Holy shit my dreams are prophetic!


Jun 27, 2006
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Ok, so I have a HP laptop that died 8 months ago. Its motherboard was faulty or something and I would get no screen, only the led lights for the volume and such would turn on. I never bothered to fix it since the motherboard cost 300 to 400 dollars, so I just used the house computer.

Well, it was my sisters graduation and she got a laptop, so I remembered my own laptop and was going to try and turn it on and cry about it. But, some miracle happened and the computer turned on and was working fine. Of course I was completely confused, I tried turning it on about 2 months ago and nothing happened, but magically it turned on 8 months of being broken.

The weirdest thing though is that I had dreams of my computer working a couple weeks before it actually started working. My dreams are f*cking prophetic I tells you.

P.s. I'm pretty sure the computer wasn't fixed behind my back (birthday is coming up) since I still had problems when the computer first turned on, I had to reboot the computer from its recovery drive and when I was first trying to fix the computer I removed the switch letting the computer know I shut computer (I thought the switch was broken also the back light didn't come on), and that is still turned off.

I'm beginning to think computers can fix themselves. Am I crazy?

Yeah , it happened to me once.It was my computer. It was broken somehow (hardware failure) and a week later it started working again.No problems at all! It could be that somehow computers have some sort of regenerative trait that humans aren't aware of.
what happens when you have a dream about banging circus midgets?
Where was your laptop? Areas of high heat or high cold can sometimes fix electronics. High heat can melt the solder pins on your motherboard, and sometimes cracks in the board itself. Perhaps it was something like that?
ahh don't be so startled...i discovered a year later that my graphics card had a free HL2 and CS:S coupon. it was a 2003 model i think. thankfully HL2 was postponed for a year so i discovered it just in time. and i was lucky...the coupon was meant at first just to offer you a discount or something, but since it got delayed Valve decided to give it away. lol
yeah...i found out the coupon when cleaning dust off the boxes.

oh and did i mention that's what got me here in the first place.
ahh don't be so startled...i discovered a year later that my graphics card had a free HL2 and CS:S coupon. it was a 2003 model i think. thankfully HL2 was postponed for a year so i discovered it just in time. and i was lucky...the coupon was meant at first just to offer you a discount or something, but since it got delayed Valve decided to give it away. lol
yeah...i found out the coupon when cleaning dust off the boxes.

oh and did i mention that's what got me here in the first place.

What graphic card was it? I need to assassinate the CEO of that company.
What graphic card was it? I need to assassinate the CEO of that company.

don't worry the company dropped out of the graphics card business. ...it was (Guillemot) Hercules 3D Prophet Ati radeon 9800...the same card that's in the computer i'm using right now. yes...my PC is 5 (or more...can't remember exactly when i bought it) years old...but it was not top high end even then, so it's more like mid 2003 tech.

jesus...that's a long time ago!
How many times did you dream something and it didn't come true?
OOOOOO does this new magical power computers possess mean the ribbon cable I just broke of my touch pad may one day regrow...... and the power cable stop melting?!?!?!?
Just like Ipod shuffles. Completely drenched in water and it decides to work after I buy a new one.
Just like Ipod shuffles. Completely drenched in water and it decides to work after I buy a new one.

That's crazy because I was just thinking today about telling people what to do if your electronics become wet.

remove batteries or unplug it.

turn it upside down or whatever way you can try to drain it.

Let it sit for at least about 4 days, or a week to be extra safe. 100% of the water must evaporate.

There is a fair chance that it will work again.
That's crazy because I was just thinking today about telling people what to do if your electronics become wet.

remove batteries or unplug it.

turn it upside down or whatever way you can try to drain it.

Let it sit for at least like 4 days a week to be extra safe. 100% of the water must evaporate.

There is a fair chance that it will work again.

4 days a week? Like 4 days of sitting and 3 of playing music? Repeat next week? :O
I hope my dreams aren't prophetic. I just recently had some scary ass dreams. I blame one of the threads on this forum for one of the particular dreams. Some missile hit this hillside area and this big dump truck started rolling over and these two guys were beneath it and they started rolling with it, getting crushed beneath the large tires... and one guy was beneath the tire when it slid across the ground sideways and he was completely gooified by the action.

The image is still so vivid in my mind well after waking up. :( I know I never want to see that sort of thing happen.
One time, I had a strange dream I was standing on a hill by the coast, and as I was watching the ships below, a big barge crashed into the quay and smashed itself up badly.. this was a few days before the NYC ferry crash...

4 days a week? Like 4 days of sitting and 3 of playing music? Repeat next week? :O

no, that was a typo. I fixed it.

Let it sit for 4 days, or a week to be safe. Allow the water to evaporate. You can set it in front of a high powered fan to speed up the process.
Let it sit for 4 days, or a week to be safe. Allow the water to evaporate. You can set it in front of a high powered fan to speed up the process.

wow I always wondered if that would work. You are a hero to those who arrive late to drunken pool parties everywhere!
We all know water conducts electricity, and everyone here has seen a circuit board before.

If water completes a circuit of two leads (the metal lines on a circuit board) that aren't supposed to touch - for example, a lead carrying 120 volts comes into contact with the lead which powers the LEDs or something, then it will destroy that component.

So it's not a guarantee, but it's worth a shot. The sooner you can remove the power, the better your odds.

I had a portable radio next to the window and it rained into the cooling vents. It was plugged in and on when it happened. After the rain, the display was blank, though it should have been displaying the digital clock. I unplugged it and turned it upside down for about a week so it could drain out of those same vents that the water came in. When I plugged it in, it worked fine.

I've managed to salvage several appliances this way. Power tools, radios, and other things.

You should keep an eye on it for a while, ready to unplug it just in case.