Is my dad cheating on my mom?

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Nov 1, 2004
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sry long text, if you dont want to read then dont. Also, sry for grammar/spelling errors.

ok so il just start from the beginning. My dad has been very weird the past 5 months, me and my mom have both noticed this. It started with him not letting go of his cellphone anywhere, and he often turned it off everytime it called with the excuse "its from work, i dont want to talk" which is strange because he always takes calls from work, later my mom checked his cellphone when he was sleeping, and found that he had msged someone saying "sorry, my wife was in the car, not a good time to talk". Also, hes been lying....a lot. For example, my mom wanted a ride to her friend, but my dad refused, saying he had an important meeting, so he left. My mom decided to figure out wtf was going on, so she took the bus to his job, and looked around the parkinglot. My dads car wasnt there, so she calls him and asks where he is at, and he says hes at work. Then about 30 minutes later, she sees him driving in and parking. Later the same day, she notices how he secretly throws reciets in the trashcan, so when she took it out, she digged in it and found them. Apparantly, the time she called him when he was supposedly "at work" he was at a cafe drinking champane.

Now the most strangest thing happened, i walked out to the living room, and he has his shoes on and hes reaching for the keys on the table. I noticed i catched him off guard because he got real nervous (this was 1am btw), i ask him where he is going, and he says "uhm...ehh.i was...uhh..going to the garage, to look for the monitor for the computer" (one of our computers doesnt have a monitor,my friend borrowed it, he knows that). Time passes and hes acting strange, nervous, pretends hes doing something, says weird things, tries to joke the situation off. I go into my room, and 5 minutes later he comes in and says "i left my cellphone in the car, brb", i walk into the living room (before he had the chance to leave) and the cellphone is right there on the table, clear in view, so i tell him "its right there". Nervously he says "what?? ohh..ehh..yeah...i didnt see it". He sits down at the couch, still with his shoes on. I walk back to my room, then i walk out again, catching him going for the door, he turns around and walks to the bathroom instead. I go back to my room once AGAIN, and this time i stay and i listen, i hear him closing the entrance door, so i walk up to the door and look through the little thingy, and i see him holding a plastic bag while waiting for the elevator, he disapears. I wake my mom up telling her the story, then the doorbell rings, apparently he forgot his keys. I can talk to him using the voice comm, and i ask him "what are you doing? why did you go out without telling me?" and he tries to laugh it away "oh heheh notihng i to do something in the car". I continue to question him "no really...what were you doing???" and he gets angry "just open the door".... "no, what were you doing out there???" "JUST...OPEN...THE..DOOR". So i open. He comes back up and i question him once more, and he nervously answers "oh nothing i just...ehh..had to..get some papers from the car". But he didnt have any papers with him so i tell him that and he responds "no i just...had to check if they were in the car, its all good now".

This time i question him for real, i look at him and say "dad...what the hell is going on? what are you doing?". He gets super nervous, shaking, he plays with his keys, trying to fix something with the keychain. "nothing, what???" he replies. "dad...going out 1am? stupid reasons to go out? you acting weird? im not stupid". Once again, he assures me nothing is wrong, but i can see it in his face, hes lying. He never lies, and im really taking it hard. Never have my dad lied this much to me...not to my mom either. I dont know what to do...i cant believe hes doing this to us. My mom is to scared to confront him.

So...what do you guys think?
Confront the guy, both of you at the same time.

It does sound incredibly suspicious and almost all too obvious that he's never doing what he says he's doing.

I sincerely hope for your sakes it isn't what you think he's doing.
Honestly, it sounds exactly like he is cheating on your mum. That or he is going out to do his fantasy baseball draft. (cookies to whoever guess what that's from)

Confront him and just ask flat out. Also, if need be, try following him one time.


He might be gay.
Definitely suspicious. I think you all need to have a family sitdown of what's been going on. Your dad needs to come clean, and you can't let this go on forever.
I think that smiley is really inappropriate.
Also it seems you already know what's going on. What to do should be obvious.
yup...most likely he certainly looks so
I'd say he is. A lot of that's familiar from my father.
No point confronting him, he will just deny it like he has been doing constantly. You need to find proof of what he is doing, when he goes out on these mystery trips, follow him and see what he does, eventually he will lead you to the source.
maybe he is living his fantasy? smash things whit a roadroller!(cookies to whoever guess where i comes from)

and call those guy of that show cheaters

atleast you have it kind of obvious

my dad used to bring me and my brother to the house of the woman saying it was a friend,and we where the hell bored of being there
hes sleeping now, i took the car keys and checked the car, the bag he brought with him isnt in it which means he must have given it to someone.

I think il ask him again tomorrow, and see how he reacts.
He is, and he's not very good at it.

Follow him and take pictures.
dont get involved, this is between your father and your mother
dont get involved, this is between your father and your mother

Thats stupid as hell.

Heres what I would do. I would confront him, tell him I know that hes cheating on my mom. I wouldnt get angry with him, hes only human and can make mistakes, but I will let him know that neither me nor my mom are stupid enough to be tricked. I'd get his attention, tell him to look at me in my eyes and I'd tell him in these exact words "You need to stop ****ing around. You will probably ruin this family, and I wont stand for it. Mom is already suspicious of you, but if you knock this shit off now we can avoid a lot of heartache and drama. And I'm not ****ing asking you, I'm telling you to stop. I wont stand for you lying to us and cheating on your wife and my mother."

After that, you will be able to tell whats going to happen. Hopefully he gets apologetic and cleans up his act, but if hes still dodging the issue or defending himself, then its not going to be so easy. And I would get my mom involved and speak honestly and plainly that they need to sort their shit out. I'd be snitching on my father, but its for good reason, and frankly he was lying to you for a long time now, so its his own damn fault.

TLDR version: Sort this shit out now, dont let it build up and explode.
Pull your strongest leg real far back, then swing it with all the power of a steam train until your foot smashes into his nuts smashing them worse then a high speed car wreck.

Confront him, or gather the evidence and confront him, either way you know hes up to no good and need to make him know it and stop him.

Its entirely up to you whether you let your mum in on this, but seeing as I'm 23, its hardly the end of the world for me if my parents split, but I wont have my old man ****ing around behind my ma's back.

The child should never have to tell their father off, or tell them whats right and wrong, however you confront him, make him feel like a really ****ing bad child and tell him off good.

He deserves to feel ashamed of himself.
You don't know what he's doing so don't make accusations.

He could be a damn secret agent and you are blowing his cover.

What you need to do is become your own private investigator. If you let him know you are suspicious it will only make him more careful and you will lose his trust. Don't tell your mom anything that you can't back up with physical evidence as it could escalate a delicate situation.

IF it turns out he is cheating, you should then confront him alone, show him you are trustworthy so you can get him to spill the beans. Don't take an aggressive stance.
Your dads an undercover agent. Hes building a nuclear railgun of mass destruction and there is someone who got info on what hes making for the government, hes feeling nervous because the government might just take him out anytime since he knows so much.


Hes a made man now. Turns out your dad took out some rival family compound and every now and then the mob is trying to take him down. He has an arsenal in his car and the cafe where he had champange is actually his family's(Mafia) HQ. The message which says "sorry, bad time, wife was in the car" meant that he wants to keep this a secret and then surprise your mother with a big italian party.


Your dad and your mom just both found out they are secret assassin agents, and thus the story plot of Mr and Mrs Smith
He's not cheating, he's fighting crime. He got nervous when you confronted him because he doesn't want you getting delusions in your head of joining his crusade. He doesn't want you or your mother to know because if anyone finds out his secret identity, they'll strike at him through you.

Just shut up and let the man clean up the streets.

Krynn said:
"You need to stop ****ing around. You will probably ruin this family, and I wont stand for it. Mom is already suspicious of you, but if you knock this shit off now we can avoid a lot of heartache and drama. And I'm not ****ing asking you, I'm telling you to stop. I wont stand for you lying to us and cheating on your wife and my mother."
Sorry Krynn old buddy, but this is entirely laughable. The thought of a son telling his father what to do ("I'm TELLING you to stop") is, you came from his balls, dude. How the hell are YOU going to tell HIM to do anything? It might make you feel mad, might make you ashamed and angry at his actions (and sons are protective of their mothers' feelings as well), but seriously if my son ever came up demanding me to do anything, he'd get a reality check real fast.
If your best friend cheated on his wife would you tell his wife?
He's not cheating, he's fighting crime. He got nervous when you confronted him because he doesn't want you getting delusions in your head of joining his crusade. He doesn't want you or your mother to know because if anyone finds out his secret identity, they'll strike at him through you.

Just shut up and let the man clean up the streets.

Do not forget that this is an entirely real posibility.
Don't get involved. And most importantly, don't go yell at your dad.

I agree with darkside, on the vigilante thing.

But yeah, it sounds like he's cheating thou. And he sucks at it. But let your mother sort it out.
Why? Ravioli's involved. Also he's said that his mother doesn't want to confront him. Why shouldn't he do anything?
Why should he get involved? I don't think it's any of his business really.
... It's his dad. It's his family. Of course it's his business.
Your dad ****ing sucks at cheating.

Tell him I said so.
what if it turns out he's planning the world's largest anniversary celebration and he doesn't want the mom to find out
Is your mother fat and ugly?
Also how long have your parents been married?
Your dads an undercover agent. Hes building a nuclear railgun of mass destruction and there is someone who got info on what hes making for the government, hes feeling nervous because the government might just take him out anytime since he knows so much.


Hes a made man now. Turns out your dad took out some rival family compound and every now and then the mob is trying to take him down. He has an arsenal in his car and the cafe where he had champange is actually his family's(Mafia) HQ. The message which says "sorry, bad time, wife was in the car" meant that he wants to keep this a secret and then surprise your mother with a big italian party.


Your dad and your mom just both found out they are secret assassin agents, and thus the story plot of Mr and Mrs Smith

I think option 2 is most likely.
Whats with this " don't get involved" shit?.

He's their son, it ****ing involves him. :LOL:

I say gather more proof, follow him a bit, and confront him, **** that cowardly don't get involved crap, your dad is cheating on your mum, ****ing call him out on it.
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