Jesus Christ did not exist. Period.

God might exist. But if he exists, he doesn't necessarily have to be a Christian god. He might be an omnipotent welsh corgi pembroke, with all pembrokes his divine messengers to spread his divine influence on Earth via four paw drive, lowriding awesome full-of-win shepherds.
God might exist.
He might be gay.
Millions of gods might exist.
They might all be gay.
You might not actually exist.
I might not actually exist.

There is a probability for anything and everything. This is why you should stay open minded. However, this doesn't mean you should believe anything and everything. You should believe what can be supported by facts.
There is a probability for anything and everything. This is why you should stay open minded. However, this doesn't mean you should believe anything and everything. You should believe what can be supported by facts.

Pretty much.

This is why I find statements like "God might exist" devoid of worth. So hollow that it doesn't even need mentioning.
God might exist.
He might be gay.
Millions of gods might exist.
They might all be gay.
You might not actually exist.
I might not actually exist.

There is a probability for anything and everything. This is why you should stay open minded. However, this doesn't mean you should believe anything and everything. You should believe what can be supported by facts.
Jesus lives and God so loved the world that He sent his only begotten son that whosoever believe i n Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. God wants to show His love to you. Just believe read His word and you will get salvation joy and peace here in this world and unspeakable joy in all eternity in heaven,where the streets are of gold. I wish you JESUS!!!!
There is a probability for anything and everything. This is why you should stay open minded. However, this doesn't mean you should believe anything and everything. You should believe what can be supported by facts.

Here's a fact: monotheistic religions have shitloads of believers, meaning something must be there :)
jesus fcuking christ, must we always talk about fcuking jesus? it's jesus this, jesus that, jesus on a pogo stick, give the guy a freakin break, he stupidly nailed himself to the cross just so that we can be saved ..the least we can do is not constantly talk about him behind his back ...if you're reading this Jesus, you're awesome and I love you ..but why did you kill my puppy?
Here's a fact: monotheistic religions have shitloads of believers, meaning something must be there :)

Say what? Appeal to popularity? Because a lot of people believe it, it needs to have credibility?

More likely explanation: Raising people from birth to believe in something generation after generation tends to entrench such beliefs further. It also helps that there's nothing really tangible that can outright disprove the existence of whatever fanciful deity a Muslim, Christian, or Jew believes in.
If the Black Plague killed enough people in Europe, there'd probably be a lot more Muslims than Christians. Still wouldn't make it any more true. It's all to the whims of chance.
Not to long ago slavery was also quite popular, I wonder what happened with that?
Nobody seems to talk about poor little Jebus anymore. :(
Here's a fact: monotheistic religions have shitloads of believers, meaning something must be there :)

Actually i use that logic to say 'monotheistic religions have shitloads of believers, that must mean that people are idiots'.
Here's a fact: monotheistic religions have shitloads of believers, meaning something must be there :)

Thats a fallacy, appeal to the majority, means nothing. Lots of people believe Elvis is still alive and that Bigfoot roams the forest.
Here's a fact: monotheistic religions have shitloads of believers, meaning something must be there :)

Here's a fact: Father Christmas has shitloads of believers, meaning people will believe anything :)

BTW, are we going to talk about those videos again? I found them kind of interesting.

Wow thats the that consist me!(Not) Ok that was a very biggest unfair discussion ever, did not get to hear the other side but one! Are you saying that most people that believe in God are like that? How about great scientists that believe in God; are like that?

How about Albert Einstein? He was a Jew! And that is a religion that believes in GOD or some thing that is supreme then us.

So God wrote a book meant to be read by humans, but forgot to write in terms of human units?

OMFG he insulted da Guy in da Sky!!

Yes he is, and that is admirable.
The reason debates about UFOs and alien abduction is still open is that it is still remotely possible. But the definition of God itself makes it an impossibility.

Half of all things predicted by holy books are vague and incoherent. The other half is just BS. Srsly, have you read Leviticus or the Koran?

So he created us for NO apparent reason, keeps throwing trouble our way, and will throw us in hellfire if we don't pass the test? He's so full o' LOVE!! :E

We don't have the capacity to feed every human being, and have never had it till date.
As for disease and death, why don't you smell the coffee and admit that either-
(a) God is an imbecile OR
(b) God is a sadist.

Fist of what’s a Human unit? We Humans are so different from each other… I just said that there were many different ancient civilizations, and how they measure time… Why would there be only ONE TYPE OF HUMAN measurement? Do you know it is the year 5275 in the Jewish calendar! In the ROMAN calendar it is the year 2007AD... DO YOU see what I mean?

Roman Legion lost all credibility when he tried to criticize the Combine for not researching human history - particularly Roman history - and then tried to compare them, and say they were not doing certain things the Roman way.

Now he has posted another ream of bullshit.

LOLOL HAHAHAHAHA!! Dude you made me and my friends laugh.
Sorry… First of; what dos that have to do about this topic?

Second: I like the Romans and the rest of Human History! So what? What harm dos that make? In fact if any thing History can help us to prepare for the future… Just ask great generals and leaders.

I don't even know what the **** Roman Legion was talking about.

Roman Legion, you suck.

LOL dude that’s all you can say? Wow you must be wise. hmm coming from a atheist? Wow you convict me now.
I stand by my original statement.

I don't even know what the **** Roman Legion was talking about.

Roman Legion, you suck.
To address one of your points, Roman Legion, about Einstein being a Jew:
1) Einstein is not a figure of authority.
2) Einstein belonged to the ethnic group known as Jews, not the religion.
3) Einstein was atheistic, any reference he made to God was a metaphor for the beauty of the universe, it didn't imply a sentient being. Richard Dawkins explains that.

I can't address any other points, because as with Absinthe, I can't understand what you are talking about.
To be honest i can believe he was alive and had such a strong following, just like some people today. I also believe that people need something to believe matter how ridiculously impossible it is.

But all the miracle stuff and how he's an entity and 'all around us' etc etc is just bollocks to me. When someone dies, thats it, end of. They dont hang around in some other form or whatever.
Here's a fact: monotheistic religions have shitloads of believers, meaning something must be there :)
Are you serious? :rolleyes:
God MIGHT exist.

Do you want me to mail you a recording of this sentence in all caps along with a detailed explanation of the semantic difference between does and might?

I think we'd prefer your explanation as to why the possibility of a God's existence actually matters, because there still isn't one. I could have been born a female, but instead I was male; there could possibly be a God, but there is absolutely nothing to show that there is (and there's nothing to show that I'm female, because I'm not).
I havn't read much but the first post but anyway:

1.)Oo a documentary said something. Give me a break there are thousands of documentaries about bla bla bla bal bla.

2.)It's ok to not care if Jesus existed or not, but to go outright and say "he did not exist" without pure hard facts is WRONG. It's no metter than going outright and saying "God Exists".

3.)This is to you Mikael. God Might Exist. The thousands of hindu gods might exist. There might be a little lamp floating around earth that once touched will grant that person three wishes. A flying spaghetii monster might have created the universe.

4.)This is to you Mikael. Yeah a lot of people believe Jesus Christ exist. However, that means nothing. Hundreds of years ago a vast majority of people believed the sun revolved around the earth, and the earth was flat! OMG 95% OF EARTHS POPULATION BELIEVE IT!! MUST BE TRUE!!! However that is not true, despite how many people believed it. Christianity doesn't even have the vast majority of earths population.

5.)Mikael here is also something you don't understand:
(Weak)Atheism does not beg the question: "Does your god exist?". Atheists lack the belief in a god.

Rather it begs the question, "Why should I believe in your god when you can't prove that he exists? Furthermore, why should you?".
Saying that God might exist because loads of people believe in him is an appeal to popularity and wishful thinking at best.

The Universe is not a democracy, we cannot vote God into existence with the power of our minds.

Also the God of the Abrahamic religions is quite possibly the most monstrous bullying anti-democratic being you could ever imagine.
Wow thats the that consist me!(Not) Ok that was a very biggest unfair discussion ever, did not get to hear the other side but one! Are you saying that most people that believe in God are like that? How about great scientists that believe in God; are like that?

How about Albert Einstein? He was a Jew! And that is a religion that believes in GOD or some thing that is supreme then us.

Fist of what’s a Human unit? We Humans are so different from each other… I just said that there were many different ancient civilizations, and how they measure time… Why would there be only ONE TYPE OF HUMAN measurement? Do you know it is the year 5275 in the Jewish calendar! In the ROMAN calendar it is the year 2007AD... DO YOU see what I mean?

LOLOL HAHAHAHAHA!! Dude you made me and my friends laugh.
Sorry… First of; what dos that have to do about this topic?

Second: I like the Romans and the rest of Human History! So what? What harm dos that make? In fact if any thing History can help us to prepare for the future… Just ask great generals and leaders.

LOL dude that’s all you can say? Wow you must be wise. hmm coming from a atheist? Wow you convict me now.

This makes little to no sense.
friends Romans countrymen lend me some sense ..err cents

ya you can use it lolol hah hah etc

btw best line ever:

"Wow you convict me now"
Mikael Grizzly, you cant prove or disprove God, however you can scientificly make a probability which leans more towards disproving God. And if you base Gods existance in your faith, then thats just rediculus. Because faith is belief without proof, in other words, your faith cannot be proof for the existance of God.

Richard Dawkins spoke on this matter quite alot in The God Delusion.
Yes, faith founded on popular old manuscripts which are contradictory, violent and dubious is not the most sensible of things.

People do say "Ah, well you have faith in science!"

But that is faith founded on the fact that science is a self-critical process has continuously proved itself time and time again to the benefit of mankind. It is not a faith founded on superstition.

Religion is a form of superstition, it's just more popular and ingrained in mainstream society that it doesn't seem odd to us.

If we went to an island in the Pacific and found that the people there communed to worship Dr. Hindenberg, Lord of the Ocean, and ate his blood and flesh in a ritual worship, whilst holding out for the day that Dr. Hindenberg would return one day in his airship to save the world, because their ancient scriptures said so, we would find that a little bit odd.
But Christians were the untouchables of Roman society for hundreds of years. That doesn't make any sense in terms of Christianity being an invention of the state.

the romans didn't have an problems with Christians at first. but then the Christians due to their religion started going against the roman culture.
They became the escape goat think when Neron ruled.

and i'm not sure that romans made Jesus up. but they did later used Christianity to stop diffraction of the people and to hopefully cultivate a bit the invading barbarians.

so basically i don't believe in conspiracy's, but i sure that people in power always take advantage of certain events and coincidences, and maybe help a bit so things get worse.
like the romans used Jesus and Bush used 9/11.
they don't plan the attack but they sure as hell do plan everything afterwards.
Well I think it says in the Bible some thing about God measures time different then we Humans! We measure time with the Sun and moon… So think, God's time is way different then are time...

There was a ancient civilization in the mid east I think, that measure time so different that it was not by the moon or sun but I think by the stars or some type of math…

My point is that saying that in 6 days or 4000 years old can be very different to any civilization because the way we or they measure time…

How dos that comedian sleep at night?

LOL, no women? Men and women F things up all the time!

This is a type of guy that's say "...if its not possible then it is not..."

This guy needs to study Human history and religion very well! Funny thing, he never mentions any thing in the Bible that the technology progress we will have, that people in the past read and could not comprehend what it means! I wonder what do Athirst say back in the day?

And how the hell dos he know if God is not real, did he died before? Who is he to say? I can tell you that people that died and came back will say other wise!

Umm all the stuff that he named is 99% Humanity's fault!

1. War: Ummmmmmm we do that not God, God's army dos not interfere simply because is Humanity's fight. We must resolve are differences, and we diced war not to talk. Hummm I wonder who's fault is that? Its are fault, he gave us free will and a world, and we have all the SH#% in it, but we decide to get greedy...

2. Hunger: We decide to get greedy. We have the technology for the past 2000 years or so to feed all of the hunger in Earth! Humanity's fault!

3. Diseases: Over 50% is Humanity's fault for many reasons. There are some Doctors that destroy new medicines and cures because they cannot make money off it, so they fine some other way so they can make money of it. Also we Humans make new diseases for WAR and also other things we should not have be doing...

4. Crime: Well we simply do this for what ever reason, and some times it can be the society it self in fault for many reasons...

5. Death: Death is a part of life, what can we do? GET ALONG!

I can keep going on!

He gave us a world, free will, able to evolve to what we are to day so we can think, food and more, but we Humans take it and make the world sooo confusing!

Yes God's will was not to have a Bible or laws in the fist place... Think about it!

We made life just to confusing, think about it, what is so hard to do good?

OMG i can't believe the stupidity of the author!

relative time is almost irrelevant for this debate.

i really don't know where to start because this post is full of crap.

maybe...the only thing that can be debated.

monotheistic religion (Christianity, Islam,...) set us back for a long time.

Most knowledge used by Arabic and Christian people dated from the time of Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Egypt. religion in those cultures was far more expandable and less strict. There were few laws, there was little scripture...people were a lot more free to think about.

The Ancient Civilization (the Greeks/Macedonians) made the Alexandrian library which contained the knowledge we used till the renaissance.

Let us not mention how many inventions the chinese got us. Their religion was also more humanistic and expandable.

The Arabians only translated and imported knowledge. Christians up north mostly destroyed it, except for few semi-religious monks that kept it alive.

Do some research on the net and you'll probably stop spewing such mental atrocities.

edit: ups...sorry for double post
I don't believe in Jesus as god or anything, but if he did exist, he taught everyone to chillax a bit and be a little less uptight and forgive, so I give him credit for that, if he existed.

I am not Jesus freak, but I think a lot of people bash his ideas just for the sake of bashing something.

I'm an athiest, and I can still see the good that people like Jesus and Ghandi brought about, but oooo, they are related to a modern day religion, that must make them bad! *rolls eyes*
I don't believe in Jesus as god or anything, but if he did exist, he taught everyone to chillax a bit and be a little less uptight and forgive, so I give him credit for that, if he existed.

I am not Jesus freak, but I think a lot of people bash his ideas just for the sake of bashing something.

I'm an athiest, and I can still see the good that people like Jesus and Ghandi brought about, but oooo, they are related to a modern day religion, that must make them bad! *rolls eyes*

Yeah, it seems many hate him cuz he's related to a religion. Why not just respect him as a man? I don't see how anyone who went out of their way to help others could be hated. Even in the end he forgave his enemies.
Lets all give Jesus a ****ing gold medal. Frickety-wowa, Jesus, you da man!