"Isn't it just like...Old Times" A HL2 Mod (already in the works)


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Hey people, just wanted to inform you of a new singleplayer mod for HL2. And unlike most of the others, this one is well underway, and we have all of our ideas planned, thoughtout, and made sure they were possible by asking Gabe Newell himself. So here goes.


As you might be able to tell by the name of our mod, this story takes place sometime a few years after HL1 ends. Shortly after the events, a terrible plague of aliens started to infest Earth. With little or no attempt of being able to retaliate, the human race has gone into hiding. Gordon, your player, recalls a time from his past. He recalls hearing something about how his experiment that went terribly wrong could have been reversed. He was told this info by Kliener, a day before the experiment went wrong (the beginning of HL). So being the only man able to stop the onslaught, Gordon Freeman returns to the famous Black Mesa Research Facility. However, it lies in complete ruins, the tram hanging on one cable, sparks flying, and crumbled pieces of the building all over.


We have done extensive research on HL, OP4, and Blueshift, and got a pretty accurate scale of the entire Black Mesa Facility. You'll return to make of the areas that you traveled through as Gordon, Adrian, and Barney. However, this time around, things are in wreck (even more than they were), its alot quiter, but believe me, that doesn't mean all the baddies are gone;).


You'll enjoy it. Trust me, we made a test run on the HL engine with the map we've created (we already made the map, should take you 12-18 hours to beat). Sent it to some people, and their responses were "holy shit", and "omg i remember this! damnnnn what happened here..." Its definately a game that will keep you guessing, and once we get it onto HL2 with the physics and stuff, we will properly integrate puzzles and gameplay values.

Isn't it just like...Old times Mod Leader,
Haha, if you'd like when HL2 SDK comes out, I'll find you a spot on the beta team to pass the time :)
Sure, I'd like this guinny. I'm rather enthused about this because it's a singleplayer mod, and I haven't seen many of those. The name's a mouthful though - maybe you should cut it down to "Just Like Old Times" or something shorter, like "Flashback". Just a thought. Also, I was wondering if you were going to try to convert your current maps over to HL2 or if you are going to completely recreate them. I suggest you recreate them to take full use of the HL2 engine.
As for the weapons, will all of them be from HL1? It would be interesting to see a mix of HL1 and HL2 weapons.

Tell me once your site is up!
Good luck
1. The name will be changed to Just Like Old Times
2. Yes, we used the hl1 engine as a blueprint basically, we will completely reconstruct them onto hl2 engine, with all its features in use.
3. All HL1 weapons will make an appearance once again, as well as some new ones.
4. Site is being done by our webmaster (he's a perfectionist, go figure :-p)
the mod sounds interesting. ill be sure to play it when its out.
Sounds pretty cool guinny. I'd like to return to Black Mesa and kick some sleazy alien ass. Is there a site up yet or is that perfectionist of yours still working on it? =) I know how it is. I'm a perfectionist myself heh...
he just wont let the site go up unless it looks completely professional :-\, go figure, i chose a perfectionist:(
Originally posted by guinny
Hey people, just wanted to inform you of a new singleplayer mod for HL2. And unlike most of the others, this one is well underway, and we have all of our ideas planned, thoughtout, and made sure they were possible by asking Gabe Newell himself. So here goes.

Most of the mods announced are actually underway and have been planned (although I can only speak for OES) :P..... and everything is possible :)

(oh, and there are quite a few reasonable sounding single player mods about :)

best of luck :cheers:
he just wont let the site go up unless it looks completely professional :-\, go figure, i chose a perfectionist

yeah, but afterall, a perfectionist almost always get things done properly. So you'll probably get a neat site though guinny :)
yea ur right, it does look pretty nice with what he's got so far, better to do it right the 1st time eh?:cheers:
we already made the map, should take you 12-18 hours to beat

How long did it take when the huge singleplayer mod was finished(mapping spoken)?