If Jack Thompson Was...

...A book, I'd Shred Him, Burn Him and use the Ashes in my Cats Litter Box
Useful Dave said:
...himself, I'd Shred Him, Burn Him and use the Ashes in my Cats Litter Box

xlucidx said:
...here right now, I'd bash his face in with a crowbar.
I don't like Jack at all, but surely posts like this kind of show he might have a point...? Some people...
...black, he would have used the money from the lawsuits to become "60 Cent And A Slice Of Pizza".
....Cpt Stern, that would be Ironic.

Maybe thats why he does post his pic :O
....a pint of beer, i'd drink him and then vomit him up on a policeman's shoes.
hmmm radical religious right wing ninny vs cool left wing humanist gamer

no comparison at all :E
....... a toilet, I'd shit in him, wipe my ass, throw the shit covered TP in him, whip out my lizard, and piss all over him.
TollBooth Willie said:
....... a toilet, I'd shit in him, wipe my ass, throw the shit covered TP in him, whip out my lizard, and piss all over him.
sounds like my typical friday night
...my illegitimate child, I'd take him in then steal his kidney and refuse to see him ever again.
........in a wheelchair, I'd push him down a steep hill with a main road at the bottom.

Sam-2k said:
...my illegitimate child, I'd take him in then steal his kidney and refuse to see him ever again.

ROFL! Thats the best one yet.
...a hooker, i would slap her in the face and say "why'd you stop bitch?!"
... a puppy, id pet him. Cuz i like puppies.
...Uriel, i would slap him in the face and say "why'd you stop bitch?!"
... Kamikazie, id pet him. Cuz I like Kamikazie.
... JNightshade, I'd doublepost to make him angry.
...didn't exist, this thread would be meaningless.
...was president, I wouldn't be surprised given our current president. D :
Kamikazie said:
i dont know wether to be flatered or offended...or both :\
Would that be "flattended" or, perhaps, "offtered"?
...A crappy disney movie, I would have him locked away with Walt's frozen head.
Hectic Glenn said:
I don't like Jack at all, but surely threads like this kind of show he might have a point...? Some people...

...was a hard-bitten noir detective I'd accuse him of a murder he didn't commit, drown him in City Hall beurocracy and throw him in a canal.
...had a sense of humour, we wouldn't be in this mess.
...a sexy lady, I'd have perverted sex with her (Jackeie Thomson, aawwww yeeeeah) that involved causing her long-lasting mental and physical distress.