how far am i into halflife 1


Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
i am on the part where you ride the cart. i think it is the 6-7 level. the name of the level is on the rail (i think)

in the game do you ever see barney, dr kleiner, or dr vance?
ummm... ok, you already saw barney, knocking to get into the door on the intro tram, and vance was the guy in anomolus materials that told you to go to the surface and get help (a computer explodes near him before "the incedent")

I'd say your about 1/4 - 1/3 a way through.
On A Rail is chapter 7 of 17. You're about 1/4 of the way through, I'd say. I found the second half of the game took me more time to complete. :eek:
This should be in the General Games chat... I think.
You've already seen Barney - he's every single Security Guard you meet, including the one who lets you in the facility and says "Catch me later, I'll buy you a drink" (or words to that effect).

I'm playing through again, it takes me right back to that summer after my GCSEs! Commandos, Baldurs Gate and HL - could life have been any sweeter?
Your probably 1/3 of the way through spacially and, as ship already accuratly pointed out, about 1/4 of the way through timewise.
when do you see alyx? i heard people say that you see her as a little girl in the game. hl1 is seriously an amazing game. i cant believe it came out in 98. it is much more challanging than hl2
spin03 said:
when do you see alyx? i heard people say that you see her as a little girl in the game. hl1 is seriously an amazing game. i cant believe it came out in 98. it is much more challanging than hl2

You don't see her in HL1
You don't see her in HL1

Some people speculate that the baby picture in your locker is Alyx.

I do not agree with such people.

Why would someone have a picture of a colleague's or even superior's infant in their personal locker?

Don't answer that.
I think the baby picture is someone in the staff's family member (valve staff)
I don't think Alyx had been created or thought of yet when HL1 came out.
Yeah, I think the photo was of someone from Valve.

Also it's in there to let you know that Freeman is a "regular guy with a family" before the whole Black Mesa mess.
spin03 said:
HL1 is seriously an amazing game. i cant believe it came out in 98. it is much more challanging than hl2
Me niether. And yes it offers a far more challenging experience than HL2. In terms of it's impact at the time it was also far more impressive than HL2. Sure HL2 has moved things on in leaps & bounds but so have plenty of other FPS's since then in one way or another. At the time HL1 was easily the most impressive game in terms of .............. virtually everything you could associate with the genre!
ship said:
On A Rail is chapter 7 of 17. You're about 1/4 of the way through, I'd say. I found the second half of the game took me more time to complete. :eek:

Yeah, "surface tension" is the longest chapter I reckon
babyheadcrab said:
I think the baby picture is someone in the staff's family member (valve staff)

They also state Gordon has no known close relations, so who could it be (In relation to Gordon)?

I'm thinking cousin or nephew maybe...
Gordon Freeman... no girlfriend :)
There is a lot of talk around that picture. I suspect however, that the map designer just thought "hmm, what would people have in a locker??? Shoes, keys, maybe a picture..." and so did it. You have to bear in mind that the maps are made by some guys just going in to work every day and designing maps. They don't necessarily think "Now what should I put here and why", rather they think "What does this bit need to look right..."
corkscru74 said:
You've already seen Barney - he's every single Security Guard you meet, including the one who lets you in the facility and says "Catch me later, I'll buy you a drink" (or words to that effect).

Every single barney before the incident says that if you press "e".
The_Monkey said:
Every single barney before the incident says that if you press "e".
Among other things should be added, but yes, if you press E enough times they will all say that, at least pre-accident. Sometimes I get faschinated by just listening to two scientist/two barneys/one scientist on barney talking to each other.
"do you think this is the right way out?"
"Absolutely positive."
"Do you smell something?"
"I don't think so..."
"Shhh, did you hear that?"