Just watched IGN's video


May 23, 2003
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I just watched IGN's e3 video, it is the same as everyone elses yes but each of the movies (Gamespys, Gamespots, IGN) have different commentary, and in this one Gabe explained the phermone grenade a little more. He said that the phermone makes the ant lions think you are an Ant Lion Guard, in which you can commad them and in the end that big thing is an Ant Lion guard and Gabe jokingly says something about since you smell like an Ant Lion Gaurd you have to engage in the Ant Lion Guard Headbutting contest. Kind of cool.
That was an Ant Lion "Guard"? It looked to me like a Voltigore from 'Opposing Force'. I assumed they would have returning enemies, but I guess not.

I wonder, other than the headcrabs, are there going to be ANY other alien designs returning from the original HL?
Sir Swallows:
Yes, that is an Ant Lion 'Guard'. And yes, there are more returning enemies, as it is stated that: Some Xen aliens are on your side. I'm guessing the Xen Slaves or some such. But other than that, there are confirmed ones other than headcrabs, apparently. Those include mostly the parasitic and otherwise more primative species (bullsquid, barnacles, etc.). Hopefully some from Op4 would appear, because it'd be disappointing if the Race-X aliens didn't have any point other than for Gearbox to make an excuse for 'new enemies'. Time will tell...

Cool I saw that movie but never heard him say that, must have watched it late at night... The returning aliens I know of are headcrap, zombie, bullsquid.
so far i've only seen headcrabs and zombies. are there any screenshots of other returning aliens?
Originally posted by Vertigo
Sir Swallows:
Yes, that is an Ant Lion 'Guard'. And yes, there are more returning enemies, as it is stated that: Some Xen aliens are on your side. I'm guessing the Xen Slaves or some such. But other than that, there are confirmed ones other than headcrabs, apparently. Those include mostly the parasitic and otherwise more primative species (bullsquid, barnacles, etc.). Hopefully some from Op4 would appear, because it'd be disappointing if the Race-X aliens didn't have any point other than for Gearbox to make an excuse for 'new enemies'. Time will tell...


Cool. I would definitely prefer to see some more *not-so-friendly* faces in the game for a bit of familiarity. I suppose the game would need the Slaves (Vortigons), as they were one of the more important enemies in the original HL. Also, I believe I've seen somewhere in the PC Gamer article mention of the Barnacle returning...he was another of the better ones.

I wish they would have the Gargantua return, though...he was one of my favorites from the original game.
Only been headcrabs and zombies in the videos: though from reports, previews and articles there's also the bullsquid, some barnacles (with a 'vile pulsating sack' at it's base). Most of them are getting numerous versions besides: 3 types of headcrabs have been mentioned (fast, big, flying?) and a couple of types for bullsquids were mentioned in one preview too.

Expect the Xen allies to be the sentient ones: slaves, grunts, controllers?.

Other species we've not seen yet include 'hulking biomechs' and 'flying headcrabs' -- and we've only seen concept art of the assassins as yet.
there are going to 50 diffrent monsters in hl2. like the bullsquids. and the fly strip thingy's that hang on the ceiling. (forgot the name) there are going to be diffrent kinds of head crabs (each headcrab makes a diffrent kind of zombie :devil: )
the alien slaves are on your side. (how this happened is explaned by the evolving story in hl2.)

anyway.. there will be alot of the original hl1 monsters back in HL²
If you haven't read all the articels out there, some of these things may be considered SPOILERS. Here is everything I've seen on enemy models in HL2:

"The developer has, however, been quite open about the game's 50-plus enemies (an impressive number) we'll be facing, presenting us with a combination of familiar and new faces. "

three different types of zombies & headcrabs, ; ..."comes in a "sporty" and "heavy" version, with appropriate advantages in speed and strength"
barnacles, a "turret class" camera bot, a flying headcrab, the female assassin, aliens slaves, skeletal assassin robots (a bit like the female assassin), a large robotic sidekick built by Alyx, known only as "Dog."
Plus the ones we saw in the videos...the regular camera bot(scanner), striders, ant lion, ant lion guard, sentry turrets, hydra
(ignoring crows and civilians)

From PC GAMER: "The members of City 17's police force, called the Combine Soldiers, are intentionally uniform, with their outfits and gas masks. Even so, there are different varieties of them, from basic troops to those wearing heavy battlesuits. "

From Gamespy: "Valve has implemented a morphing technology that allows them to take their core set of models and blend them together to create an endless amount of characters. As a result, every NPC you meet will be unique in some way, ", from PC GAMES: "the sequel promises 'everybody in the game will have a unique head and everybody is an individual'."

From Gamespot: "And we saw a lumbering, heavily armored alien trooper, similar to the hulking, flamethrower-wielding alien from Half-Life"

I'm blanking on this one...flamethrowing alien in HL? Maybe he means the Alien_Grunt? I think the reviewr was actually looking at a heavily armored Combine soldier.

From Gamespot: "A more startling example of scripting and AI once again had Freeman fleeing from something, this time one of the new, heavily armored alien soldiers. Freeman ducked into a doorway and slammed the door shut, hiding in the corner, hoping the alien would just pass him by. No such luck. First a huge, armored fist came crashing through the glass window of the door. Then a cameralike probe entered the opening and started scanning the area. It found us. Freeman, that is. The sequence ended as the steel door began to cave in under the tremendous pressure of the alien striking it with its fists. Again, Valve explained that the entire sequence occurred only because the player unsuccessfully tried to hide. "
Originally posted by RoyalEF
From Gamespot: "And we saw a lumbering, heavily armored alien trooper, similar to the hulking, flamethrower-wielding alien from Half-Life"

I'm blanking on this one...flamethrowing alien in HL? Maybe he means the Alien_Grunt? I think the reviewr was actually looking at a heavily armored Combine soldier.

No, the Gargantua (Garg), like I said before. Remember the Garg? The big blue guy with the two arm-mounted flamethrowers who attacked you at the train station of "Power Up" and later in the parking garage of "Surface Tension"?
Originally posted by Sir Swallows
No, the Gargantua (Garg), like I said before. Remember the Garg? The big blue guy with the two arm-mounted flamethrowers who attacked you at the train station of "Power Up" and later in the parking garage of "Surface Tension"?
And even later on Xen. Can't remember the level name, though.

Right! Although from the multiple articles, the model they are describing is when you are hiding from Combine troops in City 17. So this may not be an alien creature but a heavily-armored soldier. Another mentions a large assasin robot--so that could be this as well.

With more than 50 "enemies", the ones we know only make up about 18-22 models, excluding the important NPCs. WHich means there are quite a few monsters left to surprise us with when the game comes out.
Originally posted by Vertigo
And even later on Xen. Can't remember the level name, though.


Originally posted by RoyalEF
Right! Although from the multiple articles, the model they are describing is when you are hiding from Combine troops in City 17. So this may not be an alien creature but a heavily-armored soldier. Another mentions a large assasin robot--so that could be this as well.

We'll have to see, but keep in mind that the origin of many enemies is still not confirmed. There are still debates about the Combine, for instance.

I am *hoping* the Garg will make his return, though, and that he is the thing they are referring to. Maybe they just made an identification mistake.
The Prowler, Ive only seen 1 image of it and it was concept art. What is this 'monstrosity' as it was referd to in the magazine going to be like do you think?
Originally posted by Dux
The Prowler, Ive only seen 1 image of it and it was concept art. What is this 'monstrosity' as it was referd to in the magazine going to be like do you think?

Yeah I saw the same image in my mag. I think it will be some nasty wall-crawling, fast-moving, Silent killing creature. But that is probably just my own imagination.