer