I really need help!!game keeps crashing!



Hello everyone

I have bought my copy of half life 2 yesterday and installed it...
now eveyrtime I am playing the game crashes...always..all the time..and my computeres freezes so I have to reboot...

I start seeign things on the screen like poligons and stuff flashing on the screen while playing, and then the game crash or better freezes...

I have updated my nvidia geforce fx5200 with the latest drivers, i have direct x 9.0c and checked the files with the steam application from the web...

it still crashes!

can anyone help me
I'm really dying to play this game properly and enjoy it.

Thanks :bounce:
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: HP Pavilion 04

System Model: P8269A-ABU 462

BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz

Memory: 512MB RAM

Page File: 276MB used, 969MB available

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200

Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Chip type: GeForce FX 5200

Realtek AC97 Audio
It's a heat issue, its been really hot theese last couple of days so it's causing mad overheating for me aswell.

And that's what happens when a card overheats, polygons get screwy and rainbow colours seems to flash over the screen then it just freezes.
Do you think so?

it would be the first time I experience such a problem...
Yah, it has been hotter then usual theese past couple of days.
have u got any graphically better games such as Doom 3? if that works... then something else is wrong
but why does it only happen when i'm playing hl2...i play brothers in arms as well which is quite demanding and it works fine
I had the same problem. But, the problem kept growing and growing till i had to uninstall my Nvidia card. It kept rebooting even when doing nothing.

-what happens in order-

1. hl2 randomly crashs
2. comp reboots evrytime i play hl2
3. comp reboots when playing other games.
4. comp reboots randomly when idle.

i hope that this doesn't happen to you. but, know that it can.
If you have anyway to monitor your cards temp then monitor it while playing HL2 and it will go up very fast.

This is your problem, and brothers in arms in not very graphics card intensive compared to hl2.
I hope so honestly...

haven't got doom 3 but i have played any kind of game with this videocard and never had any problem

medal of honor, painkiller, black hawk down, call of duty, freedom fighters and so on..always been fine
devildance said:
I hope so honestly...

haven't got doom 3 but i have played any kind of game with this videocard and never had any problem

medal of honor, painkiller, black hawk down, call of duty, freedom fighters and so on..always been fine

for me too. before it got worse, that is.

hl2 graphics > CoD,MoH, etc.
I have just tried opening the pc case and putting a fan at full power directly towards the videocard...still happens..how can it get overheated like that?
This is definitely a heat issue. First off, check your fans and heatsinks for dust. Use compressed air or a battery powered vaccum (not one that plugs in, this causes static electricity) to clean out the dust. If you're still having issues, check your intake/outtake ratio. You should have more air blowing out than in. This means if you have 5 fans, 3 should be blowing out with 2 blowing in. Thirdly, if you can, install more fans, or replace current fans with larger ones.

Also, if you've overclocked anything, set it back to default and see if this helps with your heat issue.
Ok then I willl try to do that

Thanks to everyone for the support :cheers:

hope I'll sort it out
Do all the fans still work? My CPU fan once broke down, and my comp just started to crash randomly... But almost always after 30 minutes. So I opened the case and tadaa : a broken fan. My CPU temp went up to 123°C before my comp froze :/
Make sure you check the fins of the heatsink aswell, dont just take a look at the fan, even if its clean the heatsink itself may be clogged up, infact its the most likly thing. I had a similar problem with a 5200 though, it was clean aswell yet kept crashing, first it was in games then it was just randomly even during booting ended up just binning the machine.
Beerdude26 said:
Do all the fans still work? My CPU fan once broke down, and my comp just started to crash randomly... But almost always after 30 minutes. So I opened the case and tadaa : a broken fan. My CPU temp went up to 123°C before my comp froze :/
Damn, you could've fried an egg on that thing.
I finally got it working!!

I cleaned the whole pc case dusted off all the fans and here it is!

the game runs perfectly...i have been playing for over two hours now and it's been just perfect

thank you all guys for the support

the mistery has been solved :thumbs:

Good to hear, just make sure you clean it out every once in a while to keep it from happening again.
one tip nex ttime, if u use compressed air hold te fanst when u blast them with air so they DO NOT SPIN

other wise u will shag the motor and bearings

EDIT: and beerdude your sig is way to long needs to be 4 lines or less
Tomarru said:
Good to hear, just make sure you clean it out every once in a while to keep it from happening again.
I bought myself a can of compressed air to clean out the inside of the case. A quick blast of that around the fans/heatsink & PSU every so often keeps things nice & clean. Its amazing how much shit gets inside your PC.

What I can't believe is why they charge so much for freaking air. It's AIR! It's FREE!

Sure, it' compressed, but so is fly spray and airosole air fresheners, and they cost about 1/3rd as much as just plain old air does.