28 Days Later---A single player modification for HL2
It would start out with a scripted sequence of the animal rights activists breaking into the scientific compound and letting out the virus (via the chimps) just like in the movie.
The plot would unfold from there as you played Jim, however you would have choices to alter the story (Ie. at the end where Jim kills the Soldiers, you could decide to break insilently and rescue Selina and the daughter without setting the infected loose on them)
I thought of this because of the large outdoor scenes the source engine can render, so in this case it would be taking place in the city of England, and there would be more maps that would serve as the insides of buildings, different areas of the huge city as well as areas outside of London.
Technical Aspects
~I can map, although I am more comfortable with Quark, i can use Hammer (WC), as i understand that is what the editor will be for the mapping portion of HL2.
~I'm a voiceactor and as one i will be able do to portions for lesser characters, although .wavs can be attained via the internet or the dvd of the movie (once it comes out) of the main characters talking.
+Another mapper would be nice, and if we had 3, the process could be sped up dramatically.
+Modellers (1-3) needed
+CODER(S) needed
+Web Administrator (Preferably with your own paid-for website)
+Texture Artists .wads (Obviously could use the HL2 tex's since they will be so new, but could have that old un-original look after a while, so somebody to make some hl2 .wads would be nice since there wont be any when it first comes out!)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weapons - So Far - Some arn't in the movie, but again this isnt a carbon copy of 28 Days Later, there are bound to be differences.
+Baseball Bat
+Glock 20-C (Not in Movie)
+Riot Shield
+NATO Assault Rifle
+Molotov Cocktail
+Frag Grenade (Not in Movie)
+Berret 82A1 (Not in Movie)
+SG 540
There are 2 modes that I believe would be worth-while.
+Cooperative - You and companions set off together, a la Svencoop battling the infected, there would be scripted events and the NPCs would follow the host or whoever met up with them first.
+Soldiers and Survivors - There would be 2 teams, the survivors and the soldiers. Much like in the end of the movie, the survivors would be attempting to reach an objective without being killed by the soldiers. Survivors wouldn't have quite as advanced weaponry but would be able to unleash the infected upon the Soldiers. ---More to come on this Soon---
Feedback ~ [email protected]
Thanks in advance
It would start out with a scripted sequence of the animal rights activists breaking into the scientific compound and letting out the virus (via the chimps) just like in the movie.
The plot would unfold from there as you played Jim, however you would have choices to alter the story (Ie. at the end where Jim kills the Soldiers, you could decide to break insilently and rescue Selina and the daughter without setting the infected loose on them)
I thought of this because of the large outdoor scenes the source engine can render, so in this case it would be taking place in the city of England, and there would be more maps that would serve as the insides of buildings, different areas of the huge city as well as areas outside of London.
Technical Aspects
~I can map, although I am more comfortable with Quark, i can use Hammer (WC), as i understand that is what the editor will be for the mapping portion of HL2.
~I'm a voiceactor and as one i will be able do to portions for lesser characters, although .wavs can be attained via the internet or the dvd of the movie (once it comes out) of the main characters talking.
+Another mapper would be nice, and if we had 3, the process could be sped up dramatically.
+Modellers (1-3) needed
+CODER(S) needed
+Web Administrator (Preferably with your own paid-for website)
+Texture Artists .wads (Obviously could use the HL2 tex's since they will be so new, but could have that old un-original look after a while, so somebody to make some hl2 .wads would be nice since there wont be any when it first comes out!)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weapons - So Far - Some arn't in the movie, but again this isnt a carbon copy of 28 Days Later, there are bound to be differences.
+Baseball Bat
+Glock 20-C (Not in Movie)
+Riot Shield
+NATO Assault Rifle
+Molotov Cocktail
+Frag Grenade (Not in Movie)
+Berret 82A1 (Not in Movie)
+SG 540
There are 2 modes that I believe would be worth-while.
+Cooperative - You and companions set off together, a la Svencoop battling the infected, there would be scripted events and the NPCs would follow the host or whoever met up with them first.
+Soldiers and Survivors - There would be 2 teams, the survivors and the soldiers. Much like in the end of the movie, the survivors would be attempting to reach an objective without being killed by the soldiers. Survivors wouldn't have quite as advanced weaponry but would be able to unleash the infected upon the Soldiers. ---More to come on this Soon---
Feedback ~ [email protected]
Thanks in advance