Imagine Gamers With Big Brains?


Sep 4, 2004
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I couldnt sleep and found this article and I needed to rant. Thanks for the read. So many people try to blame us gamers. I found this awesome article on Foods, Vitamins & Herbs that Boost Your Brain Power. So I thought I would be nice so we all can grow our brain power and rule the world. And we wouldn't allow people to blame us for violence.

Video games have made messy scenes in news and media. However, for every negative story there are dozens of positive stories that are never be reported. The media tends to focus on the negative and sensationalist alleged impact of gaming. Obviously, we all know the real truth not shown on Fox News: games can inspire violence in certain individuals just as it can create happiness and tranquility.

I remember the days when music was blamed for all the evils in the world. We live in an age where a person can blame their troubles on a video game because video games have reached mainstream attention. Like the media, many among us are quick to lay blame on external influences in our society rather than looking at ourselves as the source for our own trouble.

A circus of media and Internet publications will swarm down on the video game industry if a single deranged individual points their violent tendencies on a recently played game. If a person feels the urge to hurt another individual, chances are they've already made that decision far before they’ve played the next Grand Theft Auto. We don't live in a perfect society and we can’t stop our TV, Music and Movies from displaying acts of extreme violence. Many people feel the need to blame something or someone for their own negative actions.

Does a video game truly make you violent or does it make a violent person more creative? If a young person is raised on violent games to teach them life lessons in place of correct parental guidance, who really is to blame?

Younger children are highly influenced by those around them and this includes video games. A responsible parental figure should recommend against children playing violent video games until they are old enough to understand the realities of violence. This is why ESRB rating board was invented. I enjoy video games (I'm working on a First Person Shooter) so don’t get me wrong when I label them as violent as they are.

That said, I also believe it is important to vocalize that games do cause happiness, tranquility and a distraction from everyday life when everyone points to games as the root of all evil. If a game can promote a positive feeling then the opposite can also be true. For every game that makes an individual feel happy there is a good chance a game exists which can make an individual become violent.

So, please do me a favor: When you’re playing a video game and you win or achieve a locked mission ... go high-five someone. Hug a loved one. Help an old lady across the street. When someone stops you and ask "Why you are in a great mood?" tell them that video games make you do nice things.

Unfortunately, the media will never cover that story.
The time video games will stop being blamed is the time that those raised on them are the Politicians, Lawyers and Doctors of the world - which in my mind will be as soon as the last lot die off...
All I saw was "article" and "Unfortunately, the media will never cover that story."

That "article" you posted is in fact complete garbage, filled with unsubstantiated claims and new-agey mumbo-jumbo rooted in false myths about food.

Food is not medicine, and it should not be treated as such.
That "article" you posted is in fact complete garbage, filled with unsubstantiated claims and new-agey mumbo-jumbo rooted in false myths about food.

Food is not medicine, and it should not be treated as such.
I'm keeping a bagged sandwich at the ready for when I go on a robbery spree just in case my health gets low.
i'd like to play a game where you aid in delivering a baby....if you miss, it just falls on the floor. also, where are all the "is this an STD" games?
Anger at new-age technophobic homoeopathic horseshit peddlers.

What? Oh, enforce positive images of gamers? I'd like to think I do that every day by not shooting people.
Well I know I want to take my dietary advice from something called the 'global healing center' :S
We know, dabomb.

Also, I have the highest grade in math right now. Who says gamers don't have big brains?

Especially gamers who prefer games other than Halo.
Some gamers have big brains.

Some gamers have small brains.
it's a pretty common occurence that the real psychos in society don't usual get their ideas from video games. That being said, I have a question that just came to mind. Is a serial killer who just kills for fun a psycho or just a huge dick?