Hold Out, a HL2 mod.


acer r

Ok anyways there's a HL2 mod I'd like you guys to notice.Hold Out is a survival horror coop mod, where humans fight through waves of zombie and monsters of the like. Check out the forums and site.

Website - http://www.hl2holdout.com/
Forum - http://www.hl2holdout.com/forums/
Irc channel - #Holdout on gamesurge


Thanks for reading and any questions?
Oh woah, my friends were playing this mod, it sounds really cool!

From what I heard, you are basically going around pitch black rooms, with your friends, with nothing but a flashlight to light your way, and you blast the crap outta zombies!

I will have to play it some time.

EDIT: Uhhhh.... Either A: Your mod has given me the wrong impression of what it was about, or B: You copied mercilessly off the mod I am talking about :p
Looks like they've made some good progress so far....in-game screenies are always a good sign. Hope to see some more of this mod soon!
For once why can't they add some mods and maps in CS:S?????
Cool mod by the way :p.
It's in alpha right now, but the dev team is working very hard on a release.
Ooh, dark rooms and corridors....fun.

I want to fight zombies outside!!! In the daylight!!! And use less punctuation!!!
You really don't have to worry about detail because you won't see anything!
hero said:
sounds a ton like the mod dotd
Who cares? People are releasing mods that will be fun for the community. Each will have their own following of fans, who will obediently cause havock on each others forums about their mod being better, but at least people get to express their ideas and learn about mod creating.

I say well done. And I like the fact it's based in the CSS world too. Tell us as soon as you have a release Date :)
What about the fact that zombines shine in darkness? has this been addressed. If not, i suggest playing with fast specular off (mat_fastspecular 0 i think, or just type find specular)
Aren't there about 10 different Zombie mods for HL2 now? I'm not complaining...the world needs more Zombies...and Monkeys, more monkeys please.
corkscru74 said:
Aren't there about 10 different Zombie mods for HL2 now? I'm not complaining...the world needs more Zombies...and Monkeys, more monkeys please.
There are about 10 zombie mods now, but they all offer different gameplay styles to the table. I'm working on Head-Humped. A "Zombie" mod. But I offer a gimmick by the fact you will be able to control headcrabs, and it'll be based Over both HL universai...

And I really don't know if that was sarcasm or not, so just to be on the safe side:
[Non-sarcasm responce]Yeah, well I think it would be a decent idea to suggest say, a playable monkey race (A la TS2) in a mod. they could add it in as a gimmick to attract people. I would certainly play it if the quality was great enough :)[/non-sarcasm responce]
So many mods are being made. Its going to be crazy soon. Like 100's of mods will come out at once.
Raziel-Jcd said:
So many mods are being made. Its going to be crazy soon. Like 100's of mods will come out at once.
And then the internet will shut down, and we'll be left in the dark ages... Or maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the internet has only got to have a certain amount of bandwidth before it crashes down on itself.
Won't happen. The majority of mods will never see the light of day.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Won't happen. The majority of mods will never see the light of day.

-Angry Lawyer
Aye.... Aye...

/me is reminded to work on his mod....