If you could be a card...

The ace of spades.

The ace of spades.

3 of diamonds

No one ever suspects, the three of diamonds..
I would be da MASTAH CARD

The card that has a picture of Hitler doing the Macarena on a jewish baby.
Six of Spades

I just like the number six, and black is a nice colour :p
Because I'm not comfortable with just being cool on only one level -


Incidentally, I'm pretty sure I have this card somewhere...
The ace of spades, or the ace of hearts.

Or perhaps a double-sided card where one side is the ace of spades and the other side is the ace of hearts. Yesssssss.
Ah, Flicko, that's damn hilarious. "Evolves from Jesus" ROFL. I'd be the 'As du Volant' (Mille Bornes, if you don't recognize it), and yes, I'd wear the gloves.