I will have no more G-man theories!

Jesus, spitting image rofl.

Well its better than more theories

ZOMG darkside IS G-man! can't you see? he's tired of people making theories about him, AND he has an alien army!
He's just using the alien army for his own plans and once they have served their purpose he will throw them away like the cold, heartless, person he is.
So that's why he sealed away Shepherd!

So he wouldn't tell anybody of his Race Xian army!

The Galactic Empire is pissed at you for stealing their logo btw.
Gman theories are going to kill us all some day. We are going to go too far and kill a member who says that Gordon is the Gman. And he's serious. Afterwards the entire site will be taken off th einternets, Munro, Samon and Pi will go to court and spend a lifetime in prison. The rest of us will have our computers confiscated and be yelled at. The end is near.
Gman theories are going to kill us all some day. We are going to go too far and kill a member who says that Gordon is the Gman. And he's serious. Afterwards the entire site will be taken off th einternets, Munro, Samon and Pi will go to court and spend a lifetime in prison. The rest of us will have our computers confiscated and be yelled at. The end is near.

Repent, repent!
Pfft. My Vortigaunts could pwn your Shock Troopers, Darky.
Lmao! Best. Thread. Ever.
Just hilarious.

Seriously though... my and my friend came up with a gman theory last night...

Gman = Cheesecake.

*hides from teh Race-X*
Gman is my mom :S
I am bored by my Gman conspiracy theory NO MORE !!!!1111oneoneone
I have my own gonspiracy. Gary.
Yeah, you know the one I'm talking about.
What do you have against g-man theories anyway? But maybe...if...it explains all, YOU ARE G-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERYBODY, LISTEN DARKSIDE IS *gets attacked by Darkside's personal army* AAAAH! *dies*

Darkside: I warned you...
The Gman is a common earthworm that resides in Cortana's holographic uterus.
Either that or WCC is GMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but your right...there all BAD!
G-Man is Breen.

But that would make no sense..<thinks of Darkside55's personal army>...oh yeah and lets not discuss this any further
and Darkside55 why has your 'army' got a Star Wars imperial sign/symbol/logo at the top? :hmph:
I think it's his name......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................it's pretty scary :|
The g-man is clearly, no not gordons father, but gordon little brother!!! We all know how littles bros annoy us, talk long, nonsensical crap to us and dont shut up... The reason for gordon being younger= gordon is actually 56 years old, not including stasis, but he has a hormone efficiency problem so he ages many times slower...

There, its solved! now we have the answer, lets give it a rest...