HL2 Rust Logo


Sep 19, 2003
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Hey, i have seen lots of plain looking 3d Half-Life 2 logos, but i haven't seen any with rust-like texture, so i threw this together in about 10 minutes usin 3dsmax.

tell me what you think
(its a lil blocky i know :-p)


  • hllogo.jpg
    84.2 KB · Views: 413
not bad, not bad at all, just make sure you add 1 or 2 iterations just to make it look that much more rounded and soft....
yea i used boolean to get the two cut-out ::smack:: so mesh smooth is not an option now:dozey: . Might as well start from scratch :-p
lol, nice try :P

looks alright, but could do with smoothing, and propper mapping of those 3dsmax textures ;)
well, its pretty good..the render is really boring...but you should geep working on the idea with rusty texture... try rounding the edges a BIT and adding a more fitting rust text. perhaps..and maybe make an industrial env. :)
hehe, like i said, 10 minutes, but thanks for the constructive criticism. i think when i have more time, say, over the weekend, i might put like an hour or so into getting a really nice lookin logo.
OK, so this time i took a different approach and i think so far its lookin better. The 2's are a little bit different, but i really didn't want to screw around with that. anyone think that its important for the 2's to match???
Oh my, I love green. But the angle's a bit too steep for normal viewing/recognition, like I have to angle my head to view it right.
now with text...i have yet to look for a new text, just usin the one that came w/ max :-p
prolly, tell me what you'd like it to do... rotate, etc?
maybe explode into pieces and reform too :-p - (actually wouldn't be that hard)
yay, now its cel-shaded

breathin a lil life into this old thread
nice.... smoothed it up a bit, not shabby. I probably would need practice..... personally the only program ive been able to use is milkshape3d

btw ms3d pwnz0rz... if u wanna spas 12
Here's the ms3d file for all you milkshapers out there. Spas 12 with stock unfolding and pump moving, the pump needs work tho so if u r an expert at animation then feel free to animate! Original tutorial thanks to Russian Faction!

Look at the pix in the file first though it'll prepare u for what's coming up