I can now eat like a pig!


Jul 19, 2011
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Print your own blood vessels, no need for red toner

Barely 24 hours after we told you about printing your own bones, the franken-science continues with the announcement that blood vessels are next on the body-parts-you-can-print list. Unsurprisingly, you'll need more than just regular toner if you want to start printing your own at home, but pioneering work by application-oriented research organization Fraunhofer has claimed to have cracked it by adding some good old 'two-photon polymerization' into the mix -- yeah, obvious once you know. The added photon special sauce is what makes the printed synthetic tubes biofunctionalized, which in turn enables living body cells to dock onto them -- we're guessing that's important. Sounds cute, but how long until we can start printing whole people -- Weird Science, anyone?


Its an amazing time we now live in. Also had no idea you could print your own bones, just thought it was for a small amount of organs. Pretty soon people will be living a lot longer (I hope)
I'm not sure people living longer is a good thing. Sounds harsh but to be honest the world is already over populated and there is already a massive ageing population causing a strain to the western world! They should be putting people down not making them live longer!
Enjoy your closet full of bones and blood vessels... you'll need a doctor to put them inside you.
I'm not sure people living longer is a good thing. Sounds harsh but to be honest the world is already over populated and there is already a massive ageing population causing a strain to the western world! They should be putting people down not making them live longer!

Everything fixes itself. Even if it means we live in a Loga's Run-esque society. Personally I think it will evolve into a limited birth scenario like China...

But of course that's all way down the road. Right now it will be fewer benefits for the elderly and more old people working because "old" won't be old anymore. We may be part of the generation that never gets to retire...
I'm not sure people living longer is a good thing. Sounds harsh but to be honest the world is already over populated and there is already a massive ageing population causing a strain to the western world! They should be putting people down not making them live longer!


1) Population growth is slowing down or even going negative in wealthy nations.
2) Longevity implies making people live longer healthier lives. Not making people live an extra 50 years in a nursing home.
Therefore they would be able to sustain themselves for much longer, and relieve some of the strain on the health care system.
3) Indirectly killing people by refusing to do all this medical research is immoral.
4) If you are worried about overpopulation, help the planet by killing yourself first.


1) Population growth is slowing down or even going negative in wealthy nations.
2) Longevity implies making people live longer healthier lives. Not making people live an extra 50 years in a nursing home.
Therefore they would be able to sustain themselves for much longer, and relieve some of the strain on the health care system.
3) Indirectly killing people by refusing to do all this medical research is immoral.
4) If you are worried about overpopulation, help the planet by killing yourself first.


very great post

don't forget to add that new science breakthroughs will eventually lead us to other planets in our solar system and more than likely new stars in the future. Right now just look at those who don't have legs and can't walk, pretty soon they'll be running right past you in a marathon and maybe...just maybe we'll hit the Singularity this century
No need to cry I'm only joking but it has got truth in it. The declining birth rate and the ageing population is the problem, The working class support the old and the young unable to work. If there are not enough working class in the future from a low birth rate and a massive old population then it will cause problems.
Enjoy your closet full of bones and blood vessels... you'll need a doctor to put them inside you.
Construction Inactive... Needs Surgery labor


Blood vessel transplant cancellation... Needs unrotten blood carrying vessel.
No need to cry I'm only joking

I'm pretty sure you're not, but whatever.

The declining birth rate and the ageing population is the problem, The working class support the old and the young unable to work. If there are not enough working class in the future from a low birth rate and a massive old population then it will cause problems.

Yes of course that's a problem, but:

Longevity implies making people live longer healthier lives. Not making people live an extra 50 years in a nursing home.
Therefore they would be able to sustain themselves for much longer, and relieve some of the strain on the health care system.

That means the elderly will still be part of the working class.
Sure, you might say "but what about my retirement?!", but thing is if you're as healthy as a 30 year old, why shouldn't you work for a living?
If people do feel like 30 year olds then fair enough they can carry on working but its very hard to predict that.
No need to cry I'm only joking but it has got truth in it. The declining birth rate and the ageing population is the problem, The working class support the old and the young unable to work. If there are not enough working class in the future from a low birth rate and a massive old population then it will cause problems.

Or, since the average life span is increasing, we could raise the retirement age...
I'm not joking though, we're all going to be working until we're 80+ most likely :(
Yea this is an option and no doubt it will happen, its been a in the news a lot recently but how much can it ideally be raised to? 85? 90? 100? Sooner or later people will be to old to work and then a vast majority will become dependant on state welfare and the healthcare system which already spends a large proportion of its budget on caring for the elderly.

This wont be a major problem for some time and chances are things will sort its self out but I'm just throwing it out there as a possible future of an ageing population. I'm sure we will be long dead before it bites the developing world in the ass... if the current economic crisis doesn't do it first :(
I am still waiting for cyborg technology that make me jump very high and resistant to bullets and super strength and all that stuff
Hey, don't be pessimistic where derpy derp futurists can hear you Stormy.
Really Raz? No Marilyn Monrobot joke? You're getting sloppy, man.
Really Raz? No Marilyn Monrobot joke? You're getting sloppy, man.

Actually I was browsing for a Marilyn Monrobot Picture, no lie. I just didn't end up posting it because it didn't really pertain to old women very much.

But then again, I don't know why I held back since most of my quote jokes are barely passable anyway.

