It's a Plane


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score

[br]So, the story starts off when the boycott started and many gamers joined the cause. Valve aka Gabe Newell decided to fly out the two lead members of the boycott. Side note many are upset that they got a chance to be flown and got the chance to see the DLC Crash Course, along with the other DLC they are working on (secretly) for Left 4 Dead and got to check out some Left 4 Dead 2. Another gamer L4D modder Joe took it upon himself to email Gabe that he deserves to be also flown out to get a tour.[br]

[br]Gabe replied to his email (jokingly) "We are boycotting your mod/campaign". Joe, decided to reply back with "Does...does that mean I have fly you here?". To make this interesting Gabe replied back with "Me and Erik". Joe has now begun a fund-raising blog to raise the money needed to fly Gabe and Erik out to Brisbane, Australia. Joystiq spoke to someone at Valve who suggests that Gabe will honor his agreement. Joe needed to make roughly $2400 to achieve this. Rather incredibly he’s just broken the $3000 barrier. Gabe is asking that the money be donated to Penny Arcade’s Child’s Play charity. Child’s Play raises money for providing toys and games for kids in hospitals around the world.[br]

[br]To some all this seems a tad silly but in the end it has made Valve look to have a sense of humor and ended up getting the community to help Joe which helps Child's Play charity. In the end, Left 4 Dead will be supported and rumor is Crash Course will be released on September 23rd.[br]
that child's play site is cool, and i just found out they have a local hospital which i donate almost daily to with the loose change at my register

The greatest gaming company ever.
If you disagree, you're a filthy whore.
I love the humor of Valve, hopefully they'll come over to Brisbane and play his campaign while still giving money to Child's Play.
Your link to Xbox talking about playing Paramore in Left 4 Dead sounds fishy.

If you're an Xbox LIVE Gold Member and you want a chance to play the new Crash Course add-on for Left 4 Dead, send a friend request to the following Gamertag and be online half an hour before (5:30 P.M. Central Time) the Game with Fame session starts on Wednesday, September 23, at 6:00 P.M. CT.

Sounds to me that only those chosen will be able to play crash course. Hope i'm wrong.
good read and game sounds interesting, just think its really sucks that people who wanted boycott the game and started all this negativity about it with sad botcott groups get a special treatment! sure more die hard and loyal fans that deserved this chance far more, I think valve are almost to good!
The money is not getting donated to a charity. It was only going to get donated if gabe and erik decided not to come to australia, but in an e-mail to the guy who's doing the whole thing he said that they need to get there affairs in order and ship left4dead2 then they will give him a date they will fly out.
I always want Valve to visit PAX Boston or something.