*SPOILERS*PC gamer Ep2 preview*SPOILERS*


Companion Cube
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Warning: Huge spoilers follow.

Here's quoted from Steam forums:
Part 1
ok here is a review of half life 2 episode 2 from pc gamer

The story continues:
The latest chapter in the half life saga begins with a video recap of the events of episode one: after attacking the combine citadel and destroying its core gordon freeman and platonic sidekick alyx vance are tossed into the wilderness surrounding city 17 alyx is left literally hanging from a cliff which is where you enter episodes two's story . Pulling yourself out of a crashed train car , you find that alyx is safe ,and together you watch the ruins of the citadel collapse in the distance .A giant combine supervortex hovers where the citadel once towered amd the race begins to reach the remaining resistence survivors at a base called white forest ,and to warn eli vance (alyx's father) of the impending danger. Within the first 15 minutes of the game things get dicey you're ambushed by a hunter creature a new enemy thats a miniature of half life 2's giant strider (though at 8 feet tall its not exactly small) The mechanical beast is as mobile as it is deadly ,ducking sprinting around obstacles while it shoots exploding darts . During the brief but violent encounter ,alyx sustains life threatening injuries
,and with the help of a vortigaunt (the alien slave race freed by Gordan earlier in the half life mythos) you're sent to an ant lion hive to retrieve lava energy that will save her life. Nearly the first third of the game takes place in the cavernous pit of an antlion hive. You fight dozens of ant lions including a new acid spitting variation that proves more difficult to kill than its spiky counterpart. the caves are dark dirty and claustrophobic -a far cry from the metallic interior of the citadel in episode one. Its here that you'll face the game's first big (but not nearly the biggest) action set piece ,the music ramps up appropriately .building tension as you fight a huge rush of antlions with vortigaunts at your side .with overgrown insect limbs flying and alien electrical bolts firing ,the intense battle sets the stage for the freneitic firefight that come later.

Moar of this part 2:

Half life 2 has always been known for its innovative puzzles ,and my gray matter was put to the test with episode two's new in game obstacles some puzzles felt very familiar -wielding the gravity gun to connect cables to power generators and add weights to slow an elevator lift uses your surroundings in ways we've seen before. valve shows off its complex physics engine at every opportunity ,and objects based physics puzzles play a considerably larger role in episode two: one particularly cool puzzle requires you knock cars off a tipping bridge in order th shift its balance like a giant see-saw. besides alyx and the vortigaunts ,other familiar figures return in episode two. the G-Man is as creepy and cryptic as ever ,hinting about his role in alyx's survival - you get a clue that she's an important investment for him ,one he plans to capitalize on in the future (another chilling revelation: gordon isnt the only one aware of G-Man's presence) Alyx's aibo on steroids ,Dog, also makes an appearance ,and trust me his involvement is crucial to your continued well being
NPC's again demonstrate the half life 2 games greatest asset: the convincing relationships between you and the characters .alyx has always been a caring companion and sidekick serving as much more than a hint and health dispenser. superb voice acting and facial animations flesh out her character even more here further developing her as a real and distinct personality. The biggest emotional connection shown in the game ,though is the one between alyx and her father ,whose scenes together really convey their love for one another peripheral characters also share a great dynamic especially in the case of pompous dr magnussun and the eccentric dr kleiner

Part 3:
Realistic creature animations also make combat very compelling . in fact the weakest enemies are the combine soldiers ,who are more like drones than intimidating stormtroopers . The feral ant lions behave like ferocious creatures and the hunters trample and climb with truly frightening agility. One big set piece had me trapped in a house fighting three hunters ,and as they tore up the place i felt a real sense of danger and urgency to stay alive. Its a good thing the game's maps are filled with plenty of health packs.
The climatic woodland battle against dozens of hunters and Striders is among the best shooter battles in recent memory. While many of the game's prior shootouts are set in closed spaces , this final fight makes great use of the forest expanse . i felt a huge rush when firing at striders as they wrecked cabins and sawmills while hunters guarded them. At the end of the battle i even unlocked a steam achievement (similar but unrealted to Games for windows live achievements) by warding them off
Im pleased that two's six hours of gameplay are tightly packed with action and never boring. My only complaints are that it starts off a little slowly (to accommodate new players) and ultimately left me with more questions than answers. The final revelation sets the stage for episode three ,which looks itl be fought in all new setting completely different from those we've seen before in the half life universe. Nonetheless episode two's ending delivers a dramatic gut punch , as all of the games fantastic emotional buildup comes to a devastating climax. It definitely moved me and im getting choked up just thinking about it now. Episode two is an extremely well crafted adventure that retains half life 2's excellent gameplay formula. Valve raises the stakes with an incredibly affecting story. and the payoff is glorious
Link to thread.

EDITORIAL: Credit to a member of the Steam forums.

moar added.
Wow so that's why we go into the antlion caves and there seems to be some information regarding the G-man in there.
Should i read or should i not...
Lava energy? Or larva energy? And how does Alyx get hurt, if we see in that gameplay video she's completely unharmed after the Hunter fight?
Something seems odd.

And cliche too.
Well maybe after that battle with the hunters one more comes out and ambushes Alyx.
I'm looking forward to fighting the Antlions. As cool as harnessing an unlimited amount was in HL2, they were too cool of an enemy to barely fight at all.

That said, I just remembered you fight Antlions in Ep. 1, but I haven't done that yet so whatever.
Awesome Preview maybe we did see the
in those pictures a month or 2 back.
All the talk of an awesome story is great news. Not that it'd be any different with Valve, but it's good to hear it all the same.
I think that the G-man is part of Aperture Science and went to Black Mesa to sort of sabotage their work until he sow Gordon and took the opportunity to use him as a tool for Aperture's own needs.
Mah thoughts:

After seeing last years video of the GC 2006 Episode 2 trailer with Gman and Alyx in stasis, I've had this small hunch that Gman might use Alyx like a mercenary which is kinda similar to Freeman. I'd be gay if Gman permantly puts her stasis not allowing her to have freedom, though.
So it was all about the fight between Red and Blue, right?
Oh! Just saw the bit about episode Three, now! Pity about the Advisors, is all I'm gonna say (Even though there's a spoiler warning in the thread title).
Well they said not directly so maybe it could be a puzzle like the stalker one in ep1.
Where the advisor is blocking a door and you need to do something with the gravity gun to damage it.
Like seen in the advisor video so then it escapes using it's mind powers.
Yeah. The stalkers are more like obstacles then actual enemies. You never stick a bullet in them, for instance. Are they even going to be in Episode 2?
Gah! The only spoilers I genuinely can't stand are puzzle spoilers. I had the blue barrel puzzle from Water Hazard spoiled for me and it always added a slightly hollow feeling to that part of the game.

I thought I'd be safe looking at that link, but it spoils a big one.
Lava energy? Or larva energy? And how does Alyx get hurt, if we see in that gameplay video she's completely unharmed after the Hunter fight?
Something seems odd.

And cliche too.

I thought the same.

Seems like that larva juice must be pretty powerful to allow her to recover and be ready to fight that quickly.
Great. Larva juice. And here I thought we just had to go through the caves to get to the other side. I would find it less lame if I didn't mentally associate it with the guy who posted something about saving Alyx from the "poison antlion bite".

It'd be really lame if Gman was just some guy from Black Mesa's omnipotent competitor.
Oh! Just saw the bit about episode Three, now! Pity about the Advisors, is all I'm gonna say (Even though there's a spoiler warning in the thread title).

I'm hoping they work the same way as the Stalkers. Pumping them full of bullets would be abit lame/old school. It's nice to have some ingenuity.

I think the ah, Larvae thing works in the sense that you're going in there with a Vort(s), who have already shown they know the ins and outs of the Antlions. I like the idea of having an actual goal to do inside the Caves, rather than just wandering through...it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
nice huge spoiler about Ep3 there, lovely, went nice with the ep2 info
Sounds good but:

It sounds like we're not going to find out that much about the Gman again but at least he makes an appearance.

Regardless I can't wait and it confirms the Steam community achievements too :D
Damn, is it worth getting this spoiled one month before the release? I mean, this seems like the most serious spoilers yet
Damn, is it worth getting this spoiled one month before the release? I mean, this seems like the most serious spoilers yet

No, it's not. Be strong I know you can do it. Yes it's very serious spoilers. VERY serious.
I wonder what dog is going to be doing in ep2 other than the race to white forest and the strider fight. It does say that he has a big role this time. Also, Barney is still not seen or heard of in any of the ep2 media I don't know what to think, I just hope he doesn't die.
So does that mean that he's going to have a role in ep3?
Barney = no role.

I hope not. If Barney dies, I will be angry. :angry:

What is DOG doing? His role is supposed to be quite big compared to his minor role in Half-Life 2 and Episode One
Barney better not be on the Borealis.
course he doesnt none of us do...

I still hope not...
I think for once in my life I will resist the spoilers and play this game without knowing anything (or nothing more than I already know!) Watch me die now before oct 10th. Owned.
I'm sure he's fine. He wasn't mentioned in any Episode One reviews was he? And he came through okay.
Seems like episode 2 is the better of the two out so far. Or almost out. Whatever. Anyways, it seems like theses forums make the game REALLY worth playing and I am getting excited not just reading the spoilers but knowing there are spoilers.

Too bad they don't realease as much information about Portal as they should...... :( m sad about Portal.....