I <3 dx8


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I just forced TF2 to run in dx8 on my shitty laptop (integrated intel graphics chip) and it's gone from running terribly on lowest settings to running perfectly smoothly on high settings! Why did I not do this sooner. Too bad L4D2 doesn't support dx8. I have honestly never tried tweeking settings before other than in-game graphics settings.

This is what it looked like before:
This is a zombie server and the critboost effect is actually a bug (hence why it's the wrong colour) but it shows the bad effects

And this is what it looks like now:

And this is what it really looks like now:

In the old settings the Medigun healing beam didn't even show up! And I get more FPS! Hurray for dx8!
How did you manage that?
The game runs fairly choppy for me and is the main reason why I don't play it but I'd certainly love to.

Weird thing is that L4D runs so much better maxed out than TF2 does for me, hell it loads a lot faster too.
Lol Gang Garrison 2.

I also found this a while back, haven't tried it.
How did you manage that?
The game runs fairly choppy for me and is the main reason why I don't play it but I'd certainly love to.

Weird thing is that L4D runs so much better maxed out than TF2 does for me, hell it loads a lot faster too.
As the game has been updated, TF2's performance seems to have gotten worse and worse. I imagine the code isn't very optimised anymore :(

To enable DX8, add -dxlevel 81 to your launch options.
Horray for technology from one decade ago!
Oh god... DX8 really is from 2001. I feel so old now...
As the game has been updated, TF2's performance seems to have gotten worse and worse. I imagine the code isn't very optimised anymore :(

To enable DX8, add -dxlevel 81 to your launch options.

Yeah, I figured that considering on its release day the game ran like a dream... aside from the agonizingly long load times which have always been evident for me.
Sounds to me like they should try overhauling the engine.

Thanks though, definitely going to try that and see if it makes the game playable.

edit: And hah, holy shit I didn't realize DX8 was that old.
God damn, DX9 still feels like it just came out yesterday.
As the game has been updated, TF2's performance seems to have gotten worse and worse. I imagine the code isn't very optimised anymore :(

To enable DX8, add -dxlevel 81 to your launch options.
Delete that from the launch options after you've run it with it for the first time. Otherwise it'll reset all your video options every time you start the game. It should have the dx8 settingness.
Jesus christ... it's like going from Xbox 360 to N64.
I don't understand this thread.

Is it supposed to be a joke about switching to that other 2d game, or did he actually get it to run? The replies to the thread are mixed and I don't get it.
You missed the second spoiler. Also, that Mirrors Edge screen looks exactly like Lego Island, so it's automatically awesome.
Well he meant the tier two spoiler :p

You're such a pedant!
There were too many pixels in this thread for vegeta to handle, so he got confused.