HL2 Rant

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GOOD GOD Y"ALL! Those e3 movies. ... .. .
i say i say GAHDAMN :afro:

:cheers: This game is just gonna be ridiculously good and it's gonna slow down the business world; with all of us from 9 year old albino Antarctican's to 83 y/o Panamanian taxadermists at our computer's; our jaws to the floor - senseless, ear's tingling and eye's wide. That'll just be looking at the loading screen ffs :) Such well deserved hype, just excellantly marketed visual and aural splendour. yeah.

btw - great job on the hosting the 9 movies - fantastic I was like many going around for ages finding shit links. Nice One. too bad i got modem speed ;(

People also be getting quite excited by the upcoming Vampire Masquarade - Bloodlines game that will be released in 2004 - this uses the Valve's HL2 engine and by the looks of the trailor they've just released should also be quite delicious, on all fronts - it's also a role player rather than a FPS so it should be very interesting.
I wonder how this game will go 6+ month's after HL2's release - what other development's with other .. ah, developers, will occur during the September - 2004 Vampire release date. Will it strengthen it's punch or lessen it? My guess is of course for the former but, si - i'm just typing my thoughts here.

Exciting time for not only FPS gaming but computer graphics, human simulation and deff the role sound can play considering the incredible quality even us low-ender's can achieve now. Valve are pushing it ALL further with style, creativity and enough money to do it all.

This game is the sole reason I'm going to save up and buy a kick arse graphics card + motherboard + CPU. The only thing I do on the comp is play with music and play HL & CS... which reminds me - Audigy tokes it like your Mum on a sunday morn.

Doom3 & HL2 - deff an exciting gaming time we are in. and deff theyll both KICK MAJOR ANUS.

Doom3 HL2 Matrix2 Matrix3 EnterTheMatrix CS2
All in the same year. What a great year to be alive!
Yep, HL2 will rock the gaming world. Im not sure about Doom 3 though. Sure its got graphics, but it just looks like another run down a corridor shooting things type of FPS, nothing really original.
I wouldn't count Doom3 out yet. Lighting is a critical element in setting mood and that is one of the things that people liked most about HL-the atmosphere, tension, feel of playing it.

Doom3 is jumping ahead of all others in terms of lighting and the basic engine environment. I checked out the HL2 movies and lighting is one of the things I saw was pretty much static in every single scene. Shadows are there, but inconsistently.
Clearly not all dynamic objects can cast shadows in HL2. If you look at th picse or movie where they show the town square shadows are changing angles-as if the sun is just 200 ft away behind a building. We all know that is where the light_environment got placed. :-) Trees and one lamppost in particular lack shadows, as to the chain link posts and chain. From a play perspective--that lampost is special--it has unique properties cause it doesn't have a shadow. You can see how that can change how a player plays that scene. And when a soldier stands in the shadow of a tank, his shadow makes the tank's shadow darker. Clearly that's what was easier to code.

I didn't see any moving light sources...i.e. a lightbulb on a long chain swinging back and forth. For Doom3 all the shadows and lighting in the room will be in motion, including the shadows as they roll across the body and face of a creature approaching you. That opens up many many possibilities for gameplay and creating a tense and exciting atmosphere.
This game is the sole reason I'm going to save up and buy a kick arse graphics card + motherboard + CPU. The only thing I do on the comp is play with music and play HL & CS... which reminds me - Audigy tokes it like your Mum on a sunday morn.

same here ;)
seems as if we will have to pay big time..but wtf, it's gonna be worth it :)
Originally posted by Kyle
Doom3 HL2 Matrix2 Matrix3 EnterTheMatrix CS2
All in the same year. What a great year to be alive!

daaaaaamn right...but im not so sure about CS 2.0 ....do u mean CS:CZ?? :bounce:
Originally posted by Kyle
Doom3 HL2 Matrix2 Matrix3 EnterTheMatrix CS2
All in the same year. What a great year to be alive!

I doubt cs2 will be out this year :dozey:. Matrix Revolutions is coming out this year? when?