Jack Daniels

ummm, she would be dead.

I'm a male, 5'8 140 pounds and that would kill me if I drank the entire thing at once. Even spacing it out over an entire night would still get me alcohol posioning.
Down in one? Anything human would probally throw up. But at a party, or over a few hours... no problem. Depends how old she is, how much she can drink and how long she's been drinking for... My alcohol limit is somewhere around 3 bottles of red wine in one night (but i tend to black out and auto-pilot myself to bed), so its not impossible.
blahblahblah said:
ummm, she would be dead.

I'm a male, 5'8 140 pounds and that would kill me if I drank the entire thing at once. Even spacing it out over an entire night would still get me alcohol posioning.
Nah, I've drank a bottle of Jack Daniels in one night with a couple of beers. I got awfully drunk, slept with some girl I rather didn't. Got a massive hangover and felt sick the next morning. But hey, I didn't die..
i can attest to the fact that its possible to drain that much VOLUME all at once. alcohol? thats another story. ask her if she was drunk when she started, and if she was, ask her how sure she is that someobdy didn't piss in the bottle and give it to her?
Choscura said:
ask her how sure she is that someobdy didn't piss in the bottle and give it to her?

exactly, if it didnt nearly kill her, it was probably apple juice.
I bet she'd pass out and vomit half of what she drank before the botte was even done.
VaKo said:
And you have to ask us if she's lieing... why?
I'm not very expierienced with this sort of thing, and shes the kind of person who wont admit to this kind of thing unless there's enough people who says she's full of shit, so thank you! :cheers:
im 135lbs , 5'10" adn 19yo, and i can manage to finish a 2/6 of fireball tomyelf within 2 hours adn im a cheap drunk. so i can see it happening
i drank a half of a fifth of cheapo vodka and i was down for the count, and ive built up tolerance over the years (months?) if a 100 pound inexperienced GIRL drinker could even HANDLE drinking a bottle of jack based upon taste alone, id say shes no human.

besides, what a tragedy. a whole bottle gone like that? JD is something to savor..
no way, she'd die. people usually mix drinks with that stuff, it's insanely potent.
She probably ment a 33cl (330 ml) bottle... the smaller version, which is about right for a pissed night out drinking. No way could she or most other people have a 75ml bottle in one night.
1 year ago i had that much vodka in one night (bout 2 hours)... i threw it all up 15 mins after i finnished and passed out on the front lawn... then my friends came and picked me up and they had to pull over like 6 times on the way home so i could throw up spme more. by the last stop i had nothing left and was just dry reaching... for the next 3 mounths i couldnt touch alcahol... id throw up even 1 drink... its cool now though.

never again though... no strait bottles... just cans of jim and coke now...
I had waaaaaaay too much last night.

I threw up for the first time drinking ever...


I never throw up drinking... :(

1 year ago i had that much vodka in one night (bout 2 hours)... i threw it all up 15 mins after i finnished and passed out on the front lawn... then my friends came and picked me up and they had to pull over like 6 times on the way home so i could throw up spme more. by the last stop i had nothing left and was just dry reaching... for the next 3 mounths i couldnt touch alcahol... id throw up even 1 drink... its cool now though.

never again though... no strait bottles... just cans of jim and coke now...
Yeah same here :(, but i had much less alcahol im such a lightweight :(. I havent drunk in several months now. Ive given up
"Don't worry, I'll talk to her. After I get a little bit of courage from my old friend Mr. Jack Daniels. *dials phone* Mrs. Daniels? Is Jack in? ...what? Oh my God, when? Oh, I am so sorry! Poor old Jack... he was a wise man, but he just loved playing with that wheat thresher. ALWAYS playing with that wheat thresher!"
Even over a night, there is a chance that would kill here. Also for a 100 pound man or woman drinking very quickly, it would only require about 8-10 drinks in an hour to reach the lethal level. There is a lot more than 8 to ten drinks in a bottle of JD that size...
The lethal level is though, what it would take to kill only a certain amount of people. Since everybody has a different tolerance.
The weird thing about this thread for me is JUST as I read the title, I was listening to the TV on my computer and some guy goes (from a commercial) "Where's the best place to get a Jack Daniels in this town?"
Hapsburg Absinthe is the shizzle at 76%. But a bottle of that in one go will probally embalm you.
VaKo said:
Hapsburg Absinthe is the shizzle at 76%. But a bottle of that in one go will probally embalm you.

At least you don't have to worry about how long it takes to get a funeral organised...

Interestingly, there was a man. He was from the Czech Republic I think. ...he died :x. But he had something like 17times the lethal dose of alcohol in his blood stream.
Imo, that's impossible, unless you're some large russian or person who drinks alot :p
MaxiKana said:
Imo, that's impossible, unless you're some large russian or person who drinks alot :p

Well...the Sahara might be made of cheese in my opinion. But it doesn't mean anything :p
I've got a 5cl bottle of Jack Daniels in my hand at the moment, I will down it and scale the effects up after an hour or so to see what would happen if I drunk a massive bottle

I'm a scientist :)
Its possible and humanly possible to drink all that in one go, straight. I drank a 50cl bottle of vodka straight when i was 16, fair enough the night was shit because i could'nt stand up but none the less i was'nt in hospital having my stomach pumped...just really, really, really ill. If your really in the mood for something, anything is possible, i just never drank vodka straight ever since, i always drink vodka&coke when im out now.
vodka and red bull.

it gives u wings, so when ur drunk, u can fly home when ur too drunk to walk!
It was probably a single measure bottle, like they sell on planes.
Same here i had Way too mcuh to dirnk last night (eg i mixed) couple cans of beer 33 cl bottl eof vodka and some shite alcopop this girl had. threw up more times than i could count 5+ then jsut dry reached for about another hour ( realiesed i was in burger king an hour latter with my mates trying to sober me up )

Was drunk once after this and i dont drink to get drunk havent been drunkj for 2 months tipsy yes Drunk NO :D
SidewinderX said:
If people can't drink a gallon of milk straight, I doubt she could could drink that much jack at once...

However, over the course of a night, possible. I have friends who have had a similarly-sized bottle of Vodka in shots over the course of a night...

and, while we're on the subject...
People cant drink a gallon of milk straight? Cool, i never heard of this before.
B.Calhoun said:
People cant drink a gallon of milk straight? Cool, i never heard of this before.

The stomach cant handle that much dairy!

Try it.... with hillarious consequences!!! :p
Farrowlesparrow said:
At least you don't have to worry about how long it takes to get a funeral organised...

Interestingly, there was a man. He was from the Czech Republic I think. ...he died :x. But he had something like 17times the lethal dose of alcohol in his blood stream.

In other words they found traces of blood in his alcahol...
good lord, chugging a whole bottle of jack daniels in one go!? it would burn the shit out of your throat! and at that height/age, i really doubt she really did that. its bullshit
marksmanHL2 :) said:
The stomach cant handle that much dairy!

Try it.... with hillarious consequences!!! :p

Yes....hilarious. Throwing up in staples car park :x


Me and some friends tried it a couple of years ago...I managed to hold it in pretty well I think. I didn't throw up for about 2 hours, and then suddenly I just couldn't handle it anymore.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes....hilarious. Throwing up in staples car park :x


Me and some friends tried it a couple of years ago...I managed to hold it in pretty well I think. I didn't throw up for about 2 hours, and then suddenly I just couldn't handle it anymore.

Tee hee..... *knows the feeling*
This reminds me for some reason last night when I was watching MAX X. There was a guy who drank like 37 or 38 well beaten soft boiled eggs to break a new record, and he had an instant stroke. I would think all that cholestroal would take some time before it would give him a stroke, but it was instant. Hrm.