Is my dad cheating on my mom?

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Like I said before, the problem usually comes from the fact that dad spends the entire day, almost every day of the week at work, and basically the only time at home is spent sleeping.

You can see how it's easy to fall for someone if they are attractive and if you are around them all day every day for weeks, months, years on end.

And that's the reason why my Dad left my mom when I was 1 year old. Got divorced and went off and married his secretary.

I don't know what advice to give you. You will have to make your own decision on how to deal with it.
I would just ask him straight up
You may not like the answer but at least you know the truth
I would just ask him straight up
You may not like the answer but at least you know the truth

From what we've seen there is little chance he will even get a straight answer. I do not feel that is a very tactful way to approach the situation.
Ravioli, dude, he's your dad, and as long as you're not sure about all this, you shouldn't talk about him like that, and also let others talk about him that way.
My dad can beat up your dad Jerkasaur, so I wouldnt even talk if I were you!
Ask him then punch him in the cock then ask him again

That or he is going out to do his fantasy baseball draft. (cookies to whoever guess what that's from)
Knocked Up :imu:
... please dont punch me in the testicles. PLEASE WILLIE!
FALCON N N N PUNCH H H H your Mom and Dad, and any nearby relatives.
Wow, that is quite impressive bullshit. If my dad ever pulled anything like that, effectively throwing 40 years or married life in the crapper, I'd be screaming at the top of my lungs at him, and I'm pretty sure I'd be flanked by my brother and sister (Or rather my sister and I would be flanking my brother). I'm a grown man, I stand up to my father when he's in the wrong, and cheating on his wife is very much being in the wrong.

Unless Rav's still a kid in highschool, I doubt it would be anything like you say. A fully grown adult in your family telling you that you're ****ing up the family, whether hes your son or not, you would take seriously. I dont know what kind of family you come from, but in my family, and most families I know of, people respect each other. That "i made you, I can destroy you" crap doesnt really happen, and if it does then that person is lame as hell and needs to get his ass kicked by his younger, more fit, and completely justified offspring. If my dad was putting the family at risk of breaking up, I'd sure as hell face him, whether he thought I had the right to or not.
Ultimately though it's not your place. You might be grown men, but you forget--so are your fathers. It's not your relationship, it's your fathers'. To get angry that he's "ruining the family," that's his decision if he becomes unsatisfied with your mother, isn't it?

What the hell is this "ruining the family" bullshit anyway? What kind of guilt trip is that? If your relationship with your father is only based on being with your mother, that's pitiable. If their home situation changes, your entire life is going to be thrown out of whack? That's what I call selfish. If your dad's not getting what he wants at home and looks elsewhere, that's his damn business. To even say something like, "I'd kick my dad's ass because I'm younger and more fit than him if he did that," you're an ingrate, for one. For two, it's not your direct business. For three, you're a real asshole.

For four, sons aren't always stronger than their fathers, even when they grow up. But that's not really relevant.

In any case, I'm not saying cheating is right. I'm very against it. However I've come to realize that if my family were in this situation it's not my business no matter how ashamed--and I would be ashamed, not angry--my father's actions made me. Ultimately, assuming that, even after all the decades my parents have been together, if they were to split up and go with other people it would not "ruin the family," because our bonds are stronger than that and taken on an individual basis--my relationship with my father, my relationship with my mother, and their relationship together. If there is a problem with their relationship, I am out of that sphere and only indirectly affected.

I have also learned, in my life, that meddling in other peoples' problems, especially interpersonal problems, causes far more grief and more of an escalated situation than having the principle parties mete it out for themselves.

Were I ever in that situation myself, if I ever cheated on my wife, even if my children were of an age where they could understand my actions and yell at me, even if they were of a physique where they might beat me up, I'd still tell them "It's none of your business." Because it isn't. You're only indirectly affected and the only reason you're meddling is because of any moral shame or anger you feel, and because you want to protect the feelings of the 'victim' (your mother), and because it's a change in a familiar situation. And if your family identity is based on such tenuous circumstances as, "my mother and father have been together for my entire life and if that changes it will completely ruin our entire family," it's not your father being selfish, son.

It's you.

People are entitled to go out, MAKE THEIR OWN MISTAKES, and find happiness with whoever they choose. Whether it's their wife or not.

Also, don't take me wrong and think that by this I'm saying that a wife should be submissive and throw her hands up and say, "Oh well"; nor am I saying a cheating husband has the right to say, "I can do whatever I please"; I'm saying that it's for those two parties to work out. If they decide to get a divorce, that's fine; if they reconcile, that's fine. But it's up to THEM, not their CHILDREN. Don't admonish someone for an incident that you aren't a part of.

It's entirely reasonable to confront, admonish, or try to stop the father in that situation, or at least call him on it. He is doing something wrong, something which will hurt both the family as a whole and especially the mother.

However, I'd agree that if the situation was different, for example the parents already having a very poor relationship, your reactions might not be so strong. In this situation, though, it appears Ravioli's father is having a not very well covered up affair, which, as it affects Ravioli, Ravioli's mother, and Ravioli's family, easily justifies a reaction.

Ravioli's mother's name is tortellini.
Darkside55 is completely right and kind of overreacting.
Yep, Darkside55 is completely correct.
Wah why don't you go give him wonderful sloppy head then you dicks.

But really, I personally don't see that not doing anything is the correct choice in this situation.
Ravioli's mother should confront his father, not Ravioli confronting his father in his mother's stead.
Then his mom needs to MAN UP!

Throw her chest out and MAN THE HELL UP!
I am glad that you also did not want to continue this discussion.

Good good.
Well if you want a (more) serious answer, Ravioli could always tell his dad that both he and his mother suspect--use the word suspect--him of cheating, and if so he needs to talk to his wife, because she won't take the first step.

Alternatively, getting his mother to confront his father.

But see, things like's really meddlesome, you know? The former is probably better than the latter, and I suppose either is preferable to a strained home situation. But despite the joking tone of my previous post, I was serious...his mother needs to confront his father. I understand that can be a scary situation for his mother, but it needs to be done.

Heh, I guess it's easy for me to say things like that though; I didn't grow up in a family where anybody is timid to say anything to anyone else. If my mother even suspected my dad of cheating...ah, shit. Bolt down everything.
Shit's about to go down etc?

I agree with you that he shouldn't try to fight/physically confront him. Basically my opinion is that he shouldn't just let it happen.
Its not raviolis call to fight with his dad, but then still he should talk to him.
Wow this thread got a lot of attention. Just want to tell you guys that i know a little bit more about whats going on now, nothing is resolved though. You, and I, were all wrong all along...but whats going on might even be worse. Im to tierd and...idk..sad? to write the whole thing now so il just do it later. :bonce:
I hope its just something harmless like he likes to go to gay bars and dress up like a drag queen.
The string of responses is hilarious.

"It's worse than cheating..."
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