How many?


Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
How viruses have you detected on your HD in one scan? ( I'm just bored... and Btw, the most I've ever found on my comp in one go was 15... AND that was today. Plus this computer is freaking 4 months old :flame:
prolly from downloading pr0n eh?
iv only had trojans, one time i had to f-disk the sob away..
Naw, not pr0n more like searching for WAVs for Hlss. In this case voice comm spamming on wuerstchenbude :dork:
Found 1 virus a few months back from a friends CD. NAV detected it right when I inserted the CD.
Never had a virus on my computer :).... thats cos it ain't on the internet ..... and on this computer.... none.... cos I don't have a virus checker :p
Originally posted by FatCombine
Naw, not pr0n more like searching for WAVs for Hlss. In this case voice comm spamming on wuerstchenbude :dork:

lol who are ya Fat? i play daily at wuerstchen :D
Originally posted by :>~
lol who are ya Fat? i play daily at wuerstchen :D

What choo talkin bout ? , whats wuerstchen, i'm confused
dude, NAV2k2pro detected 327 viruses on my machine. I shit you not.
lol.. I had 562 last week. mostly I never use my virusscanner. but my pc was getting damn slow so I ran a scan. I quickly quarantine them, and deleted them
well the most I have had is 62....63 if you count the Sims as one
65, is my limit...

"Damn, you Damn you " KazaaLite "Damn you To Hell...!"

took me a day to get rid of them all, because had to them all indivually by hand, because the virus checker wouldnt do it for me... Lazy thing!
i had this one virus that spread to about a hundred other files and it infected my windows/system32 folder, and when i got rid of it, my mouse wouldn't be working when i started my comp, my firewall stopped working, and i'd get random error messages. It was a real pain, so i had to reinstall windows. also, i had to delete manually some entries in my registry.
I have use NAV 03 on some systems that someone brought into work and ia nailed 782 on system and 698 on the other one.

Neadless to sya I reccomended a Fdisk and Format. (Well not really I use something called part to partition and format disk now much quicker and fdisk and the format!)